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Everything posted by InTheYear2000

  1. Counter point: https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf See Figure 5(page 27) TLDR: The shorts have covered.
  2. BMO Harris is the Chicago based US arm of Bank of Montreal. That would track given the developer's primary market. Edit: Also this Chicago project https://riversideid.com/portfolio/union-station-tower is named BMO Tower
  3. The renderings were way more beige and nothing like this high contrast detail. Not a choice I would have went with but I support different.
  4. Generally, It's more difficult to finance retail in the current environment(not enough to make it completely untenable, just more difficult). Outside of that, I'd guess there are probably some details about the NoDa area that don't fit cleanly into a model that would prioritize retail.
  5. Death, Taxes and a UP complaint about retail.. but seriously 2800sqft of retail in that huge site?
  6. HT is already in the DMV(I recently visited a really nice new store in the Navy Yards). Looks like the makings of another Kroger/Publix battle ground. Editors note: I'm a Publix homer, I just can't quit them sandwiches.
  7. The protest is actually a very small vocal group of people that primarily live on the adjacent 37th street and a bunch of people who don't mind signing any given petition that smites big bad developers. I don't see any of this stopping the development of that lot. It looks to me like they have a clear and logical argument for rezoning. I haven't been around enough of these applications in Charlotte, would previous rezoning applications have a precedential impact on this one? It's roughly a quarter mile from the 36th station, that would fit into the TOD stance right?
  8. Take a look at the Axios Charlotte Facebook post, it's a predictable dumpster fire.
  9. @dylansukkert& @SouthendSnoop please utilize the contact information provided by one of our fellow UP members. Your feedback counts.
  10. I suspect the food delivery services to be the primary culprit and I've seen this specific Hooters have this issue several times. I'd love to see if we can hold either the service or the restaurant accountable.
  11. 8:21 train from 36th street headed into Uptown.. pre-pandemic level crowd. At the very least we need one more train an hour.
  12. I know you are looking for a pro/con, but alternatively If I'm at the betting window I'd place my money on Publix on the chance that they put to use their highly effective government relations team. As a recovering Florida resident; I've seen those folks move entire intersections, change parking guidelines and (most impressively) change county liquor laws on a whim. With that said, this seems like a town run by commercial devs and brokers so the odds on that bet are probably closely aligned with who has more potential sqft to lease.
  13. Echo what everyone has said. It's not empty(Think pre-pandemic Saturday). I expect a ridership uptick after 9/7. I know the delays for Wells and some others have made the news but I still expect the 9/7 date to materially change the landscape uptown.
  14. I have been fighting with these people at all the meetings. It's disused property about a quarter mile from the light rail directly next to another 5 story apartment building. It's not just the right thing for the property it's the right thing to capitalize on the billions spent on transit into the neighborhood. The real cognitive dissonance though is a good portion of the outspoken live in said 5 story apartment building. It'd be a shame for them to loose their big grassy dog toilet.
  15. The vindictive a**h*** in me wants to organize a public march in support of the park system featuring a loop through this slice of backwards suburbia.
  16. Rest assured your personal needs align with at least one other's. Please. Please.. join me in complaining to CATS and the City at large. I am back now most days and I am going to invest in a parking spot now due to the additional ~30 minutes added to my daily commute. Also, here's another brain dead move CATS just did: They are releasing a new App later this month and shut down the old app 2 weeks prior. That means no mobile pass purchases period for a minimum of 2 weeks. This is nitpicking but I really hate using the (often broken) ticket machines.
  17. Do you know what Exxon does in the DFW area? The HQ and nearly all of the XOM brass is in their relatively new mega campus in the Woodlands just outside of Houston. They consolidated the legacy Mobil campus in Virginia, the downtown Houston offices and many of the other outposts there in around 2014-15.
  18. Well if that's true than I gather they did not backfill driver vacancies otherwise they wouldn't need staffing to resume the pre-pandemic headways.
  19. "CATSRideTransit 39 points·13 days ago We plan to increase service within July once we have the proper amount of personnel needed to accommodate more frequent service. Stay tuned! Thanks!" This was a comment a few weeks ago from the CATS's official reddit account. Maybe they should have taken all that government money and, you know , not fired anyone.
  20. Tiggered, that was one messy lawsuit/repair situation.
  21. I think NoDa's headwind in office space is accessibility by car unfortunately. The area is relatively far from highways. If I had to guess, office projects will happen way sooner in the Brevard Street corridor and Sugar Creek BLE station area due to their accessibility by LR and Car. ** I should have refreshed before posting this, @kermit posted basically the same thing just 14 hours earlier!
  22. Just noticed the fairly large lot(over 4 acres) on Anderson next to the ACWR line has began development. Looks like a pretty big TH project and if I'm not reading this wrong the maps are already showing the new roads planned. I also love to see the extension of Spenser to a previously dead-end street. Old: New?:
  23. I use the Johnston 3-4 times a week and if they decide to raze it I won't miss the building at all. Having used many of the other Ys, the Johnston has got to be one of the worst equipped with the fewest amenities and this is after a mild upgrade in 2019. With that said it's still functional and serves the community fairly well so I'm hoping they figure out a better use than being a giant unofficial parking lot for Cabo Fish Taco.
  24. I'm not denying Nascar has had attendance issues, but that's not really fair. 1. Indy is the biggest race event in North America and far more iconic/tradition than the 600. 2. The capacity at Indy is 257k. 3. Just my opinion, but the 600 is way too long. The 19 race was a hair under 5 hours.
  25. Burial won't be brewing beer in that space so none of the typical production dimensions apply. But, to your point it could serve as a great space for a brewery's satellite tap room. The ownership group would have to have a real marketing strategy to go out and get those businesses and from what I can see that group couldn't manage to keep the place in proper repair(temporary plywood stair repairs that were left to rot for years, completely abandoned landscaping and filthy walls and floors). To me this is a story of either incompetence, "penny wise/pound foolish" or both.
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