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Digital Dust

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Everything posted by Digital Dust

  1. Then right under that graphic they rate Nashville as 49th best city to live without a car... I guess that wasn't taken into consideration. Maybe I can use their methodology to get a promotion at work
  2. Oh snap. To me this is interesting, For those who don't know Charles Carroll created a company called MorphoTrust, which was bought out by a private equity firm(short story version), which changed the name to IDEMIA. The firm really didn't like working with Carroll from a personally standpoint (Carrol was a Chicago beat cop). So they outed him over a year ago or so. So his new company is putting the crosshairs on his old company since PreCheck is a huge revenue driver for them. All I can say is lol Random side fact, First Watch is also majority owned by that equity firm; Advent International.
  3. They could always go down the Evermore Park path (https://www.evermore.com). Which it sounds like they might to some degree. So a mix of a renaissance festival and disney world plus DnD. I'm a giant nerd so it sounds cool to me. Just all in the execution. Just think of all the people watching y'all.
  4. I did some digging. I found this from the Block the Track site. - https://www.blockthetrack.org/attend-a-meeting The Enclave site had a bit more info on what is to be expected. https://themotorenclave.com/locations/nashville/#introduction No mention of a track, so the coolness is really down a lot of factors... Kind of disappointing to me, but I'm not a major car enthusiast. So what do I know?
  5. So I'm assuming that the Motor Enclave near 840 is dead with this news? Or is this a separate thing?
  6. You may be making assumptions that may or may not be true. The whole store is designed around ensuring that you have a pump when you get there, and after the last few weeks I get it now(thanks ransomware). Same thing with the bathrooms(not ransomware related). Now the first few weeks of it being opened you might have a problem getting a pump. So this place might be perfect for that 4 minute break :p As someone who doesn't like long drives, these places are great and I can get up and move around. Also, when are we getting a Sheetz? I miss that store a lot...
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