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Alive after Five may move permantly!


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I just spoke to someone at HI-5. They have a TWO year agreement to have it there, and are trying to get a 20 year agreement. It'll still be fun, but where's the charm? I love GS as much as anyone, but Fayetteville Street Mall had so much charm before (at least for Alive after 5), think about how much more cool it'd be to be able to do this on the NEW Fayetteville Street. I don't like it at all, but i suppose it's great for Glenwood South. I seriously hope they plan on doing something like that on Fayetteville Street in the future. Way to put all this stock into Fay. St. and then take away the ONE thing that's been bringing people to that area for YEARS.

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I just spoke to someone at HI-5. They have a TWO year agreement to have it there, and are trying to get a 20 year agreement. It'll still be fun, but where's the charm? I love GS as much as anyone, but Fayetteville Street Mall had so much charm before (at least for Alive after 5), think about how much more cool it'd be to be able to do this on the NEW Fayetteville Street. I don't like it at all, but i suppose it's great for Glenwood South. I seriously hope they plan on doing something like that on Fayetteville Street in the future. Way to put all this stock into Fay. St. and then take away the ONE thing that's been bringing people to that area for YEARS.

I agree.

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I just spoke to someone at HI-5. They have a TWO year agreement to have it there, and are trying to get a 20 year agreement. It'll still be fun, but where's the charm? I love GS as much as anyone, but Fayetteville Street Mall had so much charm before (at least for Alive after 5), think about how much more cool it'd be to be able to do this on the NEW Fayetteville Street. I don't like it at all, but i suppose it's great for Glenwood South. I seriously hope they plan on doing something like that on Fayetteville Street in the future. Way to put all this stock into Fay. St. and then take away the ONE thing that's been bringing people to that area for YEARS.

On top of the fact that there is no good space for public gathering (unless you consider an abandoned parking lot this) in the Glenwood area. Basically, it will amount to a nuissance for people who want to go to the Glenwood area and skip out on the cover band.

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I don't know if I lack imagination but I can't see the atmosphere being the same as the mall. It would have been perfect on the redeveloped Fayetteville St. I know any retailers that they are trying to attract to Fay'ville St would have loved it.

Oh well...

Who is in charge of Alive After 5? Is there anywhere where we can leave feedback? I think alot of people feel this way. Who is in charge of Alive After 5?

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Bull. There's plenty of room for concerts on this side of town (Glen south) as well as down at Moore square and Fayetteville St. Mall. I assure you there will be NO lack of parties/concerts on FSM. They're closing it off at the end of July for an opening party!

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Bull. There's plenty of room for concerts on this side of town (Glen south) as well as down at Moore square and Fayetteville St. Mall. I assure you there will be NO lack of parties/concerts on FSM. They're closing it off at the end of July for an opening party!

I have to disagree on that one. Alive after 5 belongs on FS.

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If Glenwood South wants a music series, let them create their own.

I think they could do something cool to give up and coming acts a chance vs. the cover bands that play AA5. Lucky B's/13s/around the corner has closed down tucker a few times, and Bogarts/Hi 5 has closed down Johnson St. outside as well too.

Raleigh Downtown Alive could move to the "west of new CC" space (or Fayetville St) since moore square has too many plants and trees to host 10,000+ concert goers LOL.

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The name of the guy in charge of Alive After 5 is Brian Alexander, and his email address is [email protected]. Let him know that we want it back where it belongs in 2008, and that we want to be able to bring our own coolers. I know this may not seem like a big deal to some, but let GS have their own trendy, hip, over-priced music event. I want my cheap, convenient, relaxed Alive after Five back!!!

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  • 4 months later...

Maybe stretch out the event along Martin or Hargett Street between Nash Square and Moore square? Don't close off the road, but set up grand stands in each square and let any vendors line Martin or Hargett. The beauty is that pedestrian traffic will cross Fayetteville Street, and let people see some of the new things coming to Fayetteville Street. Also they aren't that far from Glenwood South, so this can start connecting the two areas in people's minds.

(I'm aware that tons of ped traffic crossing McDowell, Dawson, Salisbury and Wilmington can be a problem, but that sounds like the type of problem we want: pedestrian activity impeding vehicular traffic instead of vice versa)

(I'm just not a fan of closing off Fayetteville Street too regularly, maybe 5-10 times a year max)

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It depends on where on F Street this will be held. If they go back to the plaza and close off F Street south of Davie, it will be pretty much the same as before. If they close off F Strett between Davie and Hargett, and Martin between Wilmington and Salisbury, that would be a lot of space and not too much of a traffic problem.

I think they've watched Raleigh Downtown Alive and seen how keeping external beer out can drive oat soda sales.

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  • 6 months later...
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The Raleigh Chronicle says: no AAF this Summer.

There are a few key reasons (IMHO):

* No coolers is a deal-breaker for most people. If I have to buy beer, and the band there doesn't matter to me, I'll just go ahead to a bar quiet enough for conversation that has bathrooms and possibly good food.

* The event was born out of people leaving work to hear beach music. Most of the beach music fans are at least 45 now, and just don't get out like they used to. The event had a hard time figuring out what kind of bands would attract hard-working people, with jobs, and something to lose (ie no criminals)

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Does WRAL-FM "own" Alive After Five or does the city?

Before the F Street construction, it seemed to be doing ok at the Civic Center Plaza location. There were a couple of beach music bands, but they also had several cover bands like The Breakfast Club's 80s music. They also had The Mummies, a jazz/funk band that dressed up in mummy costumes. It attracted a good mix of the "just out of college" crowd and 30-early 40s types who wanted to see live music before 11 pm/midnight in a venue other than a smoky nightclub. But I don't think these AA5 concert goers were converted to Mix 101.5 listeners, which might be why Capitol Broadcasting pulled the plug.

WRAL-FM is replacing AA5 with Concerts at the Commons, a three concert series at Triangle Town Center with stuff for the kids. This makes sense for their target demographic -- soccer moms and their families. I don't know if TTC paid more than the downtown Raleigh groups, or if they were happy with Downtown Live...

I am not a Clear Channel fan, but Kiss 93.9 is growing on me. They could make a name for themselves if they sponsored a AA5-like event....

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