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Everything posted by swu_BA_student

  1. Yeah, I have admit I really don't like the gold buying place on that same block. They look kind of like a pawn shop to me.
  2. So people who you prejudge by the way they look are a nuisance because you have to look at them? Why do you have more right to the city then they do, maybe they find your attitude to be offensive. Also, I drive up and down Main st on the way to work every day and they did not hang out on the street smoking all day although to be fair I have seen them taking smoke breaks outside before for sure. And with that I'll stop before I get .
  3. To add some more food for thought, wouldn't we have rather seen this place grow to the point of having enough capital to create the type of business that would add to downtown. I live down here and more places that offer some of what Quikies had are sorely needed. Could you see them hiring a design firm to improve the interior or worked with Next or the Clemson MBA students to get a better business plan together. I would love to have a big city style convenience/deli store. A place where I could get a buttered hard roll and a coffee on the way to work in the morning. Maybe a movie rental kiosk, (I'm into Blu-Rays and none of the machines have them yet.) All I'm saying is I really want more businesses that cater to the people who call downtown home not just the visiters.
  4. Wow, little rough guys. While it would be nicer if they had designed the place better, I'm only glad to see businesses that knowingly are a public nuisance go under. If the owners are reading this I wish the best to you, your family and any employees who may have lost their jobs in this rough economy and thank you for participating in the backbone of our economic system, the small business.
  5. Nice! I live a block from there and I'm looking to leave Peak Fitness.
  6. swu_BA_student


    Hey guys, what happens when the R&D federal grant money that is floating this thing dries up? They have 9 employees as of right now and have only built 7 buses so far. I still feel like there are a lot of "ifs" with this deal.
  7. I was just told by their requiter that I'd be a good candidate for their program. I live only a few blocks from there so I could walk/bike very easily. I'm very excited about their having moved to the falls. Thank you Clemson for being so forward thinking as to move this program downtown! I still can't believe I might one day hold an MBA from such a good school.
  8. love the modern look! we need to use more of these open hilltop lots for highrise residential, the views are great.
  9. old port city java is going to be a sushi place.
  10. Has anyone ever proposed anything for the parking lot across from city hall and the grnvl news building?
  11. I was there this past summer and they were advertising Transformers 2.
  12. I'm pretty sure the one in discovery place is full size.
  13. I'm a theater nerd, I really wanted to get a real IMAX, not a LIEMAX.
  14. Citylife, do you have any idea whats gonna go in here yet, or even a best guess?
  15. I've seen some heavy construction equipment down on the far end of riverplace. Is phase 2 and 3 still coming? Has the other portions of riverplace been a success, or are they struggling?
  16. anybody got an update on this? i drive by on my way to work some days and I have seen a construction dumpster next to the building and some light activity inside.
  17. I'm glad some movement is happening on this because positive cash flow is the first step to the rest of the project happening, but this looks like a poor man's Frankie's judging by the website. Citylife, do you know if this will be one of the tennents in the old structures, or are they going to build new? Side note, City, do you have citylife tatted on your stomach, Tupac style?
  18. fall for greenville was still packed last night. hope today goes as well. wow, i havnt thought about pathmark and a&p for along time.
  19. Anybody want to speculate on what type of national retailers might be interested in going into a space in this building? I'll go first, Best Buy has a concept called Best Buy Mobile where they have all the major carriers in one spot so you can shop them all at once. Every BB has these inside the regular stores as a "store within a store" concept, but they also have stand alone stores in shopping areas. No one has done a cell phone store downtown yet and I think the first mover into this market will be able to grab a lot of share. Spartanburg's West Gate Mall has one of the stand alone mobile stores. I think one of these would be a great fit for this building.
  20. Only the best art you've/greenville's ever seen. theres a bunch of them over by the citco station in the west end. open your mind to the hate mind racist control satellite. "brought to you by carl's jr."
  21. Does any one know what is going in next the the takosushi? It says some thing about convenience and has a bud light sign on the banner.
  22. This is going to be a franchise that sells old fashioned candy and specialty children's toys. I don't know much more about it than that.
  23. Yeah those are the ones CL, looks like the same thing they are doing over on Hynie st. The house they took down used to have the same kind of traffic that the Hynie st area did. Glad to see it gone. Now if that soup kitchen could go away most of the bad foot traffic by my house would stop and McCall st could be redeveloped.
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