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Everything posted by abttown

  1. Ahh, this makes me feel much better. I was thinking that portion of the deck was being left exposed for all to see (including the future tenants in the corner apartments). Thanks!
  2. This is baffling to me. So the portion of the parking structure that is exposed to the freeway doesn't get any treatment while the non-visible alleyway behind the hotels gets a massive art installation? The hotels were always planned for that corner, no?
  3. Born and raised in western NC and can tell you summer is my least favorite season. The heat and humidity can make any outdoor activity intolerable (in my opinion). The humidity has been especially high lately because of tropical activity, but it doesn't get much better until autumn. This is cold beer weather!
  4. Drove by the Calvary Church off of Rea Road for the first time in a while and instantly thought of this project. The color scheme is eerily similar
  5. I'm a fan. This somewhat reminds me of what I thought Tryon Place would look like, so hopefully the finished product doesn't disappoint us. The glass insets and especially the color are what I'm digging the most. Looks like a building you would see in Philadelphia for some reason.
  6. I walked inside of this building last week for an inspection and noticed the huge, original wooden beams above the dropped ceiling tiles. I should have taken a picture, but was in a rush.
  7. Is the sidewalk open along 3rd Street now? From the construction cam, it looks as though the fencing as been moved/opened up so people can walk there.
  8. Will there be any light features on the building? Something akin to 300 South Tryon would help this somewhat bland structure out quite a bit (at least at night).
  9. That looks an awful lot like the Embassy Suites, which has me feeling queasy.
  10. ^Here's a capture from the Oxblue cam this morning. I forgot there were lights on the face of the hotel until you mentioned it. Trippy!
  11. Somewhat off topic, but does anyone have an idea of when the NC welcome sign will be replaced on 77-N at the state line? The sign was plowed down several months ago but I didn't think it would take this long to replace.
  12. Yeah, I ate at Seoul on Sunday and they now offer you a $1 discount if you check in to Seoul on Facebook. The waiter stood over me and watched as I pulled my phone out and checked in . The place was more than half empty, however we had a late lunch (~2:00). I will say, I think their food is quite good and will continue to eat there, but that certainly came off as a little desperate.
  13. Took this on Monday from the roof of Presbyterian Hospital. If you squint, you can see some of the wildfire smoke just on the horizon.
  14. ^Ahh! I keep forgetting the curvature is occurring on the other side of the building as well. That graphic is very helpful, thanks!
  15. The office tower "sail" is definitely starting to take shape now. The tower crane is getting one more height boost, right?
  16. There has been quite a bit of renovation work on the interior of 400 S Tryon recently, but I'm not sure if that will bleed out to the exterior. At the very least, they could do something cool with the lighting and make it a pretty interesting building at night. Those awful gold windows need to be replaced too! As for 300 S Tryon, I really wish this building was about 100 feet taller. I dig the design and would love for it to have a larger presence. The Kimpton looks great!
  17. Ha! Had I strolled down 3rd Street I may have seen the prep work myself.
  18. Walking along MLK today, the curved beam on the SW corner of the office tower is becoming much more pronounced. Speaking of the tower, the core looks to be right at the base of the crane arm now. I'd wager the office crane is getting raised fairly soon?
  19. If there is a positive here, maybe this gets the attention of the younger generations in the state to actually cast a vote. May this be McCrory's death knell, along with all the other blockheads in Raleigh.
  20. Oh yes, the creator of that website is no doubt an interesting fellow. I spent a little too much of my lunch break perusing that site
  21. Haha! Sorry, my post is in reference to grodney's post above concerning the historic site sign.
  22. ^ If you go to the Cameron Yards website linked to in the article, there is a reference to a "tear in the space/time continuum" on the 2013 Upcoming Events for July 7. Honestly, just checking out that website, especially reading the history tab, is quite entertaining. They have a map at the bottom of the page which takes you to the Cameron Wood Swim & Racquet Club. Maybe the "tear" is located there? This picture was found on their website and the historic site signage looks to be the same.
  23. ^ And it was glorious! Those low dewpoints make for very refreshing nights and mornings. Unfortunately, it's a fleeting moment as this weekend looks to be quite a scorcher.
  24. ^ I drive by Three Spirits everyday on the way home (around 6pm) and have noticed their parking lot is mostly full on Thursday's and Friday's. I haven't been inside yet, but it seems to do well in the evening at least.
  25. Today is primary day! Don't forget to vote. This link takes you to the NC voter search where you can look up your sample ballot and voting location. I believe you can only vote in your specified voting location today.
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