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Everything posted by growingup15

  1. growingup15


    I like that design. its very modern. especially when they add it with Glass panels on it. Also you have to remember this is South Carolina we're a state of refuse to change for the futuristic. we rather keep everything classy. some of the buildings have that Classy/Futuristic Vive to it. but it we're not gonna see something like the Nascar hall of fame in Columbia style building or most of Charlotte style of Buildings in Columbia Anytime soon. unless someone brings a lot of money to the table.
  2. no timeline but from what we all know once the contract was signed the construction has to begin within 2 years of signing. so i expect sometime maybe this summer we might see a rendering hopefully.
  3. growingup15


    OMG i remember that Hardees it was so long ago I was so young. its amazing watching the City grow so much. that area used to be so bare. now its a busy intersection and filled with nice big offices.
  4. I got an update from Kennell he told me that Don is still working on the project. they are actually continuing to work on the design that the projects are still a go actually. Tomlin is actually moving his Corporate Offices across the street from the Proposed Tower on Assembly street.
  5. Heres the new design for the New Canalside http://www.thestate.com/news/business/article59902646.html
  6. I think the only odd thing about this is that they kept it under wraps until now. its not like when they wanted teh D League team here for the charlotte Bobcats and it got bad backlash quick. i think the city and this team purposely kept it under the table until it was final so it wont get the old folks non changing backlash.
  7. Looks like Columbia Has a New Basketball Team c: I am happy about this and to see a Former USC Basketball player is going to be one Running this new Team makes me even more happy. Now i wonder what their Arena Plans are gonna be and how big. http://www.wistv.com/story/31208736/ex-usc-basketball-player-to-help-run-new-aba-expansion-team-in-columbia
  8. growingup15


    I rode through there today i meant to post that it was finished earlier today but i forgot.
  9. no timeline but the vista guild director told me that she and her neighbours who live there are going to keep fighting until they can stop that development in general. unfortunately. exactly
  10. Its still on the books. The city is still looking into rezoning that land to build this. but "residents" of the Vista said it will Ruin their Quality of life if they build that tower. and the Director of the Vista Guild like i said she told me that They are not trying to copy charlotte with big buildings in their little neighbourhood. Honestly IMO That corner would be perfect for a tower but maybe nothing taller than 15 floors. it will look great up to the Rest of the Downtown Skyline and since not far away another tower is planning to be built on that side of Assembly st. i think its about time.
  11. Like i said its these older folks who think that no change is for the better. The city of both forest acres and Columbia need to start ignoring the minority who complains about change and start listening to the majority who wants change. because if this keeps up Columbia will never get anywhere. Example the proposed Apartment Tower on Lady and Park St. as of when i talked to the Director of the Vista Guilds. yeah shes one of those people who is like WE DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE CHARLOTTE! and im like ok so you gonna shun every bit of change out. Charlotte took a step forward and made change Time to stop listening ot you guys and go with whats best for the city and start building.
  12. Oh joy looks like Forest Acre residents are complaining once again. Lemme guess its the older folks isnt it. probably the rich older folks who live near that area complaining. Anyway heres the latest http://columbiabusinessreport.com/news/56856-public-hearing-set-for-60m-forest-acres-development
  13. growingup15


    Hey im not sure if this was brought up before but I think i have an idea for a great riverfront tourist attraction. Anyone ever thought about a Columbia Eye. or the Columbia Wheel. like a Huge Ferris Wheel near the Riverfront with a gift shop and maybe a restaurant on the bottom of the wheel. I was bringing this up because I noticed a few Cities around have those Myrtle Beach has one of course London has one Tokyo Japan has one. I mean why not.
  14. I think they need to upgrade that 2035 Plan like seriously. its needed and yeah im dissapointed myself. One thing is really needed here in Columbia in the coming decade is Rail Transit a Connector and Improvments on roads. I see they got the Road part down but everything else is not even being looked it. We are heading to an Urban Gridlock in the next 5-10 years if nothing is done ASAP. BullStreet, Riverfront, Downtown and Five Points are gonna to get even busier and its already bad now in Columbia. if dont watch if they are not going to be prepared.
  15. I still think it can work the last time i talked with our mayor and SCDOT director they said it can still work. What do you mean by that? like the companies that are planning to come?
  16. Funny you bring up "Miserable" Traffic I heard about 5 months ago that the city was looking into their original Plans to Connect 126-277 that little Spur you see when you get off of 277 Coming into town that looks like a possible interchange. Yeah i heard awhile back that the city was looking into that again in teh wake of downtown growth and a way to keep traffic flowing from 277-126 Without it clogging up downtown streets during rush hour
  17. Really Every time i go to Charlotte I felt Epicenter was a perfect fit for Uptown Charlotte and I still feel something that in Columbia would be a perfect.
  18. Cool im heading out in a litle bit myself i might ride by and take a look myself
  19. And to think in a couple years that Skyline is gonna look a lot different. Beautiful shots
  20. Nestled at the corner of West Columbia’s State and Meeting streets rests an untapped gold mine. Just below the property, hundreds of daily visitors flock to the Riverwalk, its pristine views of the Congaree River providing its own unique experience. Across the bridge towering over it lies the Vista, an exploding corridor which continues to swell with new business. And just above the property sits pathways to Cayce and Lexington, two key cogs in the Midlands’ continued growth. “This community really is the gateway to the city of Columbia, the gateway to West Columbia, the gateway to Lexington County, Richland County,” said Matt Mundy, CEO of real estate developer Estates & Companies. “Everybody passes by it when they’ve got to go from one place to another. http://columbiabusinessreport.com/news/56725-development-rsquo-s-future-west-columbia-home-viewed-as-lsquo-gateway-to-the-city-rsquo
  21. thats true. very true. when i was reading the article I was thinking like this was So false. At the 2020 forum i was at. when i talked to the director of the Downtown District he even told me that Columbia is going to go Up as in buildings are gonna get taller because the land prices are going up. when a company buys land they want to build something thats worth it. kinda like the Apartment Tower that was supposed to be build on Lady and Park st. the developer said that it would be a lose to build something less than what the land is worth. same wit hthe developer in West Columbia trying to build the Brooklyn Complex.
  22. Its because of Chinas market if China falls than it will take america down with them. i think if this happens our progress of recovering since 2008 will all be for nothing
  23. Are you serious. what is the Design Board doing? are they trying to kill another major project?
  24. The meeting is today for the Kline City Center. they are presenting the final plan to the Design Board. fingers cross that it gets approved and they can get started on construction ASAP.
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