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Everything posted by jonrapley

  1. From my understanding it's a partnership between the Rapid, GVSU and Spectrum Health. All Spectrum employees have been able to ride the city bus for free, so I am not sure why they have the number 19 being free for everyone to use. I do know we (Spectrum Employees) are still encouraged to scan our badges so ridership numbers remain accuarte.
  2. Love that idea. I know in the UK certain stores charge to use plastic bags. However, I don't know how well that would go down here though. Definitely the incentive needs to be financial in order to be effective.
  3. I wish Meijer would try to cut down on the number of plastic bags they use. I think this store is perfect to try to do something more sustainable.
  4. I live close to 196 and I received a letter from MDOT stating they will be working on 196 from 96 to Fuller Ave. Its basically stating they applied for a noise variance and will be working 75 intermittent nights in 2019 and 60 in 2020. I imagine this is in regards to wideining the highway to 3 lanes.
  5. The renderings don't have the planned Lyon Square redevelopment inlcuded. I don't know how much we should read into it.
  6. From Michigan street it looks like it could be the building.
  7. Bridge Street is going to be unrecognizable in the next 5 years. There is so much potential and so many sites for developers to play around on.
  8. Jesus Christ when did UP become the comment section of Mlive. I sense a lot of jealously towards millennials because we do live downtown, we do work downtown, we do use public transport, y'all just like to write about it.
  9. We are going massively off topic here so I will just end it with this. I ride the bus everyday to work and I can guarantee there is more diversity on that bus than there is in people who drive to work by themselevs.
  10. That is an interesting fact, I would actually like to see that. I am not saying that GR isn't segregated, I am saying not owning a car does not limit you, it actually helps you interact with more diverse people. The public transit routes go through multiple cities and verious neighborhoods helping to connect people of all walks of life.
  11. Are you really trying to suggest that towns like Hudsonville are more diverse than Grand Rapids? The bus route isn't just downtown. I'd like to add the real bubble is living in your car every day and not taking public transport and interating with said neighbors. Choosing to live, work and have fun in the city has nothing do to with traits from subrbanites.
  12. Is that the no tip restaurant that was planned some time ago?
  13. Any one know what's going on at the North West corner of wealthy and fuller? It looks like they were adding on to the existing building on that site.
  14. I believe I saw a sign for Tropical Smoothie at the Diamond Place development. My guess is it would be for the drive thru retail space.
  15. 616 Lofts office has moved into their building on Eastern and Michigan. I just walked passed and they were all set up and operating.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised if the long term plan has the new concourse C being an international terminal so to speak.
  17. I actually think they did an ok job blending the old building with the new building. It starts off pretty modern and then moves into brick. I like it. Also interesting to see the parking ramp in the back.
  18. I know it's an early rendering but I would really hope for more outdoor seating than that.
  19. I just hope buissnes educate their staff on the advantage of this. Numerous times I see Spectrum employees waiting for the shuttle as the 19 drives by them. Would be nice to see the important stops along this route have shelters and seats installed too.
  20. It looks like the last retail space (West corner) of the 616 building is under construction. There is now a door facing Michigan street and a lot of construction going on inside. Has there been any news on what is going into this space?
  21. Vegan Grand Rapids on FB posting that Rocket Pies at the downtown market is closing.
  22. Took this pic yesterday from my lunch room at Spectrum Health. It really shows the scale of the new development.
  23. 14 stories on such a small plot of land can not be a lot of rooms. I would have thought something closer to 20 would have made more sense.
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