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Everything posted by DanRNC

  1. Flailing. They are only 20 years behind. That combined with the non-existent transportation plan may be the end of RTP's run. Most R&D has left with only lower wage manufacturing being left behind.
  2. Nothing but nonsense news as it was a slow day in the Triangle. Rick Smith, that hack at the Local Tech Wire, has no credibility and is usually the one drumming this sh-t up.
  3. I will bet my life savings that this will NOT be Apple!
  4. The more I hear about this project, the more bizarre it appears. Only Raleigh could pull something this boneheaded off.
  5. Capital Realty Group appear to be modern day slum lords specializing in government-subsidized housing - far from a win for Raleigh.
  6. That sounds like a disaster! Wasn't the ballroom the standout feature of this building?
  7. Not surprising. I guess the hype over a mediocre hamburger lasted one millisecond. On a more global take, I just don't see downtown Raleigh supporting national brands that rely on high volume, so good luck Urban Outfitters etc.
  8. Don't miss the "spend my entire day in my car" lifestyle of the Triangle.
  9. I will be in Charlotte in less than 48 hours.
  10. Amazing that the parking structures are as big as the actual buildings are in Raleigh and Charlotte. It's hard for me to believe that land is really at a premium.
  11. Another schlock hotel developer based on their portfolio.
  12. Good point. After looking at how low the daily ridership numbers are on the Charlotte system, based on population, the ridership in CH/Durham would be non-existent.
  13. $250 million? - this has got to be a typo or delusion.
  14. Well I don't think you have any reason to worry as both the CH-Durham and Raleigh plans will most likely never materialize. Maybe some more sh-tty bus service that nobody will use, but that's about it.
  15. Most Chapel Hill citizens don't work in Chapel Hill but commute to Durham/RTP everyday. 15-501 is a gong show and I-40 during rush hour is untravelable.
  16. Oh I didn't mean to downplay the total incompetence/lethargy of the Raleigh-Durham area business/civic leadership. The whole self-defeatist mentality in the region is baffling to me.
  17. Another thud. Thank your NC bubbas. Bottom line is that NC might as well be SC now - if you love Jesus and sweet iced tea c'mon on down y'all. The problem is no one is buying.
  18. While Raleigh-Durham has been/will always be a major innovation/tech center, Boston, the Bay area, the DC area, and even NYC, which is rapidly rising, will continue to pull away from everyone else. Every burg in the US is touting itself as a tech hub but the brain power will continue to be primarly centered in those areas.
  19. That's great! Hopefully the artist worked in bathroom bans and voter suppression themes as well.
  20. The problem is that leadership in the Triangle has been dogsh-t for the last 20 years including the Universities. No vision at all. Still a powerhouse in the tech world despite its bs leadership. Just met with the main California biotech advocacy group and they said RTP/Raleigh-Durham is one of their main competitors.
  21. Not for long (well at least 2020).
  22. ctrl + alt + del was, in fact, not invented in NC but Florida.
  23. Then basically I don't understand why they are even developing this area. I really hope NC comes out on the better end of this.
  24. As someone who lived in Vancouver, Durham-CH could learn some lessons from the city. F-ck up from the beginning and you are doomed, and you better integrate bus service/tram into the plan. NYC has done a pathetic job of this and the stress on the system is unbelievable. Don't boiler plate it as most of the systems in the US do. https://humantransit.org/2018/04/why-does-ridership-rise-or-fall-lessons-from-canada.html https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/transportation/seattle-struggles-with-growth-and-transit-while-vancouver-b-c-figured-it-out-years-ago/
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