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Arnold Chase builds 50,000 sq ft. home.


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According to this article, Arnold Chase is building a mega-mansion in Connecticut. Sized at a staggering 50,000 sq. ft., about 20 times the size of an average American home, this new residence will be the largest home in New England. That's fine and dandy. Besides, it's owner is richer than all get out.. But honestly does anybody really need 50,000 sq. ft. to live comfortably. Also, being that my household of three is nicely accommodated in a mere 1000 sq. ft. mobile home, I left wondering if the 2500 sq. ft. that is the average size of an American home is too much as well.

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I see this house on Avon mountain almost every day (it's actually in West Hartford). It is beyond belief how large it is. Not far away is 50Cent's house. He bought it from Mike Tyson. At one time, the largest night club in the State of Connecticut was in that house. He now has a heli-pad there, and he's trying to sell it for 18 million. West Hartford and Farmington are becoming quite the haven for ridiculous wealth....

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There's no reason whatsoever for a house that big. There will probably be rooms he'll never even use. This is just one those moments where "my *thing* is bigger than yours".

I wonder how much he'll pay the illegal aliens to clean his house, and how often he'll use them.

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There's no reason whatsoever for a house that big. There will probably be rooms he'll never even use. This is just one those moments where "my *thing* is bigger than yours".

I wonder how much he'll pay the illegal aliens to clean his house, and how often he'll use them.

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Wow, that is wasteful, but if he has the money, it is America so more power to him.

My condo is 1600 sq ft, and that sometimes seems huge, especially when I'm cleaning it.

I grew up in a 3400 sq ft home. Knowing how big and spacious that home was, I wouldn't dream of ever owning anything bigger than that. I'd rather spend the money if I have it to go travel and see the world. Otherwise, like someone else said, donate it to charity.

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David Seigel, the time share mogul, is building an 88,000 square foot house in Orlando. That's the largest I've heard of. It will have it's own bowling alley, indoor and outdoor pools, and an ice skating rink. There's an amazing amount of overly huge houses in Orlando. Many sports figures and media stars live in Florida or at least establish a primary residence for the tax breaks. About a 1/4 of the PGA golfers live in Orlando and if you count the ones with second homes here I'll bet it's close to 1/3.

What are some of the largest houses in other cities???

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