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Everything posted by Hike

  1. Wow, nice building and Hourigan must of said if you can’t go big go home. I was bummed they didn’t get the Diamond district, glad they have projects like this for Richmond to benefit from.
  2. It was, there’s this post as well from the same person and it’s of the park by drone, I wish it would have expanded out some, it mostly circles the cathedral.
  3. The trees in the park offer a nice setting and foreground to the city beyond, yeah trees.
  4. Site’s back up, thanks to whoever maintains! Saw this in Reddit, nice view overlooking Monroe park.
  5. Not sure I’ll ever be able to feel that, closest I got was VCU final four, still hold out that it will repeat again some day.
  6. Way too close, a few too many turn overs in critical times, happy they pulled it out. Was really hating the idea of ODU being able to say they own Virginia this year and was glad UVA had such a good final drive.
  7. I don’t remember this series, they’re now in the Sun belt now. As a VCU fan, watched them play many times in the CAA in basketball, that was always a fun series, miss those days really, big games at the coliseum, was always a great battle.
  8. If it weren’t for sports my TV cost would be pretty low, also, yeah, the Pirates, man I wish they’d be better, so hard to continue watching them, and of all the teams I follow, the pirates are on the bottom of my list and not paying to watch them, sorry team. I just finished watching UVA beat ODU in football, was a close game, last second FG, ODU is a tough out, just ask VT.
  9. I moved this over to “off topic” to get it in the right location, since I started this earlier, felt I should get it corrected. I’m really going to have to address what channels we’re paying for next year then. So far, NFL has been basically free for me as I get enough of the Steelers to get by, but if there are no games on basic TV next year, I’m going to have to do something. I also like VCU basketball and need specific channels (MASN) for them, which are only available on certain Verizon packages, plus NHL Penguins hockey, using ESPN +, plus Netflix, free though thru T-mobile, it all gets a bit too much and not sure I’d add more.
  10. I had another Amazon thought, off topic again but it’s Amazon so maybe ok to mention. Was psyched to watch LA vs KC on Thursday and thumbed thru the channels and zero, looked it up and saw it was on Prime Video, Amazons channel, was bummed, don’t have it, don’t want it. Thought, oh well, no big, next Thursday, my team, Pittsburgh and the Browns on prime video, come on, are you kidding me!
  11. Yeah, Costco is nuts and like you said, we’ll go and be the first ones in, other than that, no way, even then it’s terrible plus the size of the carts. Last time I went I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in 10 years, he was with his wife and my wife was there too, 4 people, 2 carts standing and talking, man, we were so hated that day, but it felt good and I didn’t care for some reason, was just my day to be the one to piss off others. See what talking about Amazon groceries will do to me, just reminds me of how terrible it is to shop, luckily my wife goes 99% of the time.
  12. I’ve never been to one, that sounds right though, maybe others have been that can say. Funny shopping experience I had at Walmart recently, all my fault, but funny none the less. I had to have these certain glass globes to replace the ones on our ceiling fan. Walmart in short pump had them in the store, went, couldn’t find them, asked, looked again, found them way up on a top shelf, got in the self check out, long wait, finally get up there to pay for them, scan them, reach for my wallet, don’t have it, can’t cancel the transaction on the register, no worker near by, busy at another register, long line, people breathing down my neck, I just take them and walk to customer service to leave them to come back and pay, says can’t hold items and puts them in an area with thousands of other items, I drive home, get wallet and return, go to the customer service, huge line, wait, get up there and they can’t find them, I go back to the shelf where they were, not there. I drive to another Walmart that had them, got them, went home, replaced the globes on the ceiling fan and they look terrible, I returned them, whole process took about 5 hours, moral, be happy with what you have and don’t look at that ceiling fan anymore.
  13. The green line, entry door roof, is one I’m seeing consistent with many Amazon fresh entrance, there’s also a green dash line used above doors, the solid green is used at pickup entrances, an image from a quick search.
  14. Did RPS build another location for the buses?
  15. They really build nice formal classical structures. I’m not at all religious and buildings used for that are not appealing to me but I’m glad people go and if they can be better citizens and nicer people because of it, then good deal. For me, standing on top of a mountain, silent and in peace, looking off into the galaxies, I feel closer to what I think many are looking for.
  16. Was this the building that burned partially awhile back?
  17. Was trying to be funny but if I have to explain the punch line then it didn’t work. Vertical plants, that are being grown, made me think of bean stalks, Jack climbed the bean stalk to get his pot of gold, anyway, I’ll see myself out. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_and_the_Beanstalk
  18. My sources tell me that these vertical plants are going to lead to a pot of gold, Jack.
  19. That’s good, well bad you all are not feeling well, but better than some potential long drawn out affair. One other item I missed with my home remedies, and this always helped me and still live by it even when I’m not sick, try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a day, though you have kid(s) so easy for me to say, oh, one more, hike too, fresh air!
  20. Sorry you and your family are not feeling well, I hope it’s not Covid, I’ve heard it includes a very sore throat. Not sure if there are Covid tests still available at CVS etc. if you want to check, in any case, get your rest, take your vitamin C, keep hydrated and get better soon to you and your family, peace.
  21. I was beginning to feel ok about the park concept then you reminded me of how Richmond fails to take care of other parks.
  22. I know, forget about this part of the deal until I read further into the article, thought it was a done deal but there’s this hurdle.
  23. I want to be excited about this one but it’s hard to be as there’s no real design of anything to gravitate to. I guess the ballpark will be in a hurry, wish I felt better about projects that are fast tracked. As for the other components, VCU sports facilities, non/low revenue bearing, low fan attendance sports, will be very basic structures IMO, money spread thinly. Then there’s the rest of the land for whoever they can lure here, don’t have my hopes up for moving the needle on design, but it will be better than what’s there and modernize this older part of the city.
  24. I’d like to see a tiered option for preservation and for my lack of knowing the correct term for something like what’s proposed for the silos in Chicago, it would allow the structure, both exterior and interior to be modified while keeping the forms, in particular for something like silos. It would be a more difficult argument to propose turning other more traditional buildings into something like this and I guess that’s where the question lands, what constitutes a building to be classified a historic structure, can silos be a historic structure? From a quick Google search, it seems that the discussion revolves around how few a silos there are, both rural and urban.
  25. I could get on board with a concept like this but it would require the ability to change the building from its original form and would be expensive I assume. https://www.epsteinglobal.com/news/the-possibilities-of-adaptive-reuse-repurposing-silos
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