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Everything posted by growingup15

  1. growingup15


    Wait pedestrian Bridges? are you talking about the ones from the strom thurmond fitness center or more are in the plans for this project. I know the city is kinda feniky about Pedestrian bridges over roadways.
  2. growingup15


    Some pictures i took about a week ago of 650 Lincoln, the construction already beginning on the second phase and Foundation Square Foundation Square:
  3. growingup15


    Where’s downtown Columbia’s waterfront? In most cities located on bodies of water, locals can aim visitors straight to the waterfront district. Not here. At least not yet. But that could change in the next decade. Much as a rugged warehouse district crossed by frequent train traffic has grown into the vibrant Vista district between Assembly and Huger streets over the past two decades, the next transformation seems headed for the wild strip of land between Huger Street and the Congaree River. City political and business leaders are counting on it. They envision a showpiece waterfront park about twice as big as Finlay Park, ringed by shops, restaurants and apartments in a new Waterfront District. The park would be downtown’s new front porch, where people can sit or stroll with friends amid the beauty of a river and its natural green landscape. http://www.thestate.com/news/local/article22004907.html
  4. Oh yes Construction is going great there already. they are laying down pipeing and stuff for all the water and sewer ect. thats pretty much ive seen recently
  5. One Eleven? you talking about that Apartment complex where the old monterrey restaurant used to be?
  6. Boomtown Student Housing Explosion Shows No Signs of Slowing These days, the area around the Palmetto Compress building is like a tiny town inhabited entirely by construction workers. They drive on the dusty streets in little golf carts; they maneuver cranes and rebar and brick. The bright blue and green Tyvek siding on the half-finished buildings adds to the children’s book feel: You’re in Busytown; you’re in Legoland; you’re somewhere that is not Columbia. Five private student housing projects are under construction within just a few blocks of each other — and that’s not counting the Palmetto Compress building itself, which is set to become apartments and retail. Another five student housing projects are underway across the city, with still others recently opened and others in the planning phases. All told, by the time the projects currently under construction are finished, the city will have some 6,000 new bedrooms for students. And that’s not counting the existing student housing in unincorporated Richland County, out near the stadium, or all the other apartments and condos around the city that cater to students. And according to Krista Hampton, the city’s planning and development services director, developers are still calling with proposals for new student housing projects. The scope of the current boom is stunning. It’s driven by several factors. http://www.free-times.com/cover/boomtown-052015
  7. Wheeler Development has begun pre-construction and design work on the historic Vista fire station, which developers have long hoped to repurpose for retail use. Jeff Prioreschi of Capitol Places, which first purchased the property in 2008 for $1.45 million, said in March that a buyer had signed a contract to purchase the property. He declined to name the company at that time, and could not be reached for comment on this story. “I would say it would happen,” he said in March. “If not, we will pursue and develop the property. But we do feel pretty confident it will move forward.” The Virginia Beach, Va.-based Wheeler Development, which has a regional office in Charleston, has partnered withColliers International to find tenants for the property. The redevelopment will have up to 35,000 square feet available for users, according to Colliers, which has launched a leasing campaign to find restaurant, retail and office users for the property http://www.columbiabusinessreport.com/news/54538-wheeler-development-colliers-team-up-to-redevelop-historic-vista-fire-station
  8. Columbia soon will know which Major League Baseball affiliate will have a minor-league team playing in the Spirit Communications Park starting in April. Mayor Steve Benjamin and Jason Freier, chairman and chief executive of Atlanta-based Hardball Capital, will join others for a news conference Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at the ball park. Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/news/local/article21385332.html#storylink=cpy
  9. COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - When you drive through Columbia's Vista, you've likely noticed a lot of construction. Throughout the last 15 years the entertainment district has continued to expand. From shops to restaurants and new places to live, the Vista continues its transformation. Fred Delk with the Columbia Development Corporation says the growth in the Vista isn't slowing down. Right now, he says about one billion dollars worth development is being done and more projects are on the way. More recently, Delk says the biggest developments that were added include the Darla Moore School of Business and renovations to the South Carolina State Museum. But Delk says the next major projects include residential spaces. Delk says like other major cities, Columbia is building more options for residents to consider downtown living. With more people moving to the Vista he says it's ultimately helping local businesses and restaurants thrive. http://www.wistv.com/story/29099443/parking-not-keeping-up-with-vista-growth
  10. Yes i feel the same way too. I'm still curious myself but these things can't be rushed. They are probably working things out now on deadlines and start build dates. im more curious on Anchor Stores which anchor store is supposed to be there.
  11. Spirit Communications wants to do more than own the naming rights to the capital city’s new minor league baseball stadium being built on the old State Hospital grounds. It wants to turn the redeveloped Bull Street campus into a gigabit community. In addition to providing Wi-Fi service to the 165-acre site, the company plans to install a fiber optics network that would allow businesses – and even individuals who live there – to have affordable access to gigabit speeds. Gigabit speeds are at least 100 times faster than traditional broadband, Spirit officials said. Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/news/business/article21131661.html#storylink=cpy http://www.thestate.com/news/business/article21131661.html
  12. Here i drew an idea of how a 12-15 story tower would look at this corner. and I believe it will definately fill in this area and the skyline but wouldnt be too tall considering theres a 10 story hotel not far away and a possible 12 Story Dorm right across the street from the Hilton. i believe with the proper designing with old and new put together to give it that old historical look on the bottom 5 floors would make a big difference. also you cant see it but i drew a garage on the Assembly/Gervais corner. I think a garage with 2 floor of retail on the bottom levels of this corner would fit in also. it will bring more parking in the vista for new residents and visitors.
  13. As a resident of the Vista, I find most of the current and proposed development exciting. However, I am becoming increasingly concerned as developers have routinely managed to skirt existing planning guidelines that limit the height of new structures. The most recent proposal is a rezoning request for a parcel at the corner of Park and Lady Streets. The developer seeks a designation that will remove all restrictions on building height. This plot is surrounded on all four sides by older one- and two-story buildings, with two sides of the parcel adjacent to the West Gervais Historic District. http://www.free-times.com/news/preserve-the-character-of-the-vista-051315 My opinion. we need to start going up. just look at Charlotte. they have a good mix of old looks ground level with Modern and ultra modern design atop. I think a tower at that corner will be amazing and will definately fill in more of Downtown and finally get rid of that Parking crater at that corner. I believe in the long run it will expand the vista out to become more of a place for the historical stuff on Gervais St but more Higher structures on lady st and washington St in the near future. I really seeing the vista fusing with Main st and making Downtown Columbia into a massive entertainment work play live place just like in charlotte. Anyone here agrees?
  14. growingup15


    Photos: Changes Coming to Greene St. in Columbia Finally they are working on Foundation Square. I hope this is a sign that they will soon start on the Green St. Extension.
  15. COLUMBIA, SC - A company that once envisioned developing a $1 billion residential and retail community on a Richland County flood plain has quietly sold much of the original 4,500-acre tract to a handful of local interests. Columbia Venture LLC has in the past decade divested itself of about 3,000 acres as its owners have sought to recoup their money from a project that was hampered by flood restrictions and opposition in Richland County. What the land ownership changes mean for future development of the property remains unclear, but the issue is of interest these days because of a recent federal plan that could make building easier. Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/news/local/article20723796.html#storylink=cpy http://www.thestate.com/news/local/article20723796.html
  16. The nation's top transportation official says he's more optimistic that high-speed rail will eventually become a reality in the Southeast after Georgia and South Carolina expressed interest in a joint agreement between North Carolina and Virginia to study, coordinate and advocate for the project. "You look across the country, the Northeast corridor is more than a constellation of states," U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx told The Associated Press this week. "That multistate coordination just hasn't existed as strongly here in the Southeast. And that would be a really key part of starting something big." Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/news/state/south-carolina/article20563902.html#storylink=cpy http://www.thestate.com/news/state/south-carolina/article20563902.html
  17. fan wise a poll taking about this asked columbians about would they support this and surprisely 76% said yes they would. So I think we are gaining momentum on pro sports here in Columbia and its about time we start getting something.
  18. Yeah i watched the report yesterday and thats what they've been saying. that we might have to find a home for the Team if they do come here to Columbia. and that involved building a new arena just for them. Honestly I would like to see Colonial Life be turned into a Arena for this team so we can have both USC and the D- League play under the same roof. but i dont that will sit sell with USC. so i think thats why the Mayor said what he said about looking for a building for them.
  19. growingup15


    Yep you can see it from this rendering here
  20. Yeah so when they took a poll on this on WIS a lot of people really want this team here. Mayor Benjamin and council members has already had a talk with Michael Jordan about the economic impact this team would have here in Columbia. also saying that if they do move her more than likely a new arena will be built to house the D- League team here. My questions is Where would it go. the Innovista already has Colonial Life. and Columbia Commons already have Spirit Communications Park. Can anyone say Near Williams Brice maybe?
  21. While out taking pictures of Construction in the area I decided to take an updated picture of Downtown from Finley Park. Been about 9 years since I took a picture from this area.
  22. growingup15


    Heres the construction site. I snapped a picture when i was out today.
  23. I don't know where to post this one but this is cool. I wonder if Columbia gets picked how this would impact the city financially and economically http://www.wistv.com/story/28971224/columbia-one-of-several-cities-considered-for-hornets-d-league-team
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