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nashville born

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Status Updates posted by nashville born

  1. Thank you for sharing that Ritz Theater photo.  I always have conflicted feelings when I see way back in the day photos of Nashville because I can't help but think of what those times were like for my predecessors.  This one gave me such joy.  I saw the photo and was like, hey that's a black face.  And that one too.  Wait....then I saw who posted it and was ahh, okay.  Shout out to your grandparents for having it.

    1. PillowTalk4


      You're welcome.  I'm in Nashville  for few weeks preparing to place my mom's home on the market.  We had to move her to Atlanta to live with my brother and his family there.  So, I've been packing up boat loads of phot albums.  That's when I ran across that one and several other.  My grandfather was an Elk and you may notice several Elks in that picture.  They were sponsoring an event at the Ritz for youth.  I also ran across several parade photo's that the Elks use to have along either Jefferson or Charlotte Pike.  It is a trip down a road that brings about opposing feelings.  On one hand I am reminded of the time period in which they had to endure with the Jim Crow laws impacting their daily lives.  On the other hand it is joyful to see that they managed to create joy and pride within their communities.   The photo's of my grandparents at formal events, dinner parties, etc. shows that despite the hard aches they had to endure at the time, they found ways to enjoy and celebrate life nonetheless.

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