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Everything posted by dcharlotte

  1. Actually, they need to do much more. In my opinion, this garage has always been one of the worst parking decks on Church Street. That is saying a lot since the street is dominated by parking garage entrances/exists.
  2. There's a lot of competition on the route since Lufthansa flies a daily A380 on the route.
  3. Good. Toll it all. If people don't want to pay for the roads then they can take an alternate form of transportation to/from their home in the suburbs into the city.
  4. The old Convention Center should be the reason the city reforms zoning code or has requirements about how buildings interface with the street. Building such a large building only for it to be torn down years later is not only a waste of money, but generally these buildings sit dark for years prior to anything happening. Maybe they will learn soon enough.
  5. I'm glad that 4 floors is a South End Midrise. I love them and want to buy one. Skyline view not needed.
  6. Imagine going from the top of the pole to the bottom. This will put Charlotte on the map. Once this happens, Charlotte actually will have a lot.
  7. Maybe they can put this on a surface lot near Scaleybark. Their design would fit in with the current development there.
  8. Some of the best history is found at the Airport. We shouldn't rip it out and replace it - we should embrace it! I say we keep those moving sidewalks and jet bridges for the nostalgia! "Charlotte's got a lot of old airport stuff!"
  9. ATL to MCO is the most popular route on Delta from Atlanta. The airport is basically a connection to Disney/Universal.
  10. Unlimited complimentary upgrades was the BEST thing ever.
  11. Remove the surface parking on the entire route. The streetcar should not be slowed down by people wanting to store their cars. The highest and best use of this corridor is not transit {sodEmoji.|} car storage {sodEmoji.|} sidewalk. It should be a wider sidewalk and transit.
  12. Giant block of wood across the field it is.
  13. I will gladly be on the first flight to Doha out of Charlotte. Make it happen.
  14. A possible simple fix is to have 10, 30, or 90 minute parking easily accessible within the decks that are adjacent to a use. If all of the street spaces are taken then you're circling the block or you have to park in a deck.
  15. While I know some members here have mixed feelings on 'parklets,' I think these are amazing. The highest and best use of the limited street space should not be free or almost-free car storage. There are plenty of parking spaces around Uptown that can easily meet the need for street parking, and making it known that you should use transit or park in a private deck reduces people wandering around for these limited street parking spaces all while transitioning this space back to pedestrian use. http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article35587233.html
  16. Overall a great headline that shows the health of the Charlotte office market. There are many investors that are starting to view assets in Charlotte as the BEST alternative to core assets. I know plenty that invest in Charlotte if given the opportunity over many other southeastern cities. Read: if some of these new spec buildings can get tenant agreements and the developers can sell them, we could see some additional activity if this cycle gets some legs. The investment activity in the apartment market is still very healthy. http://www.bizjournals.com/charlotte/blog/real_estate/2015/09/three-office-towers-in-uptown-charlotte-to-be.html
  17. Not at the pace NC builds them. We'll still have the same thing, just aged too much to recognize.
  18. It would be nice to have them for the business traveler who wants to stay in them (consultants). I loved staying at the Hilton in Uptown and always wished there was one in South Park since I had to stay at the Double Tree too often due to last minute bookings and the Hilton being too full.
  19. If they get the vehicles a bit early they can start testing them on the existing line prior to moving them into service. Smart if they can get the storage for some or all of them ready ahead of time. From what I understand that does not disqualify the testing of the entire line, but would help with the high hours requirements for the actual trains themselves.
  20. 4 per 1,000 parking ratio - wow. I hope one day the city cuts down and the maximum is 3 per 1,000. New buildings Uptown should be 2 to 2.5 given ALL of the decks and alternatives around. The city cannot continue to grow with such huge parking ratios. Not enough cars can fit on the roads.
  21. I love the idea of a small expressway like Rock Creek Parkway, FDR drive, the Hudson Parkway, or even 76 along the Schuykill, but Independence has too many lanes and too many access points to be that. They should have built access roads on the outside of a MUCH smaller expressway and actually made it limited access with a wall if that's what they wanted. What they currently have is a wasted mess of space and impervious spaces. Buildings give way to parking lots that turn into a road that is too wide only to be mirrored on the other side of the roadway. The idiot that dreamed up this design for Independence should not have a job planning transportation because they have not only failed at planning, but they also failed miserably at the transportation piece.
  22. I love when people quote photos. I did want to view them a 2nd time.
  23. Until someone sues for no ADA compliance. Unsolved.
  24. What might make you even more angry is that next to 601 Mass (known as the former NPR HQ), the new office building built there saved the facades of a few older buildings. You can see that here: https://www.google.com/maps/@38.9025276,-77.0207254,3a,75y,353.03h,95.45t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLX-cEa7cF2RSlMQ0KkROWA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1 Sadly the real estate prices in Charlotte don't support saving buildings. Facades should be the easiest thing to incorporate and would probably add a LOT more character to this project.
  25. I would be very happy with a carbon copy of 601 Mass.
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