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Everything posted by Crucial_Infra

  1. Though I like to think we can still be both.
  2. I’ve always thought it looked like the same material the famous HOLLYWOOD sign is made out of. It should read ALLYWOOD.
  3. To his point, the BOACC was the 30th tallest building ON EARTH in 1992. It would’ve been one of the seven tallest in NYC. We should count our lucky stars that we have such a gift because there’s no way we had earned it in 1992. Maybe not even today.
  4. I did some scrolling back and found an April 2019 post with it at 378’ but looks like you’re suggesting it might be taller. Either way, no building is ever gonna be tall enough for any of us. edit to add: Looking at the building today, Clayton absolutely nailed the 3 point perspective in that diagram which leads me to believe his 378’ line is the correct height.
  5. Yeah I remember we had it at 378’ here for awhile too but at some point there was an update though I’m not sure what precipitated that.
  6. I’m almost certain it’s 427’ but either way I bet @ricky_davis_fan_21 could verify with some photos and geometry.
  7. Advice: always take extra care with your grammar when calling other people idiots.
  8. Everyone thinks their city/state has the worst drivers.
  9. No opinion on whether this is likely to happen or not, but it would have a huuuuge impact on the skyline much in the same vein as FNB and the Ellis and the VUE. So for purely urban aesthetic reasons I’m all for this happening.
  10. If only this lawn served as a replacement to all that useless anti-urban lawn along 277.
  11. They’re currently sitting on those two blocks
  12. Truist Financial Corporation (NYSE: TFC) logo and color is also very similar to another TFC company
  13. I just went on google maps to look at it and discovered this cool shadow image.
  14. I’d gladly take a tacky Truist logo sign up there if they’d just return the crown lighting to its original white but I’m afraid we’re going to have both instead.
  15. I’d buy one if she adds in Legacy Union and Ally.
  16. #WellActually, it’s built on wetlands.
  17. It’s possible it won’t remain purple all the time. In fact, that would be my guess.
  18. Yep, I’m really surprised Truist went there. Imo, no bank has a better name and unique color scheme than Ally.
  19. I figured the creator just sold slots on a first come-first serve basis to whichever businesses wanted to be a sponsor. WBT is also featured prominently.
  20. Why the Triangle has struggled with this as well.
  21. Yeah. I’ve been obsessed with these traffic cams since you first linked them. Whoever was on the stick today, had some great closeups too. here’s some others I’ve grabbed over past few days ....
  22. I just don’t see that happening because Georgia’s secondary cities are so much smaller compared to North Carolina’s but mostly because there is almost no interconnectivity between them unlike the multi nodes and synergy of NC and SC metros. Among Georgia’s top MSA’s, the closest would be Atlanta to Columbus at 108 miles, then Savannah to Augusta at 128 miles. Whereas, in North Carolina, even the more remote secondary MSA’s (Asheville and Wilmington) still have better proximity to multiple metros compared to Georgia. I could go pretty deep into these numbers if I had more time. Maybe a future post. Basically, every single NC metro is connected to *at least* one other MSA by no more than 93 miles and often much less.
  23. I wonder what the gain of Truist will add to NC and thus subtract from Ga. Also Honeywell
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