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Oh the weather outside is...


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Ive been out sick for 2 days and was actually looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. Now Im dreading the commute. Argh. My car has been in the body shop for a couple weeks now repairing the damage from when the tree in front of the house let a branch go on its roof. Im not keen on driving my rental in the snow. Automatic transmissions and snow just do not mix. After driving this fusion for 2 weeks it makes me question the sanity of all those who drive automatic cars on a daily basis by choice. I'm fairly certain that automatics were designed by some sort of evil force who hates both cars and people.


(Bronchial Infection Suffering shut-in who owns 3 manual transmission vehicles and rambles about ne'er do wells on message boards)

PS: I hate snow

PPS: If you like it so much you come and shovel it

Edited by Liamlunchtray
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i am so sick of the weathermen and their idiotic alarmist forecasting. what the hell? big nasty storm... it's not doing a freaking thing out there right now. there's some snow, but certainly not enough for a winter weather advisory or to call it a "storm".

i should get a job as a weatherman. i'll just tell people "look out your window" if you want to know what the weather's like.

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i am so sick of the weathermen and their idiotic alarmist forecasting. what the hell? big nasty storm... it's not doing a freaking thing out there right now. there's some snow, but certainly not enough for a winter weather advisory or to call it a "storm".

i should get a job as a weatherman. i'll just tell people "look out your window" if you want to know what the weather's like.

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It is a big nasty storm, but the warmth pushed it farther north. If you are a skiier, you will be happy, the mountains are going to get pounded.

This storm is exactly what I am used to seeing in RI back when I lived in Worcester. We would get 40 inches of snow, RI would get rain.

I would prefer getting hammered by the snow, though, and sitting at home, instead of fighting the sleet through 2 hours of traffic...which has not improved my mood. Luckily I hate Valentine's Day anyway, so it's good to get everything on the table at once.

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Automatic transmissions and snow just do not mix. After driving this fusion for 2 weeks it makes me question the sanity of all those who drive automatic cars on a daily basis by choice. I'm fairly certain that automatics were designed by some sort of evil force who hates both cars and people.


(Bronchial Infection Suffering shut-in who owns 3 manual transmission vehicles and rambles about ne'er do wells on message boards)

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I couldn't agree more. I can't imagine coming down a hill in slippery conditions in an automatic, and having to hit the brakes rather than downshift. It's no wonder there's horrible traffic all over the northeast when there's any hint of snow - no one knows how to drive in it. I think part of having a license in this state should require that people take winter driving courses every few years. Take everyone out to some huge open parking lot and set up a course to practice....

I too am a skiier, but I also suffer from the fact that I work Mon-Fri like most people - so I'm hesitant about going up at all this weekend and having to pick my way through the crowds. I just thought of something - they should create "expert" roads for people who actually know how to drive, kindof like they have expert trails on ski mountains. I'm just full of them today.... I just wish we could get a legit snow storm this winter.

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