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Everything posted by RJWGMU

  1. I think Zinc closed because it was expensive for relatively little food, something most people aren't willing to pay for in the area. People are still getting used to monster portions at higher end prices at the nicer restaurants in Pembroke, so a place like Zinc might have done well just a few years down the road...
  2. why do none of the restaurants in that specific location seem to last?
  3. If that is true, then it is a large jump from where they are now... http://www.burtonsgrill.com/locations.html
  4. I guess any location in TC should be good but man that seems like a bad location... I figured they would have wanted to be in the bottom of the Cosmo or Westin, but I guess 56 is residential as well... But the other two are where most of the people will be...
  5. I went to an all crepe place when I was in Canada in Quebec. It was REALLY good! Where will this be opening?
  6. my aunt told me about that. it's about time! and I guess that rules out a Pembroke opening, at least for now...
  7. I couldn't take it any more!! I HAD to create an account and reply to these idiots!
  8. That does look great, however will it get scaled back because of the housing market?
  9. I doubt Westin would allow for direct competition like that, so likely "W" ... They probably had this planned for while.
  10. GREAT article! Wow, so much in there... Does anyone have pictures of Two Columbus Center? Which hotel brand just launched a boutique model? Westin? Hyatt? Marriot? Any idea who the second corporate or regional HQ tenant would be in the new office tower? The Gelato shop sounds great!! On an unrelated note, I will no longer be calling Virginia Beach home. I will be moving to Fairfax permanently this coming Wednesday. Hopefully you all can be sure to take lots of pictures for me!!
  11. The problem is that Military Circle is in a vicious circle... It needs new, better tenants. It won't get them until it improves. It can't improve until it gets money from the new tenants. The mall should just be torn down to the ground and rebuilt completely; maybe something mixed use to try and turn that area around.
  12. Amen to that! It is amazing to me how much different the skyline looks with those two towers in the picture. Not only did they do a great job of rendering the image, but it just fills up so nicely! If only they will build a mid-high rise on the block between Cosmo and Westin and build something tall-ish behind the Sandler Center! Something else... I have never noticed how much AH dwarfs One Columbus until now It's crazy! Lastly, Taco Bell needs to GO!!!!! Get a twin of Gateway Bank Tower or something on that lot!
  13. Seeing as it is being built within a neighborhood, we can likely expect that it will not be a simple concrete bridge. It will likely have nice railings and maybe stone work. Just my guess...
  14. Well, maybe that movie theater on the site plans is no longer Sundance but Regal moving to make room for some development on that land! We can only hope!
  15. The people running NSU are either insanely stupid or incredibly smart... Stupid for waiting so long to bring stuff up. Smart, because I wonder if this was the plan all along!
  16. It is zone for offices but is right across the street from what I would classify light industrial? Weird... What kind of highrise tenants would want to be there???? I wish they would not build there but go to Pembroke...
  17. If you go to the article a few posts up, it has been updated to include three renderings (it excludes the AH one)
  18. Here is the overall problem I am seeing... 1) Doubletree is just that, Doubletree... The city will likely no pick them for good reason (not enough brand name). 2) AH's design is not released, but they do not have a hotel brand picked yet and the city I think would want to know who they would work with before picking them. 3) Garrison is in the same position as AH without a hotel name... Both AH and Garrison would likely have to change their hotel design, as the high end brand names design their hotels carefully. 4) The Hyatt deal is likely the winner because it is high end (ehh, debatable) and has a good design. I am weary however of "building in phases" because that usually means build one like planned then scale back the other...
  19. Article about the Dome site at the Oceanfront. Texas Company Favored to Redevelop Beach's Dome Site
  20. As someone who went into a Circuit City yesterday solely for the purpose of buying a wireless printer which Best Buy only had available online, I must say I was very dissatisfied. Not only was the printer NOT EVEN ON DISPLAY but I had to walk to another department to find someone to help me who was joking with his supervisor the whole time (who wasn't even working) instead of paying attention to me, the customer. I only bought it there because I couldn't get it at Best Buy and reaffirms why I don't shop there.
  21. I always wondered WHY Chesapeake as a much smaller city had two Best Buy's and Virginia Beach had just one...
  22. Here is the article you mentioned. http://hamptonroads.com/2008/02/will-x-mar...eachs-dome-site
  23. so in the video it mentions "being selected" .... does that mean that is what will be built there?
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