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Posts posted by gumpking1

  1. BTW, would u guy be happy if this is actually what we get for the arena? or you think we can do better for 480 millions?


    Maybe when we get this arena, Beyonce wont fall down next time.

    Just a quick question.Does anyone know how tall the arena will be and will it be built part of it undergroud like most arenas.Sorry 2 questions.

  2. Hotelier plots anti-venue political strategy

    David Damron and Mark Schlueb {sodEmoji.|} Sentinel Staff Writers

    July 18, 2007


    I think all of you all think the way i do.First off Mr Rosen doesent give a damn about us[people who would use and enjoy al lthree of these venues.And second as i have said before how much money has Rosen spent out of his pockets for construction of the convention center.How much money has he made off of all the people going to the conventions millions? It just makes me sick how a business man like him can throw his wait around and everyone listens to him.I think he is very selfish and want everything his way.He dont care about the people that lives here thats for sure!

  3. I wouldn't say "never" but we won't have a basketball team to play in a new arena, and we might be looking at a lower rung bowl game(s), and Live Nation might leave some shows out of Orlando off the broadway tour.

    I thought that for awhile. 19th best TV market, control of Tampa's TV market 12th, some of Jacksonville's. I believe that is the big reason the Magic have remained here while most professional franchises would have uprooted by now.

    I really believe that if this vote doesn't go through the Magic will start looking elsewhere.

    So do i>we will go back to being the town that Mickey built.Just think and old arena that only the preds will use.

  4. So far it's mainly been spent on the convention center, and the expansion of the covention center, and the expansion of the expansion of the convention center ... and a little bit to advertise tourism and the convention center.

    Wonder how much money they gave Dougie to stay quiet on the CC expansion.This whole thing makes me sick.He's a convicted felon for goodness sakes!

  5. Their too busy counting safe working hours, which by the way is a crock of you know what. They are a CM company, they have no field workers. On top of that they work 24 hour shifts so people are always on the clock.

    Obviously that sign has been bothering me :P

    Onative your were righton with ur assessment of Turner.B&G is like the Mercedes and Turner is the Kia what a difference in construction companies.B&G is first class and gets it done!

  6. A lot of it goes towards the debt on the convention center. Well, virtually all of it.

    OPAC's design is trickier then the others from my understanding. It is going to take them more than a yr for the drawings. And it probably (more then likely) has to do with the financing. The debt is supported by the CRA and funds may not be readily available until then

    Thats correct.Now as far as the convention center goes wonder how much of his own money Harris Rosen spent on the convention center.Wonder how much money his hotels have made since th cc was expanded.Then he has the gall to complain that the magic not giving enough money toward the new arena.As for me i would enjoy and use the arena alot more for myself and family.This guy is something else!

  7. Does anyone actually know what these purported 'differences' are? I mean, it's not like anyone has attempted a 600' project on the other side of I-4 and had it approved by the FAA...

    Yes i would like to know what is the height allowed on the west side of i-4 anyone know?

  8. Hotelier calls for de-annexation of I-Drive

    Harris Rosen to draw up a petition to let Orange County oversee crime patrols.

    Orlando Business Journal - April 20, 2007by Bob MervineStaff Writer



    Rosen is at it again!

    Rosen should hire his own police force he has enough money iam tired of him and his antics

  9. Good to hear they have set a groundbreaking. This will totally change the skyline and image of Louisville. I hope its gains the city a lot of positive feedback, which I think it will just for the sheer uniqueness of the structure/project.
  10. It looks like PAC & the arena is a "must go" & almost there situation while Citrus bowl just drag along. For now, it is just the political aspect that slow down the process.

    As for the tax money that was allocated for advertising CFL, why not ask Rosen to cough out some money to do the CFL promotion for his own hotel empire and use less tax dollars instead of asking the Magic to donate more money for the arena. No politicians has the gut to stand up against the hotel business.

    More tax money for advertising = more money for hotel business = more low paying jobs = hotel business flourish. What do local people get out of this?

    Right on this is what ive been saying all along.Go Magic screw Rosen

  11. Doug Guetzloe has officially been arrested and indicted on charges stemming from testimony he provided in the Expressway Authority scandal

    This is a joyous event all Orlando residents can celebrate!

    The man has been a thorn in the side of every civic leader who ahs tried to get anything done for the past decade

    He prevented Mobility 20/20 (which I thought was a good idea) from advancing I-4 into a mega road through downtown that would relieve much of the traffic on the interstate and the 408 in the long term

    He could very well have fought the OPAC/Arena/Citrus Bowl intiiative had he not been weakened this past fall

    Serves him right

    Guetzloe has been the eptiome of all that is corrupt and arrogant for the region for far too long

    The reign of terror is coming to an end

    This is great news he is a pain in the butt.Hope he gets sent up for a long time

  12. Orange: Let's wait to vote on venues

    David Damron

    Sentinel Staff Writer

    March 24, 2007

    Florida lawmakers' drive to overhaul property taxes could further delay a vote to approve Orlando's $1 billion downtown sports and arts venues deal.

    Orange County Mayor Rich Crotty's top manager on Friday told commissioners it would be prudent to delay an anticipated April vote to approve a new arena, performing-arts center and Citrus Bowl renovations.

    "Given the tax-reform uncertainty and the potentially unfavorable outcomes on the property taxes," County Administrator Ajit Lalchandani wrote in a memo, "prudence requires us to avoid prematurely finalizing a community venues funding plan until the legislative session ends in early May."

    A vote by Orange County and Orlando commissioners now appears likely in mid-May at the earliest.


    Like i have said before.They are going to keep screwing around with this and the magic will pull out leaving us with nothing.I dont know why they cant just go ahead and get this done.Did anyone see in the paper where Harris Rosen wney kayaking hope the thing sinks with him in it!!

  13. that blue glass looks awesome. I can't wait to see this baby lit up at night

    thanks for all the updates tim!

    Thanks Tim.Keep those photos coming.I wonder if we could get someone to take some pics from I-4 heading westbound from maybe Lake Ivanhoe or Fl Hospital.

  14. there has already been a ton of donations and investments into the OPAC

    seems to me we just need to get our panties out of a knot and build these things

    to make money you have to spend money

    and these things will indeed bring in money to the orlando area

    lord knows if the arena gets built in its planned location, I will without a doubt spend time in the city before or after the games.

    seriously, build these damn things already

    So will I.Bring em on do em now and do em right build the damned things now

  15. The media always build things up and then they will try to tear it down. Look at the growth in Downtown Orlando. It is amazing the changes in the last 10 years. Ten years from now people will doing the would of, could of should of. People will be saying I can remember when I could of bought in that building for x amount.

    Would someone explain this to me.Right now there are currently 15oo people moving to cental fla per week.Now i know that not all these people are moving to orlando.What i dont understand is that in 2 to 3 years downtown should add alot of these 1500 people to this area why arent investors willing to risk some money and build for the future.In other words start a project now[as labor materials etc]are lower now thatn in 2 to 3 years rather thatn waiting to build when theres more of demand.I amd not an expert but it makes sense all these people moving here will need housing.The thing is how many people are moving out of cent fla per week?

  16. Plans for towers take a tumble

    Downtown Orlando condo bust: 41 projects -- but 15 built or now rising

    Jack Snyder {sodEmoji.|} Sentinel Staff Writer

    Posted February 25, 2007


    I think the real story is that our skyline has doubled in a short period.

    Among the projects that haven't yet broken ground -- if we could just get one more, I hope it's Tradition Towers.

    Right on brother!Tis in my opinon would greatly fill in and make Orlando looks very urban.Hope they do start this soon we need it.Also i think when the pac and arena starts construction it will bring another wave of development.I have wondered recently why someone hasnt built another skyscraper for commercial uses only for some big corporation.

  17. that is some fine photography, Tim.

    really captures the essence.

    Thanks for the pics.In my opinon they didnt do this project justice.Needs to be more lit up on top like a crown or something

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