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Everything posted by pathb

  1. Oh man what a huge mistake. Hopefully the City can make changes quickly. I think if they could offer transit passes to residents instead, the optics of that would be *excellent* as a move that is pro-urbanism, pro-environment, and pro-affordable housing. Reducing the need for working class people to buy, maintain, and park expensive vehicles should be a completely compatible goal with affordable housing in Uptown.
  2. I wonder if there's some threshold that makes it worth the city's while to go after a driver. If a motorist destroys a sign, those are pretty cheap and easy to fabricate and replace, maybe not worth the legal effort/expense. For a bike counter, maybe? A traffic signal cabinet that costs >$10,000? I'd be curious to learn more if anyone on this forum has any insight. In this case, a commercial vehicle with a (presumably) professional driver jumped a 4' curb to mow this thing down. Police responded to the scene and can provide a crash report with all details. This looks to me like complete negligence and it seems to me like a no-brainer that the driver's insurance company should have to pay out.
  3. Phase 1/phase 2 tie-in! Hawthorne Lane and 5th St tracks and concrete work.
  4. I would love to see a Costco in this location. I currently bike from Center City ±8 miles each way to Costco (or take my bike on the light rail to Tyvola station when it's not too crowded). I wonder if REI would ever consider this for an urban location. Uptown provides lots of young residents and workers nearby, and the whole Metropolitan area is pretty active and lively on the weekends when they could get a lot of "foot traffic" from the greenway adjacent to this location.
  5. Stations are starting to come together...
  6. KJ is the Hearst lobby open to the public? I'd love to take a Christmas model train tour of Uptown CLT. Thanks!
  7. Wow, that is a big deal. Since the City has been planning an extension of Philemon, does that mean the developer would have to provide the right of way in order to rezone?
  8. First Siemens streetcar vehicle has arrived...
  9. Per the update on this Charlotte project page, looks like construction on The Plaza street conversion is imminent. Some nice bike, ped, and streetscape improvements coming through here.
  10. What do you mean by that? From what I've read they've been very unreliable and have lead to longer headways than planned for Phase 1. Now that the line is shutting down for the rebuild of all stations to match Siemens streetcar vehicle boarding heights, I'm really wishing we had bypassed the short-term replica trolleys altogether.
  11. Charlotte skyline looking good for the official ribbon-cutting of the 6th Street Cycle Track (Phase 1)!
  12. This is exciting: https://www.wfae.org/post/atrium-wake-forest-plan-charlottes-first-four-year-medical-school Anyone have thoughts on potential locations? Doesn't Wake Forest have some space on College St. Uptown currently?
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