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Everything posted by grilled_cheese

  1. Thank you for the followup post, bwithers. Your previous post was a little unnerving.
  2. Work seems to have stalled at the empty lot at the corner of Gallatin/Riverwood. The tanks that looked like they were burying sit above ground and they have removed the heavy machinery. Bricks have been delivered to the Cook Out location near Trinity. They seemed to be moving along slowly once they got all of that plywood up around the top of the building. Several electrical and plumbing trucks at the new Sip Cafe location. The vacant lot near Gallatin/Calvert is now marked as sold. The Kwik Sak in Inglewood continues to expand their craft beer selection. I got a 15er of the All Day Session IPA cans for $21. Lots of infill, teardowns, and rehabs going on in my corner of Inglewood. Good times.
  3. Lots of good discussion here. I like the idea that MTA is holding back on improving the current setup to further push the AMP but I also like the other thought that we're still in a transitional stage so not much is happening. If real time GPS tracking is such a large obstacle then they should start with the BRT lites. Due to the very nature of how they operate that should be a less monumental task for the group to take on. After that has been accomplished they can move on to all the unlimited stops buses. For me, personally, the way the ticketing mobile site works is pretty useless but I do see how it would be advantageous for someone who doesn't have a stable home internet connection and only has a phone. I too have experienced the kiosk machines not liking my card but they have enough that there shouldn't (keyword) be a large scale failure and you're stuck, especially after hours, when there aren't live people at the ticket window and you could be stuck without a pass. I'm going to assume that I'm a 'choice rider' since I do not rely on the bus for day to day travel, as I have other options. The reliability for me is not so much an issue but I would rather have the live tracking so I know A) when is the latest I can leave and B) should I take the #26 or #56 based on who is the closest or who will arrive when I'd prefer to leave. Although, this is not how MT is designed to work so I understand why this is not a feasible option. Has anyone ever ridden on the greenline? I see it drive around, I know where the stops are but I can never see anyone ride it and can't imagine any locals let alone tourists using it. Anyone know how successful or non-successful it is? Let's scrap that project if need be and throw the money to other parts of the city.
  4. Can you elaborate on the online ticket sales? I have only ever paid via cash on the bus or purchased a 20 ride ticket at the Music City Central. If you buy via the app do they reload one of your cards or does it just send a new card to your mailing address? If it's the latter then that seems, to me, a waste of time. Hmm, last I heard the GPS tracking would be sometime this fall, and that is now year old info. If they're pushing it back again then I'm not going to hold my breathe. Since they can't seem to get their crap together in regard to GPS tracking then they need to update their route/time system on their website. At the very least I should be able to isolate one or two routes and then see what the times are for that day. It's frustrating having to study what is basically an excel document to even get an idea of when the bus should arrive, especially on the weekends.
  5. Had the Tailgate Session IPA last night at Mickey's and it was awful.
  6. Jack White payed the Detroit Masonic Temple's back taxes and that allowed it to remain open. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/jack-white-saves-detroit-masonic-temple-from-foreclosure-20130604
  7. We finally beat detroit in the playoffs and they run away to the eastern conference. kidding here's a very interesting article about the recovering parts of detroit and some of the remaining and thriving communities http://www.buzzfeed.com/drewphilp/why-i-bought-a-house-in-detroit-for-500#2d4aqws
  8. It's a projection based on the current NES dark fiber network http://www.nesnetwork.com/map.php
  9. I know it's not new but Nashville MTA unveiled a new mobile site. I checked it out today on my phone and http://www.nashvillemta.org/ does not even re-direct to their mobile site http://m.nashvillemta.org/. Everything on the mobile site only links to functionality of the main site but there is something called 'Transit Tix' which you can buy via the mobile site. I'm not really sure what these are, how they are different, or how you would use them via a mobile device. I'm still waiting on the live GPS tracking.
  10. Lots of angles in this discussion. As a great man once said "It's like what Lenin said... you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh..." Who is going to profit from this the most? Easily identifiable are the developers. It's easy to say that they're running away to the bank with profits and I'm sure perception is reality in this case. Look also for homeowners who are protecting their property/home value. A worst case scenario we can pull from is the current situation in San Francisco. The median rent out there is north of $1,300. Many factors are blended into this equation but part of it is the codes regulating how tall buildings can be, among other things, causing the housing stock to remain stagnant, driving up prices. They don't have enough middle class and highrise, non-luxury housing. Obviously totally different situation but still something to look at. Perusing the East Nashville listserv today, two rental properties were advertised, one being a 3/2 house for $1500 and a 4/3 for $2700. Pretty wild. I'm a late 20s first time home buyer and purchased, in northwest Inglewood in late 2012, a very simple 1,000 sq ft house. As it stands, I am priced out of the market. There is such a low stock of housing currently, that there is no way I would be able to purchase anything. My buddy spent the last calendar year searching for a home and was consistently out bid, IN CASH, by other parties. He finally was able to snag something but that was a stark difference to my experience. I was able to buy after my first offer. I wish I was in a situation to buy right after the crash but unfortunately I was still in college and had no monies. Consider yourself lucky if you were able to buy then. As a Nashville native it's difficult to watch much of the desirable parts of the city already gone by the time I was ready to buy. I grew up in the suburbs and wanted to live in a 'somewhat' urban atmosphere. I feel lucky I just barely got in. I hear a lot of people complain about parking, I wish I had street parking! I have about 3 spaces of off street parking and zero chance of street parking. Our street is so narrow that there is nowhere to park due to the sidewalk and drainage ditches. I really do not understand the parking complaint from some neighborhoods (looking at you 12south). If you have off street parking AND street parking then you need to STFU right now. If you're someone that moved to, say, 12South in the last 10 years and KNOWINGLY bought a house without street parking then the blame falls on you, what did you think was going to happen? I've gotten the stink eye from 12South residents for parking on a public street in the middle of the day, part of why I boycott that entire neighborhood to this day. I drive down parts of Lockeland Springs and dream of having these wide streets connecting to my house, sidewalks on both sides too! "All good things in moderation". Smart development, smart infill, don't tear everything down that's worth saving, grow is happening, etc etc etc. We don't want a strip club popping up at the corner of Cahal and Scott but we also don't want to stifle everything that comes through. I know, I know, what you're thinking "but the contextual overlay is just some guidelines for ......." but this hasn't been the first change and it won't be the last. I want density, I want mass transit, I want to be able to walk to places, I want my property value to appreciate. I'm not looking to MAXIMIZE my property value but I obviously don't want it to depreciate. I'm asking for common sense here. If anyone in Lockeland Springs or Edgefield is upset over their housing situation I will GLADLY trade places with them. PM me if interested. go preds
  11. Were they still building boats at the riverfront at that time? Looks like it's a barge stop by that point.
  12. They should've moved it years ago. I've been to atleast one every year, and as the article states, it just gets worse and worse. Not sure why they don't just move it to the riverfront.
  13. My GF hails from Memphis and everytime we go back I am in awe of how different the architecture is from Nashville's. They're subtle differences but they're ones that I notice quite clearly. Memphish had their time as a musical mecca but that time has waned. See: the beotchization of the Pyramid into a Bass Pro Shop flagship store. Also, there aren't really any bands/groups/artists that are popping up, atleast in recent memory (Three 6 Mafia excluded).
  14. Koi Sushi should be open before the end of the month. http://nashville.eater.com/archives/2014/08/14/koi-sushi-update.php
  15. I have heard people say this recently and I have never heard it. Sure there have been a few LOLs thrown M-towns way but nothing outright. We got the capitol and they got the river. Lets leave it at that. ---------------------- http://www.nashvilleledger.com/editorial/ArticleEmail.aspx?id=75052&print=1 I agree with everything this guy says.
  16. Better question, is the MLB looking at expansion? or is a team looking to relocate. I don't really see how they would want to expand. I feel the talent pool is too small as it is. But I guess if the $$$ is there.
  17. I'd jokingly say "hey join the club, I've got two of those near me!" But we know those types of places aren't going to move in there due to the neighborhood demographic/rent. And no, not a bad thing they're expressing their opinions.
  18. What day/time did you go to TTJ? How long was the wait?
  19. I somehow doubt that a business that wants to move into an affluent part of East Nashville (Lockeland Springs) will want anything to do with my part of Inglewood. Courting or not. So we're comparing Lockeland Springs to Spring Hill? Yes, the density issues are EXACTLY the same. So what is their end game here? Thwart every business that wants to move in or is it just a matter zoning laws, whether followed to the letter, skirted, or otherwise? They do realize it's just going to get worse from here on out? Something something progress. They say youth is wasted on the young. I say awesome housing close to bars/restaurants/whatever is wasted on the old.
  20. I would assume they get some sort of compensation? So, sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't.
  21. They should move to the 'burbs if they're worried about parking and crowds. It's just very frustrating watching other neighborhoods turn away development while some of us really want something other than a Discount Tobacco near us.
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