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Everything posted by pathb

  1. Weather could not be much better in the Queen City right now! Views from East of Uptown and UNCC Center City building.
  2. Headline should read: HERO STREETCAR CONSTRUCTION/BRIDGE OUTAGE SAVES DAY! ELIZABETH RESIDENTS APOLOGIZE, REGRET COMPLAINTS AND WHINING OVER PROJECT I look forward to the bridge gap being awarded a key to the City by the Mayor.
  3. Does CoHab have any projects in construction yet? I really like the approach they seem to be taking. They seem to have won over the elected representative in District 1 as well, making the argument that higher density, small but affordable units near transit make sense and are more in keeping with the character of the neighborhoods than the mcmansions that are being built in one to one teardowns across the near-in neighborhoods East and North of Uptown.
  4. In the same thread with discussions on pedestrianizing areas of Uptown, this Tweet has been getting some traction. Definitely an interesting concept. Could also see Tryon being narrowed to two lanes for transit only (maybe frequent, free service from end to end of Uptown like the Gold Rush used to provide along Trade?) and repurposing the remaining space for bike/ped.
  5. One more question... If the initial plan is to run one modern vehicle at a time (presumably with greater capacity than the current replica trolleys?), are the stops being built/adjusted for future ability to run a greater number of vehicles? I was traveling in Dublin recently and was impressed with the capacity and frequency of their streetcars - example streetview: https://www.google.com/maps/@53.3395801,-6.2592013,3a,73.3y,278.5h,92.17t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svFvl75heA1zhAvdd_nc33Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  6. I know that the Gold Line Ph 2 will replace the replica trolley vehicles with the modern Siemens lightrail-style vehicles. Does anyone know how many cars will be run at a time, or CATS' plans for frequency? 1 car vs 2 connected? Similar schedule to Gold Line Phase 1, or more frequent/later service? Thanks to those more knowledgeable than me...
  7. Can we call Option 1 the Google Home option going forward?
  8. LOL. Charlotte mayor pro tem @JulieEiselt votes for e-scooter rules, immediately breaks them. And the person who caught/photographed/tweeted this photo (while driving?!) was Council Member Bokhari https://longleafpolitics.com/eiselt-scooter-photo/
  9. Sometimes it takes something extremely excessive to make you realize a change is needed (e.g., eating a whole box of oreos leads tot he conclusion that it really would be a good time to start eating healthy and back in shape). Maybe this exorbitant parking garage is the equivalent and we'll never build another deck in Uptown?
  10. This is definitely true. I have friends in Elizabeth who are pretty fed up with the neighborhood association. Sounds like it's mostly older/wealthy/retired folks who are active on the ECA, and the young people who live in the neighborhood are too busy with families/work/other things to have time to push back against the entrenched anti-development attitudes in that neighborhood. It's also ironic to see their newsletter/hear complaints about automobile traffic when their demands typically result in more auto-oriented development...
  11. Gamechanger! That plus the electric bikes B-Cycle is preparing to roll out will make bikes+groceries that much easier...
  12. http://www.wfae.org/post/spin-scooters-hit-charlotte-streets-wednesday
  13. From their press release: I don't think they'll be marketing those parcels based on the value of those buildings...
  14. Love the mix of old and new in Uptown Charlotte. HBD, QC!
  15. Skyline view from Midtown Park
  16. Anyone catch Mayor Lyles on Charlotte Talks this AM announcing that the pilot program for bikes/scooters is being terminated early? http://www.wfae.org/post/charlotte-talks-mike-mayor-and-fire-chief-talk-hurricane-florence towards the end of the recording
  17. Slightly off-topic...I saw this ad at the Epicentre recently. I've always felt that a center-city location for an REI would make a killing in Charlotte (they're located in more urban areas in many other cities in the US). Epicentre seems like a prime location for them if there is a space large enough. Anyone know of any rumors of a move to center-city from one of the dwindling suburban malls? Or is this "just" an ad?
  18. Quick panorama of Stonewall development from the Tryon bridge yesterday.
  19. https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/business/biz-columns-blogs/development/article215641795.html Anyone have additional info or opinions on this? Will construction stop until the litigation is resolved? Given the history of the Faison project around the corner, the Neighborhood Association's request of reducing density on the site's frontage seems like it could lead to a financially unsustainable development.
  20. Totally agree - and if/when the UDO gets adopted, the minimum-required parking for First Ward would be zero for most land uses, with some maximum parking rates implemented. The entirety of Levine's First Ward holdings fit within a half mile radius of 7th and 9th St stations, qualifying it for TOD-A. Draft of TOD-A available here.
  21. Little Sugar Creek Greenway - Tyvola to Huntingtowne Farm Park has been completed and facility is open. XCLT - Huntingtown Farms to 485 is under construction.
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