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Anti-Gay rally in Raleigh


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Okay, this is retarded. Yesterday, there was a demonstration outside the legislative building that was attended by thousands of right-wing religious folks. They were there to support a proposed amendment to the NC Constitution to define marriage as being solely between a man and woman. The basis of this arguement almost always goes back to religion. This country is supposed to have a seperation between church and state, but I sure can't tell. Alabama just passed a measure to ban sex toys!? There are more important things in this world to worry about. What about hunger and AIDS in Africa? What about poverty and homelessness in America? That is what they SHOULD be rallying about. But no, instead they choose to worry about who someone else wants to have relations with. Do any of you ever get tired of America telling us what we can or cannot do in our personal lives because the 2000 year old book written by man tells us so?

To be honest, there's really no way to tell which religion is the "correct" religion. Could be Islam... could be Buddhism... could be all a dream LOL. No matter how sure you THINK you are.. there's really no way to prove anything. Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.

Oh well.. I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I just don't like the fact that some people try to force their own personal opinions on others. That's something I would never do. You have no idea what it feels like to be double-discriminated against. What I mean by that is the fact that I'm African American AND I live an alternative lifestyle. Getting called N****R, being spit on, and called F****T while growing up is not exactly pleasurable. We're not talking about that long ago folks. This was in the late 90's.

Sexual orientation is something that cannot be changed. Believe me, I tried for years. Attending prayer groups, forcing myself to look at woman, etc. Just as most people on this board are straight, there's nothing that's gonna change that in general. Honestly I could care less if the marriage bill passes or not. I'm not looking to marry anyone, but don't deny me of my basic rights or demean who I am as a person.

The story from the News Observer can be read here:


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It's a damn shame that with all the things going on in the world, THIS is what they rally around. THIS is what can cause thousands of them to take the day off and stage a protest. Not to stop the war, not to help the homeless or feed the hungry, but to ensure that two people of the same sex cannot get married.

I guess it helps to reinforce their feeling of moral superiority over people different than themselves.


This is a purely political ploy to get the "amendment" on the 2008 ballot. Putting the amendment on the ballot is an attempt to draw more conservative voters to the polls to win the state for Elizabeth Dole and the Republican presidential candidate.

It is funny that this "needs" an amendment because the existing law could be overturned. But the same could be said of murder, so why is there no amendment for that? Because neither amendments are necessary.

This quote in the N&O message board is too true:

"If the people had been allowed to vote on desegregation, interracial marriage or other controversial issues - these discriminatory practices would still be in use."

I really feel sorry for the people who were at this rally. People that get that worked up over gay issues are only scared that they might be going to hell for an unpure thought or action they had with a person of the same sex, or scared that their gay child will go to hell, so they turn into religious fanatics hoping against hope that they will be saved from the fiery depths of hell by a god that they seem to think is an angry, spiteful god who will side with them because they hate gays just as much as he does. Those people are not christians. They are bigots and hypocrites and with any luck they will be the ones burning in hell for all eternity. True christians would recognize that just like they didn't chose to be straight, we didn't chose to be gay. True christians are not hateful people. They are loving, caring, understanding, and most importantly accepting. I am yet to meet more than a small handfull of true christians. My own mother was one of those religious fanatics. Her favorite saying when I was growing up was "I didn't raise a damn f****t." These religious freaks resort to recruiting people through fear. We are supposed to be individuals. Not robots controlled by the religious right. At any rate, I will continue living my life the way I see fit, and loving who I love. Not because I choose to, but because thats just the way I was born. I refuse to become one of, or associate with the borg (sorry for the lame Star Trek reference). They can assimilate all the weaklings they want to. I thank my God, the true, loving, caring God, that I am able to think for myself and understand things that are greater than me instead of looking at those issues with blinders on.


What a contrast: The NC Pride Parade and NC Gay & Lesbian Film Fest are both in Durham, while in Raleigh, they're storming the capitol to get an anti-gay amendment on the books. And to think we once shared the same metro area... :lol:

Not that I think a majority of Raleigh-uns (Raleighites? :dontknow: ) are on the same page as these wackos. If I had to guess, I'd say a lot of these folks out there were from out of town, like Thomasville.


^ Yeah I think your second paragraph answered the first: the likelihood of most of those people being from Raleigh is low. While I do agree Durham is probably a tad more pro-gay than Raleigh, but not by this degree. :P I'm sure this rally was mostly full of caravans of fundamentalists from rural and suburban areas.

Okay, this is retarded. Yesterday, there was a demonstration outside the legislative building that was attended by thousands of right-wing religious folks. They were there to support a proposed amendment to the NC Constitution to define marriage as being solely between a man and woman. The basis of this arguement almost always goes back to religion. This country is supposed to have a seperation between church and state, but I sure can't tell. Alabama just passed a measure to ban sex toys!? There are more important things in this world to worry about. What about hunger and AIDS in Africa? What about poverty and homelessness in America? That is what they SHOULD be rallying about. But no, instead they choose to worry about who someone else wants to have relations with. Do any of you ever get tired of America telling us what we can or cannot do in our personal lives because the 2000 year old book written by man tells us so?

To be honest, there's really no way to tell which religion is the "correct" religion. Could be Islam... could be Buddhism... could be all a dream LOL. No matter how sure you THINK you are.. there's really no way to prove anything. Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.

Oh well.. I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I just don't like the fact that some people try to force their own personal opinions on others. That's something I would never do. You have no idea what it feels like to be double-discriminated against. What I mean by that is the fact that I'm African American AND I live an alternative lifestyle. Getting called N****R, being spit on, and called F****T while growing up is not exactly pleasurable. We're not talking about that long ago folks. This was in the late 90's.

Sexual orientation is something that cannot be changed. Believe me, I tried for years. Attending prayer groups, forcing myself to look at woman, etc. Just as most people on this board are straight, there's nothing that's gonna change that in general. Honestly I could care less if the marriage bill passes or not. I'm not looking to marry anyone, but don't deny me of my basic rights or demean who I am as a person.

The story from the News Observer can be read here:


I am not too sure what this topic has to do with urban planet, but a pro-family rally such as this isn't going to cause anything to change, for or against. As with most rallies, this was most likely a waste of time.

Nothing like a facist approach to regulating what people can and can't do. If I were gay, even if such an amendment passed, I would get married immediately and have it ordained with all the proper trappings...everything except the legal paperwork...all right on the Capital lawn too :shades:

I think a relevant point is that this heavy handed government approach to attempt to implement the tyranny of the supposed majority, is similar to tactics used to shoot down TTA, deny the Shaw/St Augs stadium, and try to stop the Convention Center....I for one am quite happy to see so many scared bigots show their face.....now I know they are there and I should be on guard against them.....keep in mind that a subset of this crowd would also ban men and women from living together unwed.....


These hate rallies with their militant straight agenda...conservative heteros are worried about marriage being a christian institution and they think it's THEIRS to protect for some reason. If christianity is the rallying cry for banning same-sex marriage, why aren't they seeking a ban on athiest marriages? Or Islamic marriages? Buddists are free to marry, as are Hindus and agnostics. It's not about christianity, because plenty of non-christian people have the right to marry in the U.S. It's about people's ignorance and fear of something unknown or different...prejudice, plain and simple.


I saw photos of this -- seeing the entire legislative mall filled with anti-gay adults and children made me sick at my stomach, but there is something we can all do to help work against this. EqualityNC is the statewide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) rights organization, and their annual Lobby Day is next Wednesday, March 21, between the hours of 8:30 and 3pm. While the LGBT Equality movement probably cannot compete with these folks in numbers, one of the most effective things any person can do is go to talk to their legislators personally, face-to-face. Many of us feel strongly in favor of LGBT equality, but we should put those strong feelings into actions! NC is the only southern state that has been able to stop an anti-family, anti-LGBT, anti-marriage constitutional amendment, but in order to keep it that way, we must speak up to our representatives! If you're interested in this, check out www.equalitync.org/lobbyday . All it takes is a couple of minutes with your legislators to put a human face on such a divisive issue and begin to change hearts and minds and effect legislation!


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