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Everything posted by growingup15

  1. That seems very old thinking right there. What Columbia is lacking is a full connector in Downtown. For a city is size I'm surprise it haven't happened yet or been considered yet. I really believe a connector through town elevated with green Space below it will correct neighbourhoods in Columbia
  2. What do you mean modified? Also like i shown in this rendering lf The spur or loop through downtown i think that will encourage traffic flow and growth in Columbia. I highly doubt something like that will kill Innovista and i think a Cap over The RR Gap and green space covering it with an elevated Double Decker will draw in more people in Downtown. https://www.urbanplanet.org/forums/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=https%3A%2F%2Fc1.staticflickr.com%2F3%2F2812%2F8896722170_fcc71bcd0e_b.jpg&key=54b1fe214529c8f51e13944e01f1be87a26be6e6aa87424c59031f54e8da0f7c
  3. Speaking of Interstate improvements Look what i dug up from the Grave I wonder if the DOT is still going with this place or is it going to change. Also side note I would love to see this plan ad HOT lanes to it. and the Hot lanes should go further than just Malfunction Junction. it should follow 26 back to you get to the 26/77 Interchange.
  4. Interloop as in Rail Transit or Interstate? because I've had talks with SCDOT before and the CMCOG before on that idea and they said that it is possible but challenges is Money and Neighbourhoods it may cause a disturbance to. the first idea was to Connect 277 to 216 but i doubt that will ever be finished or started because of the elmwood ppl and since the state is already spending over a billion on Malfunction Junction alone theres no way they are willing to spend another maybe billion for a Downtown Connector or Loop. but my idea was for it to Follow the Train Tracks elevated through town. Heres some Renderings from back in 2010 and 2011 i created and heres the idea i had along time ago to Cap off the Railroads turn them into green space and have an Elevated Double Deck highway above it
  5. Agreed. We have a Innovista and a Bull Street for them to come to.
  6. I knda get what you mean. like they talk about making More pedestrian friendly roads in Columbia but that usually mean 4 lane to 2 lane roads example like Green Street yes it will be more pedestrian friendly but long term when the development gets going either there's a Public transit to move ppl around or its just gonna be crowded trying to funnel thousands of cars down a 2 lane main road everyday. i think theirs places where 2 lane pedestrian roads are needed. but some places if you keep funneling roads to the point traffic gets beyond gridlocked then it will start killing business because of congestion.
  7. Heres some pictures Ive taken out on Prince Night at Spirit Communications Park This one is cool. You can see the BOA Building in the background This last picture here is By far the Most depression but also gives you the sense of how big the area is and what is gonna be here in just the next year or so.But look how Alone Spirit Communications Park is.
  8. I just got back from Prince night at the Stadium. Had so much fun. I can't wait to see all the shops and stores and resturants in the near future. New comers to Columbia are going to love the atmosphere surrounding the stadium. Expect pictures real soon
  9. Yay the Bill was signed. SC Gov. Haley signs roads plan with Malfunction Junction fix http://www.thestate.com/news/politics-government/politics-columns-blogs/the-buzz/article82539257.html
  10. http://columbiabusinessreport.com/news/57795-benjamin-expects-more-construction-to-start-soon-at-bull-street oh this is good news. New construction already
  11. Its 1step closer to becoming a reality Kroger store a step closer on south Assembly http://www.thestate.com/news/business/article82132697.html
  12. New businesses are boosting Columbia’s North Main http://www.thestate.com/news/business/article81798917.html I wonder if we're gonna see some Mid rise apartments on NOMA soon i would love to see that sprout up down there.
  13. Wow looking at the bottom of that PDF file i saw all the construction proposed and planned projects in Columbia. WOW. i knew it was a lot but not this much.
  14. Question. Whatever happened to the land next to the Kline City Center. Anyone knows what happened to that project? I heard a huge retailer was supposed to be built there. It came and gone. I haven't heard anything since.
  15. Downtown is going to Look so different in just 3 years. It's exciting.
  16. Yay. This actually makes me happy
  17. Yay good news Kroger shopping center on Assembly moving toward reality http://www.thestate.com/news/local/article81666407.html
  18. I really think Columbia needs to jump on the One Way street game because I'm not going to lie most street in Downtown are inefficient as two ways. Look at Charleston, Charlotte, Greenville. They have a lot of one ways that make sense and keeps traffic flowing. http://www.wltx.com/mb/news/local/drivers-express-mixxed-feelings-over-new-one-way-project-in-lexington/229234394
  19. http://www.thestate.com/news/politics-government/politics-columns-blogs/the-buzz/article81180752.html Thank You!
  20. Matt told me that they are looking to shorten the buillding because the cost of strengthening the garage to carry a 22 story tower is gonna be too much and take more time. He said that they may look at doing a high rise on one of the newer garaged since they wouldn't require much retrofitting to build a high rise.
  21. We have a great riverfront thats untapped
  22. Well if the city stop shunning away dense highrise development or have 3 people complain about what they dont want then downtown the center city could get it together. Example: The possible Highrise Apartment on Lady and Park. The land across the street which is for sale could be another huge mixed used high rise office or apartment. Possible high rise on Park and Washington next to the library. talked Matt Kendall 3 days ago about the huge empty parking lot across the street from the library and we was talking about an idea that we talked about on here years ago about turning that land into a Mixed Used hub. Something similar to Charlottes Epicentre with a high rise condo hotel or apartment attached to it. If Columbia focus on density in that matter. Then it can grow just like vista and bull street. Im tired of hearing ( we don't want to be like Charlotte) I always ask what you dont want? Growth?
  23. We are already gaining a lot of their business now. I think the state needs to jump on it and start working on getting t those businesses that left or leaving NC. Bring them to columbia
  24. Thats what i thought Wow. Well That just shows you.companies Don't take it to kindly to hate. Like When the Battle flag wax flying on the statehouse here. Soon as they Took it down like over night businesses left and right started flooding into columbia and SC
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