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Everything posted by Mobuchu

  1. Brick going up along the MLK side of the stadium: 6-12-13
  2. After a quick look at their website and some of the projects they've done, I wouldn't get your hopes up. Looks like they do anything from single family infill to 5 story apt buildings. Anyone knwo anything more about these guys?
  3. Funny, also heard a rumor about them getting into a spot on the north side of uptown. I suspected the apt tower at 10th/Church, but the retail floor plan doesn't seem to support that.
  4. Is there any update on this? I saw this devopment on the updated google map we have and it's one I really wish could move forward. I bike often to VBGB and just having something in this lot other then a billboard sign would do wonders for making the music factory feel closer to town. Edit: And speaking of biking over to the Music Factory. The sand Volleyball courts at VBGB were a great addition. Renassaince is the next closest decent option and thats down off Tyvola. Just one more fun thing to do at the NCMF, and I was one of the doubters when it was proposed.
  5. Oof, so glad the begining said "Concord", but still wish Charlotte's name wasn't anywhere in that video. :/
  6. I wasn't sure where to put this so feel free to move it if there's a better topic. Fourth Ward Bread Co will be opening within a couple weeks. I stopped by when I saw movement inside and new signage out front. The owner let me in when he saw me looking inside so I chatted with him for a good 20min and took some pics. Lots of info, so I'll try to remember it all. He used to be an engineer and then went to culinary school, and his son went to culinary school and trained in Europe so they want this to be a "European style" bakery, similar to what you would find in NY/NJ where they used to live. All fresh produce, eggs, and meats from local farmers (if possible), and all the bread will be baked daily. Coffee is organic and from a local roaster. Their menu will include breakfast, lunch, and dinner to go along with the bakery side of the business for breads and some desserts. They are also going to get into "TRUE NY style pizza" and Bianca from their own dough. If they get the permits, they will do a hot dog type stand uptown by the square to help get the name out and to do more business for the office crowd. It also sounded like you could call in an order to be picked up at any time or to be delivered to the residences and offices nearby the bakery. They'll be doing a big event in the parking lot next to the building sometime in August to help get the name out. He didn't get into detail, but apparently there was some issues with the building that delayed the opening for so long. Permiting? If they produce breads and food the way they say they will, and can get foot traffic through the door, I think this will be a big addition to uptown living. My family complains whenever they come down about the lack of a good bakery nearby, so I'm really looking forward to this. The website still isn't updated, but here it is: www.fourthwardbreadco.com 5-29-13
  7. If anyone is interested in what wood panels at Park Road Shopping Center will look like, here's a pic. They're doing the paneling for the Teeter right now, as well as digging up the road by Fuel pizza, not sure what for though. 5-29-13
  8. I didn't catch much of the show and can't attend tonight, but a few members from the 30 member "transit funding working group" were on Charlotte talks, and will present to the MTC tonight on new ways to help fund the 2030 plan. Everything from TIF, to advertising, to federal loans to upgrade fright lines for commuter rail are possabilities. If anyone attends, please share! "The Transit Working Group will present their recommendations to the Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC) Wednesday (tonight) May 22 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in Room 267 of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Government Center (CMGC), 600 E. 4th Street. Open to the public."
  9. There's heavy equipment on the Publix site (not sure if thats new), but also workers looking at drawings and moving about the site. Is this suppose to get moving or is it just some random site work to put up fencing or something like that?
  10. Never tried in UP, but just use the share > embed option in youtube, then copy and paste that here I guess? I assume you have to have a pretty open field to operate? First Ward near 7th and Caldwell has some open areas. 4th Ward Park, or any of the parking lots uptown on the weekends would be good also.
  11. Awesome lykedoctor! Which helicopter is that? And can I give you my GoPro 3 to attach to it, haha? Or is that what your using? Either way, thanks for stopping over and sharing!
  12. I wasn't able to get a decent pic, but while driving down South Blvd today i noticed the gray concrete of the parking deck at Colonial sticks up above the rest of the project. It's pretty ugly, so I hope they at least paint it or put up some kind of roof "wall" to extend the height of the building.
  13. 2 things. 1st, here's a link to an article in the NYT about Charlotte and the trend of young people moving to transit and out of cars. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/14/us/report-finds-americans-are-driving-less-led-by-youth.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 2nd, Ron Carlee will be on Charlotte Talks (9am) on NPR tomorrow morning to talk about the transit plan and his proposal for streetcar funding. Looking forward to hearing what he has to say publicly.
  14. Thats great news and I think it will only get better as more people discover it and they continue to expand. It's somewhat discouraging that our daily pass is the most expensive in the nation. I've personally not used the system yet because it's expensive without a yearly pass.
  15. Love the look of this HT. Opening on the 29th! 5-8-13
  16. The new HT taking shape. 5-8-13
  17. Gone are the days of lugging around a DLSR and lenses and walking around uptown for a couple hours, as I've grown lazy, but I figured out how to quickly and easily upload pics from my phone so I'll provide some updates whenever requested.
  18. A few updates on the Southend Projects under construction. All from 5-7-13 330 W. Tremont Park and Kingston from the Camden side Silos from Youngblood Fountains Colonial
  19. No, but there are defenitely some pillars already up, will get a pic later if I can. You can kinda see them (i think) in Mazzo's vid on the far right. EDIT: best I could do is while driving by.
  20. Saw this also, here's a pic (if I can get it to work)
  21. And we have liftoff! Concrete and rebar is out of the ground on the Childress Kline site along MLK and Mint. It's a tight space but they are moving along quickly.
  22. Geez! Thats a lot of breweries for our city, LOVE it! I'm not sure we can sustain all of them though, imagine some will start to drop off?
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