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Everything posted by Baronakim

  1. This old home on Andrew Place on Rutlage Hill got bulldozed last week, a sad remnant of the old neighborhood. It has been vacant for awhile and was in poor condition. Anyone have any ideas of what may be built on the site? Hopefully it will maybe something like the Muse over on Lindsey. That area is too valuable to waste land like the podunk apartment complex across the street from the razed building.
  2. Time that I throw my two cents into the swear jar. The fairgrounds track is just too small IMO. Auto racing didn't save Sulphur Dell either over 50 years ago. Even the propasal to enlarge to 30,000 isn't enough oompf to make it a great venue. If I had my druthers, I would tear out the asphalt and return the track to horse racing. Then maybe we could get Oak Lawn syyle events and build a great casino next to it. Far more appealing, and much quieter. Works over in Arkansas. Nice dream, but too many obstacles.
  3. Well...finally! this was one of the last projects I worked on 4 years ago at ESA. Glad to see they finally got the financing and are building it.
  4. I fail to see your mathematics. 20 to 1 where?
  5. This is how I remember the site for the new stadium. The old Genesco building is in the upper left; its replacement building is now being demolished at the airport. The lower rightwould become stadium parking lots and the Comfort Inn. NO Ellington Parkway yet. Photo: Metro archives.
  6. I live in Maury and I don't think red or blue is a particularly the principal driving cause. Cheaper land and interstate access have I think more of an influence. Folks moving in can get great deals still in the outlying counties like Maury for the cash they got for their homes elsewhere. This is rapidly changing, but without services improving at good rates, you won't see significant growth in the rural counties like Lewis , Hickman, Dickson, etc. IMO for a long time.
  7. I would perfer the tear the ugly existing building down instead of adding a 9 story junk addition. They should have built a much taller and nicer building considering how hot the site location is on Division. Disappointed.
  8. I don't think I would term this exactly a "mechanical penthouse" per se. It would house stairs to the roof and the elevator overruns. Unlike buildings with centralized mechanical systems and huge HVAC units with lots of ductwork, this one will be almost invisible behind the glass screening. Modern elevators no longer have mechanical hoisting mechanisms on top of the overun so this penthouse is rather inignificant an element. So IMO the real height of the building is at the roof i.e. 442'. It is completely dissimilar to what was the mechanical penthouse Bruce Willis crawled through in the Nakatomi Plaza in Die Hard.
  9. I was completely aware that that was no longer applicable in Philly. My comment was about historic examples of legislative restrictions to concepts like "view", not the actuality of the current situation. Lack of such restrictions remaining in practice and enforcement of them just goes to prove my point on why the City Lights buttheads have no case IMO.
  10. I think 'view' in most dense city cores has few guarantees unless you have it lesiglated like Philly and the Ben Franklinn Statute height or the Tennesse Capitol Hill height resrictions from certain vantages. This why the lawsuits from the City Lights folks are so absurd. They were never promised a rose garden per se.
  11. The 456 foot height includes 3 levels that are already more than a normal occupied floor height and the levels in the parking pedestal would be usually less than an apartment floor height. The extra number of "floors" were already designed into the building envelope. They are not adding an inch of additional height to the building from its permitting. All of this juggling of 38, 39,42 Is just internal levels. They actually vary with which side of the building you are looking at due to the ramping of the parking. There never was a top '38' designation as the last occupied floor has been labeled 39 and 39M from the gitgo. Changing the 'story ' height by defining extra 'floors' or elevator stops does not add any additional building height whatsoever.
  12. Yes Smeag. You are correct if you count the 2 half levels and the roof as floors by outside glass. 39 +3 does indeed make 42.. The top band of glass though is not a floor at all. It is a glass fence around the roof. The small upper level of a two story apartment (39M) are mezanines, sometimes called lofts if it is totally open to the main floor (i.e. no bathroomon that level). In this case there will be NO public elevator stop at that level and the apartment will have an internal stair. This was part of the bonus calculations I would expect. By most codes mezzanines do not count as a 'story'. I am not sure how the one partial level on the top of the pedestal counts as it will have an elevator stop most likely but it is in a double height floor. 9 levels showing on Rosa Parks ans 10 off 9th Avenue. N., thoughthis is actually above what is above the first floor double height on Rosa Parks and Church Street; so really there are 12 levels of parking above 9th even if they only look like 11 in the rendering by glass count.. Excluding the open glass roof, this extral parking level then does make 42 levels of elevator stops above Church Steet. Having muli-level apartments and a mid-building aminities level with a pool certianly complicates floor counts by counting from the outside glass. In your counting, yes I agree there are the equivalent of 42 floors above Church Street. At least that is how I count it.
  13. I only count 11 FULL floors on the pedestal. The last parking level is only 1/2 of a floor One tall first floor, 10 (9 1/2) parking levels and the one open floor for the pool level. Section / Box 4 only has 6 (not 8 residential full floor plates) . Then the first box, of 7, the second box of 8 then the third of 7 and the last of 6 (the top level is a two story unit. That gives by my count 39 residential floors which EXACTLY match the architectural sections. The top resident floor is labeled 39 and 39M (for mezzanine). The top level of glass is only a screen above the roof. The current foor plate is number 34, not 36. Therefore there are 5 more full floor plates, the level 39 M mezanine level which includes the 40th full building roof plate. The total number of loors to go then are 5 full floor plates, one mezanine and a roof plate which essentially looks like 6 more floors to go. In essence the extra half parking level (#11) and the top mezanine level (39M) gives us the equal of a 41 story building. This is confusing, but I am pretty sure of what and how much more is to be built. We still have a ways to go.
  14. I agree with hiring legal workers with real documents strongly. My comment on the State legislature relates to their actions to which I strongly disapprove. That is my personal opinion and the recent interference of the State into the number of Nashville's City Council seats, tossing three members for standing up to their beliefs and with the Airport Authority certainly does not look like a Bulwark of Democracy to me from my perspective. I am not going to go into an extended political diatrible with you Rolly or any other member of this forum however, here or even in the Coffehouse. for neither you or I are going to change our personal views and we shouldn't inflict a politial tete te upon others here. My question however remains. Has anyone percieved any recent increases in the available labor pool here to ease our present labor shortages and could there be an inflex of workers from Florida?
  15. Again, recent events have piqued my curiosity. With the recent hoopla by Ron Desantis over illegals and the subsequent vanishing of migrants from Florida construction sites, hotel staff and other services mostly provided by immigrants, how does this affect things in Nashville? Are we getting a surge of much needed labor for our booming construction going on here? I would think that there must be an incresingly larger pool of workers available for work here in Nashville. My only worry is that the proven animousity towards our city of the current Republican State Gestapo in our legislature will come down with the same draconian new laws that are proving disasterous for Florida. Such ill advised actions by the "conservative leaders" of our state could kill Nashville's boom IMO.
  16. I need to amend the roof comment. What would be the "40th floor" is actually the real roof slab with the square stair "penthouse" rising above it. The top band of glass is just a short screen like on the old pinnacle tower roof. So there are SIX more floors and a roof, not seven. My error. ghg
  17. I am rather curious exaxtly WHERE the Midway for this event would be. The small remnant of land is see on Google maps next to Brown's Creek looks pretty rough unless it has been cleaned up after the last satillite photos. This fair must be a great deal smaller than any of the old State Fairs then. Back when I was a kid, the Midway took the whole inside of the racetrack and was accessed through two tunnels under the track. Of course then it was a dirt track for horses. The parking lot off Wedgewood was Fair Park and was filled with permanent rides. The soccer fields and dog park was occupied by the Colosssem which had the big animal functions and there were the exhibition buildings which burned in 1965. Thes took about half of the Geodisis Park Area. The metal sheds did not exist back then. At any rate, my question is, where are they going to shoehorn this event? I haven't been on site there in about a decade now.
  18. Ok, old architect here. With completion of the current pour of the floor in the latest photo, that will complete the third "box" and will be the floor of the last box. That last box has six residential floors and the top one has a mezzanine level that is the tall glass in the rendering. So the top residences will be two story units with a designation of floor 38 and 38M. The top band of glass is mechanical equipment, with a short small bumpup for stair access to the roof . There will be no "decently tall" roof for mechanical; it will be the height of the narrow band of glass over the tall band. So in our forum discussion of a non technical height analysis , we would most likely term the mezzanine level an extra high "39th level" (even though it is really the upper half of the floor 38 residences) and the mechanical level a 40th floor. So there are seven more actual floors and a roof to be built as of now, which constitutes the whole last "cube". At least that is what I can discern from the sections.
  19. Geez guy, this makes me fell so old. Anyone else see drive-in movies at the Skyway when they were kids? Right at Ren Allen Road and Dickerson Pike.
  20. Remember several years ago, they plastered the roundabout at Musica with signs and metal barriers too and then removed them. Go figure.
  21. Not fear at all! This is an FAA issue. Get rid of the offending runway at BNA and you can build to the moon if you want. If a city like Boston can do without supertall buildings, IMO Nashville can too. The needles around Central Park in New York are absurd IMO and think about Washington D.C. which has NO tall buildings at all. D.C. seems to survive without them. And look at Paris; how despised is their one office skyscraper and it is not even a supertall. Apparently the one built in the 19th century is good enough for them.
  22. Somehow I was enrolled in one of the nostalgia groups for Nashville (Nashville History and Memories) and my second post seems to have been "automatically" declined. I suppose too much truth pissed them off. Apparently, only feelgood history and memories are allowed. Here is my reply to someone offended to my statement that Nashville was left to rot largely by "privileged folks" who abandoned downtown and fled to the suburbs in the 60, 70s and 80s. "I grew up here in the 50s. I remember the squalor and all the buildings downtown black with the soot from all the coal fired heating of the city. I remember the acres and acres of black homes without plumbing below Capitol Hill. It remains a blight of surface parking lots to this day. By 'privileged", I meant the vast majority of natives who fled to the suburb malls and fast foods and abandoned downtown in mass, not "rich". Folks left in the abandoned inner city were victims, not "privileged" IMO. Y'all had your cars and turned your back on the city for the most part. I saw for instance a beautiful classic bandshell in Edgefield knocked down because the whites didn't want let black use the toilets under it after repair. So it was destroyed instead. NOT because we lost it for the reasons most folks on nostalgia sites moan aboout. It wasn't the black community that let downtown die in the 1970s & 80s. It was the privileged suburbanites who abandoned it for malls in the suburbs. Most of y'all let downtown Nashville to rot And now so many wring their hands about how much they loved it. Sorry, I don't generally buy that piece of pudding. Even 10 years ago, the scars of urban renewal and neglect still was peppered all over downtown that are only now being rebuilt. Some Nashvillians still don't get that Nashville is a greatly respected and loved city taking its place as a major city in America and also the world. The city is prosperous because they like what they see and invest with jobs and new vigor. They certainly don't come here for the old days so beloved by aging nostalgics. Most Nashvillians owe their prosperity to the huge corporate influx of healthcare, banking and entertainment. Without it Nashville would have been as rotting as Detroit IMO. I have lovely memories of so much of Nashville, but you can't worship every brick. I think what is happening in Nashville now is great in repairing the mess of the last 50 years. Have I somehow missed offending anyone or am I off base?
  23. Everywhere but Memphis in our state huh? I find it amazing that after all of my life to talk about Tennessee's four cities, but now there are five or six and the Boro is about to move up to fourth place. Wow.
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