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Spartanburg Festivals


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I'm starting this thread to provide a dedicated space to talk about the many special events that Spartanburg has, from Spring Fling to the International Festival to the Fair. Your thoughts, your experiences, perhaps some photos, etc.


So, for post #1 I want to say that while I "knew" Spring Fling was this weekend, it had slipped my mind when I returned home Friday evening, so while I came into town on Church St, it took me a second to figure out why the road was closed! Since it wasn't my final destination, I had to navigate around the road closures, and as I did this, I was impressed at the volume of people that were downtown for this even. There was no parking to be found anywhere near the event area. And even though it was towards the end of the day's festivities, there were still people gravitating towards the activity.

I also want to add that this particular event, a spring time fair, is one of my favorite, because it takes everything that is a fair (with the exception of a few larger rides) and plops it down in the heart of the city. The lights, the smells, the sounds, etc are all there. Its fantastic. So I'm always excited when this event draws in large crowds of people.

They also tend to rotate which roads are closed each year. I haven't been able to figure out a pattern, but I think that I like this year's layout the best. I think that when Church St remains open, it cuts a very large divide into the event. Closing it and using it for events keeps more things closer to the Square and the heart of the city.

Here's a map of the event this year:


Link: Spring Fling Website

Link: Herald-Journal Article

Link: Spring Fling History

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