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Everything posted by drawscape

  1. I agree with your point, even though I'm not a huge fan of the design, there are still many positives to be taken away from this project. Also, how were you able to estimate the current population?
  2. I really like this idea. I would love to see something this scale in Charlotte. Add in a Taipei style night market and we have ourselves something pretty compelling.
  3. Wow, it seems like after so many years of only small projects actually being built, I'm getting the feeling Greensboro has some exciting times ahead.
  4. Any word on when we will hear an announcement from Roy about this project?
  5. Glad to see I'm not the only one who lets the biases in their brain conflate ideas to construct a narrative....
  6. http://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/plans-unveiled-for-massive-residential-retail-development-in-west-charlotte/187194353 This is the news story I am referencing from March. At the 1 minute mark in the video she says "water front office space" together, but the bullet points on the screen separate "water front" and "office space" so I guess they are not to be mixed? But I wouldn't say I'm too off in remembering...
  7. But I remember in the original news report when they said there would be office buildings next to the river. Was that report just too early to take anything from, before they confirmed where they could safely build?
  8. That seems to be a weird place to place the town core. Any reason it's a good idea to make it so far from the river and directly adjacent to land they don't own?
  9. I have often daydreamed about an urban area near the Catawba. I am kind of disappointed it's going to be on the other side of the airport as I'm sure it's going to constrict major roads to the edges of the runways and I would imagine there would some kind of height restrictions as well. I was comparing this area to the size of Uptown and it's a pretty massive area but also kind of a weird shape. It would be awesome if they could make this into an international competition for a masterplan, so perhaps we could get something compelling.
  10. It will be interesting to see that area will really start to urbanize. I always thought the area along battleground had potential to become a more dense urban node.
  11. I'm ok with the triad getting an MLS team, but I really hope that stadium is never built, those fake smoke stacks are a crime against humanity
  12. I wish the Coliseum's entrance was on the side facing High Point road, I feel like it could make a strong connection to chapman street and to spring garden during events. I would hope that would bring more small scale places of interest around the coliseum on that side.
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