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Everything posted by kc8501

  1. They've started excavating the Dream site this week, so things are still moving there!
  2. Clear your cookies in your browser and you'll be good to go for reading the Tennessean.
  3. That. I couldn't for the life of me fathom how they'd handle a flood hitting the building in the design, or afford that kind of insurance. I still like the idea of some kind of river walk etc. and better planned buildings etc for that section of town.
  4. Plans for a Hampton Hotel on the site of the old Dotson's restaurant in Downtown Franklin canceled. http://patch.com/tennessee/franklin/developers-ice-plans-hampton-inn-downtown-franklin
  5. It is mostly courthouse space, but there's a chunk of office space available as well. Fairly sure the Available sign is up because a) my former employer is moving out of their space at the end of October and b) There's several small office spaces available. It is on the historical register, so it's staying put! In fact all the work over the last year has been a spanking new roof.
  6. There's a parking garage somewhat diagonal to the left that faces 3rd. There's also a structure directly behind it just to the right as well. I'm sure both of these will be highly utilized by all 3 of the hotel projects going in right there.
  7. Not the ones I have been to. Parking is usually a garage underneath. However, I said this tongue in cheek, I think this is too pricey of a site for them. I COULD have seen it in the giant hole just a few blocks down though...
  8. It's sorta funny, I was on the bus Friday going past there and wondered just how long it could last with everything else going in. Guess that's the answer!
  9. Hopefully Spring Hill has learned something from their current traffic mess and a big part of this is improving roads around it. Also, I believe a lot of this is going to be dependent on them getting the new interchange with 65 at Buckner Rd. Otherwise, trying to get to anything in the development would be a nightmare.
  10. I can't speak from any level of authority, but a coworker was complaining yesterday that his commute through that area was becoming really bottle necked and that he was not looking forward to it opening because of the additional traffic. Another conversation with my bus driver had him laughing because they call this area "north gulch" now, when it used to just be Jo(e?) Johnson, and that used to be a really bad area of town. So it's already changing things. I also know there's a few more restaurants etc. opening in that area as well.
  11. This is the exact reason I take the RTA bus. It's a little less painful when I can do other things.
  12. Agreed. I'm constantly surprised the state fair is held there, as it's just so... shabby. But it is at least a good start, and the additions of the sports fields will hopefully increase the usage and visibility, which will hopefully lead to more improvements.
  13. Looks like the Fairgrounds won't be turned into a mixed use property, but will be getting a significant face lift soon. http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/davidson /2016/08/09/mayors-office-unveils-15m-plan-upgrade-nashville-fairgrounds/88390574/
  14. When I saw the other options the only two things I thought were, WTF, that's the worst design (except the J thing, that was... uck) and I wonder how much the payoff was to the committee? I truly hope, as earlier mentioned, that the design gets changed (for the better) over time.
  15. The middle crane on the garage structure was taken down on Saturday morning. Haven't been paying as much attention to it as normal so it took a bit to notice, but it looks like the amenities deck is almost ready for concrete and will be done soon!
  16. The part North of Cool Springs is mostly, so who knows what might go in there. Still a few spots that could be built on. Between Cool Springs and McEwan is really just the Franklin Place area, unless Nissan wanted to build more. I think we'd be most likely to see the tall ones in the Franklin Place development and that small sliver south of McEwan. Funny that Ovation isn't included in this new section.
  17. I just hope that whatever they do do with that area isn't like the last photo in the story, a soul-less wall of glass facing the river. It has a lot of character, I hope they keep some of it.
  18. As of this morning, the part of the one with the white roof is gone as well. They were very busy last evening! They are planning at least to put the facade of that middle building back, but who knows what the Alley will look like, I've not seen any drawings for that side of the buildings.
  19. Crane going up in the Printer's Alley area. Not really sure which project it's for! Bonus, demo on the Embers et al site at the bottom.
  20. This is true, but often, as is my case, you move somewhere and purchase a home within a reasonable distance to work. Then something happens to the job and the next thing you know, you're commuting 27 miles because that's where the job is. Fortunately there is a rapid transit bus I can take. That being said, just moving or getting another job isn't always an option. Moving closer brings costs, especially in this market, that are unfeasible and while you can look for a closer job, people have little control over that as well. So we make a choice; I choose to ride the RTA bus, but I would love more options because even on the bus traffic can be ridiculous.
  21. Williamson considering a 3-4 story max height increase for commercial buildings in the Cool Springs area. Looking for input on their FB page http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/williamson/franklin/2016/06/23/building-height-increase-considered-williamson-office-district/86284726/
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