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Hampton Roads Transportation


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sweet, I am actually excited.


email correspondence I had with a guy from the city about light rail:

Dear Sir:

You wouldn't happen to have any updated information

about the Peninsula light rail proposal, would you? I

would love to see it happen here but it seems that

nothing is materializing. This may not be the case but

nearly nothing is reported about it.

I know a lot of it has to do with obtaining the

federal funding ... would this latest federal

transportation package alleviate any of that

neccessity? Are we competing with Norfolk for funding

for two separate mass-transit projects?



Thank you for your quick reply.

I am assuming, then, that the light rail project could

be plausibly funded without federal dollars?

Otherwise, I do not see the utility of funding an DEIS

when there is little chance of our being able to

construct/operate it.

I will get in touch with Ms. Art about the same.

Best regards,


we shall see.

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My dream is that we find a workable way to pay for a multi-modal transportation system that is region-wide, offers non-automobile choices, and is sustainable. I truly believe that the Feds will subsidize only those light rail programs that are politically supported and economically feasible. They are going to shun projects with inflated ridership forecasts, lack of political consensus and those that support low density corridors with sparsely populated origins and destinations.

If we are going to succeed with such a system, we must commit ourselves to high density development along transit corridors and we must make sure that our greatest job centers are our prime destinations. These would include military bases, ports, downtowns and park and ride lots. I believe that BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) would be a good and reasonably affordable way to start this process. Fixed guideway systems could come next, but the conflicts with congested roadways would have to be addressed, which means that parts of rail systems would need to be elevated (expensive).

At the moment, we have a loose confederation of efforts: light rail starter programs are underway in Norfolk and on the Peninsula, but nothing concrete has started, and BRT has been suggested as a replacement for trolley buses at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. We've got a long way to go.

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The BRT has been put on the back burner due to Oceana being put in this pinch. Norfolk is in the final stage right now and might here something within the next 6 mos. Actually for any of this to work we must go in all together and not fight and have different mass transit when you from city to city. Its stupid that we don't work as a group on this issue!

Edited by rusthebuss
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I see advantages of each type of system. LRT is sexier so more people would ride it and the feds are willing to fund it, but BRT is more flexible and less expensive to implement relying on local and state money. LRT is a good option for lines where RR ROWs exist like NS in Norfolk/VB and CSX on the Peninsula. It also makes sense to acquire ROWs in Suffolk and extend a line through Portsmouth to the Medical Complex terminus in Norfolk. VB went after BRT because it is not going to build LRT tracks along the Strip. Extending BRT along the NS line makes sense for VB as it reduces per passenger mile capital and operating costs. In addition, if VB wanted to connect Pembroke CBD/TC to the Amp, Municipal Center, higher ed centers, etc. BRT could utilize Princess Anne road instead of building LRT tracks or dedicated BRT lanes (except at TC and Municipal Center). But with existing tracks in Norfolk, Portsmouth, and the Peninsula, LRT makes sense there.

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Just curious - was anyone traveling 64 East between Richmond and Newport News on Sunday night? To say it was crazy, would be an understatement. :wacko: I was on my way home from Philadelphia yesterday and was making pretty good time until I got to the on ramp to 64 east coming off of 295 south. Traffic was backed up for several miles because VDOT was paving the road. I know that I sat in traffic for at least an hour to go about 5, maybe 6 miles. About 25 miles after that, traffic was at a crawl again as there was some work being done near Camp Peary - I never reached the road work because I got off at the Rt. 143 exit in Williamsburg. I took 664 and the Western Freeway to get back to Norfolk (because VDOT was doing road work on 64 near the Willoughby Bay Bridge as well) I understand that doing road work at night makes the most sense for VDOT, but 3 lane closures on the same stretch of interstate within about 50 miles is just ridiculous. What genius came up with that plan?

Edited by Seven Cities
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oh that would be cool to take light rail from NN to Norfolk.  That would be so cool to see.

Granted with the way public transportation works there, I might be dead by the time it happens.


Uhhm more likely you might be dead by the time you ever reach Norfolk from NN riding on public transport here. And that is not from the passengers, but the drivers.

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yea the metro is grrreat... I usually ride in from Vienna/Fairfax/GMU or West falls Church.... it would be pretty crazy to see a subway system in HR. Wonder if that would happen in our lifetimes?


It would be to expensive due to the fact we are below sealevel in alot of spots. Also we would have to have alot more density than what we have now

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Oh, this is gonna go over real well :rolleyes:VDOT studies congestion tolls. Now, to be fair, they do this in england with some marginal success. I simply do not think that the will or demographics exist in this area to support such a move. Also, if you are to punish people for driving during congenstion hours you're gonna have to provide them with some alternate means of transit so they can avoid this toll. I'm not seeing them going after a public transit system with the same fervor as this so this issue may be dead on arrival.

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Living close to one's job would be helpful....

That would be nice but I have moved from city to city with jobs and I'm not moving everytime that I would have to switch jobs. :huh:

Oh, this is gonna go over real well :rolleyes:VDOT studies congestion tolls. Now, to be fair, they do this in england with some marginal success. I simply do not think that the will or demographics exist in this area to support such a move. Also, if you are to punish people for driving during congenstion hours you're gonna have to provide them with some alternate means of transit so they can avoid this toll. I'm not seeing them going after a public transit system with the same fervor as this so this issue may be dead on arrival.

This is just another way that they are trying to pick HR's pockets again. Does it state where the money would go to. Let me guess it wouldn't stay here. :angry:

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Oh, this is gonna go over real well :rolleyes:VDOT studies congestion tolls. Now, to be fair, they do this in england with some marginal success. I simply do not think that the will or demographics exist in this area to support such a move. Also, if you are to punish people for driving during congenstion hours you're gonna have to provide them with some alternate means of transit so they can avoid this toll. I'm not seeing them going after a public transit system with the same fervor as this so this issue may be dead on arrival.

What would be nice is that if they ever implement something like this (they won't), they should give a heavy "commuter discount" wherein someone travelling the same route every day or at least 4 days a week would end up paying a lot less. I really think that this would be the way to go with the HOV lanes, turn them into HOT lanes and the rates go down depending on how many times in a given week you have paid, or a max weekly charge. Or turn the HOV lanes into LR lanes... but that is another story altogether lol.

The major problem that I would have with this is that it would push people off the roads at certain times but eventually wouldn't it lead to more gridlock and rush hours (like Seattle's three rush hours: morning, lunch and night)?

Having said all of that, I will say one more thing: ain't gonna happen in VA. Period.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anybody mentioned this yet?

The Richmond to Hampton Roads High Speed Rail project has revised their alternatives down to two. The one involving a rail crossing from Newport News to Virginia is out, and it's no small wonder since a rail bridge/tunnel would cost billions of dollars.

The only options left are:

1. The peninsula route, with stops in Richmond, Williamsburg, and a new station in downtown Newport News

2. The southside route, with stops in Richmond, Petersburg, Bowers Hill, and downtown Norfolk.

Presumably, conventional rail service to Newport News would continue, even if Norfolk got the high speed route.

Here is a map:


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Thanks for posting this Orulz, I wasn't aware of this at all. I bet there's gonna be some pretty nasty competition between DT Norfolk and NN now. Personally I would rather have it come to Norfolk since it is the hub but I also wonder if bringing this to NN would help spark some sort of revitalization effort for their original downtown. It's a tough call.

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Thanks for posting this Orulz, I wasn't aware of this at all. I bet there's gonna be some pretty nasty competition between DT Norfolk and NN now. Personally I would rather have it come to Norfolk since it is the hub but I also wonder if bringing this to NN would help spark some sort of revitalization effort for their original downtown. It's a tough call.

lol we talked about this stuff earlier this year btw.. there is a thread in the Virginia section about it....

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