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Everything posted by Will

  1. I'm actually relieved it's not going downtown as I had assumed when I saw the headline. To a resident, downtown can feel like a bit of a tourist bubble sometimes. We already have a critical mass of fun-and-characteristic-but-tacky restaurants and bars downtown. I see no problem with spreading the cheez-wiz around to other parts of town, and Opry Mills is a natural fit for this sort of thing.
  2. Apparently the collapse caused a power outage at Cummins Station.
  3. Parking garage and shell permits issued. ~$67M.
  4. Apparently in July 2015, the Airport Authority reverted back to autonomous control after years of external oversight. After that happened, leadership commissioned a consultant's report that suggests there are some structural problems in management and strategy: http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2016/01/16/audit-slams-nashville-airport-authority-calls-culture-change/78423792/
  5. It seems to be a thing. Every time I'm downtown on a weekend evening I see at least one gaggle of women with matching T-shirts/tiaras/tutus/etc.
  6. Indeed, stranger things have happened. The old Salem, MA jail, where at least 50 prisoners were hanged, is now apartments and a restaurant: http://curbed.com/archives/2012/07/19/old-salem-jail-turned-into-bewitching-luxury-apartments.php
  7. Weaksauce. Going forward, at least we know to ignore any hype emanating out of BNA.
  8. Well, it could be a sunrise, too. I'd be much more pleased to see an AA flight to London over BA. I book most of my travel on awards and BA tacks on crazy fuel surcharges for transatlantic flights.
  9. Fantastic news for GH (and humanity in general). Arnold's is opening a second location in the Retired Teachers Building: http://www.tennessean.com/story/money/2015/11/12/arnolds-country-kitchen-open-green-hills/75670726/
  10. Or maybe a gigantic statue of Old Hickory straddling the Cumberland, a la the Colossus of Rhodes. The words to "The Battle of New Orleans" could scroll on an LED banner around his head.
  11. Major fire damage at Highland Heights project on Douglas: http://wkrn.com/2015/10/16/fire-destroys-newly-constructed-east-nashville-condos/
  12. Will


  13. Will


    From the album: Roads

  14. This article on a Vanderbilt-designed transit app mentions MTA is finally going to place GPS transmitters in (some) buses to enable real-time trip planning. http://southernalpha.com/vu-designed-bus-app-takes-guesswork-bus-riding-gets-200000-nsf-grant/
  15. It is hard to take seriously when a supposed list of 9 properties includes entire classes of property as well as neighborhoods ("Rural Cemeteries"; "Music Row"). Will next year's list include "Buildings With Doors" and "Any Property That Might Have A Better and Higher Use"?
  16. Falling facade fracas at Village Cleaners; no injuries: http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2015/09/17/front-portion-hillsboro-village-dry-cleaner-collapses/32562553/ The preliminary site plan for this development retained a surface parking lot on Wedgewood. I hope that's not part of the final plan. For reference: https://www.nashvillepost.com/sites/default/files/attachments/86397/Village%2021%20art.png
  17. Don't cry, Don't raise your eye, It's only Beeee-man wasteland
  18. I was recently made aware of Thomas Beeby's recent Tuscaloosa Federal courthouse, which is unapologetically neoclassical and rather handsome. I haven't seen it in person but it's a magnificent example of a resurgence in the style. Further reading: http://www.city-journal.org/2015/25_2_urb-classical-architecture-revival.html
  19. Metro has upwards of $2.3 billion outstanding in general obligation bonds. That doesn't include things like the MCC and Sounds stadium that are ostensibly to be paid for with dedicated tax revenues. Metro's bond rating was downgraded in 2014; among other factors Moody's cited an "above-average debt burden." Debt service payments in the FY2015 budget were up $57 million year-over-year to $209 million, which required a $45 million withdrawal from reserves. I think the risk is in the large overall debt figure, the increased debt service payments as part of the operating budget and the overall spending trend of the past few years.
  20. Will


    From the album: Roads

  21. Will


    From the album: Roads

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