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You all down in Louisiana are quite the travelling bunch!


Especially Dan, who is probably sampling the local cuisine over in Shanghai as we speak! ;)

But the one trip I really want to make is my trip over to Sweden. I've got family in Copenhagen, Denmark; Helsingborg, Sweden; Malmo, Sweden; and Stockholm, Sweden, and it's been way to long since I've been over there. I'm completely fluent in Swedish, and know quite a bit of Danish, so I get around easily over there, and feel right at home.

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Especially Dan, who is probably sampling the local cuisine over in Shanghai as we speak! ;)

But the one trip I really want to make is my trip over to Sweden. I've got family in Copenhagen, Denmark; Helsingborg, Sweden; Malmo, Sweden; and Stockholm, Sweden, and it's been way to long since I've been over there. I'm completely fluent in Swedish, and know quite a bit of Danish, so I get around easily over there, and feel right at home.

Going international I see, me too! Thats very cool that youve got relatives in Sweden. Mine are in Pietraroia, Italy. Divertirsi nella Svezia!

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Especially Dan, who is probably sampling the local cuisine over in Shanghai as we speak! ;)

But the one trip I really want to make is my trip over to Sweden. I've got family in Copenhagen, Denmark; Helsingborg, Sweden; Malmo, Sweden; and Stockholm, Sweden, and it's been way to long since I've been over there. I'm completely fluent in Swedish, and know quite a bit of Danish, so I get around easily over there, and feel right at home.

Woah, I knew you went to Sweden and had family there but never knew that you were fluent in Swedish. I'm just curious did you make an effort to learn it at home or did you pick it up from all your visits to Sweden? That and do you have an accent? I know that Swedes around Malmo have an accent that's actually closer sounding to Danish because of their proximity. I know all the Scandinavian languages are somewhat close to each other, other than Finnish. I always wondered which were the ones that were closer to another.

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I learned Swedish, as a kid, just as I learned English. My Swedish heritage comes from my mother's side of the family, so she taught me Swedish when I was very young, and my father focused more on English. I believe I read somewhere that you can learn up to 5-6 different languages before the age of 5, without even getting confused. After that however, learning an entirely new language becomes much more difficult. As for a Swedish accent, no! :lol: Because I grew up about 5,000 miles away, I never developed an accent specific to a certain area of Swden. That's one reason I'll never completely fit in with the rest of the Swedes, no matter where I go in Sweden, my Swedish will always sound the same, no matter how different the dialect in a specific area is. But that's just something I can't help.

About your second question, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian are all pretty similar to each other. Though each have their own different dialects, for the most part, you'll be comforatable in any of those three countries if you know only one language. For example, I never actually really learned Norwegian, but since I'm fluent in Swedish, and know quite a bit of Danish, for the most part, I can get around comfortably there.

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I learned Swedish, as a kid, just as I learned English. My Swedish heritage comes from my mother's side of the family, so she taught me Swedish when I was very young, and my father focused more on English. I believe I read somewhere that you can learn up to 5-6 different languages before the age of 5, without even getting confused. After that however, learning an entirely new language becomes much more difficult. As for a Swedish accent, no! :lol: Because I grew up about 5,000 miles away, I never developed an accent specific to a certain area of Swden. That's one reason I'll never completely fit in with the rest of the Swedes, no matter where I go in Sweden, my Swedish will always sound the same, no matter how different the dialect in a specific area is. But that's just something I can't help.

About your second question, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian are all pretty similar to each other. Though each have their own different dialects, for the most part, you'll be comforatable in any of those three countries if you know only one language. For example, I never actually really learned Norwegian, but since I'm fluent in Swedish, and know quite a bit of Danish, for the most part, I can get around comfortably there.

Really cool that you were able to learn it like that. I've got some Swedish and Finnish heritage. Although you apparently have more Scandinavian in you than I do. I'm not sure what I imagined you looked like but I don't think it was Scandinavian. Anyway I hope you speak your Sedish without a New Orleans accent. :lol:

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Nate I still find it interesting that you somehow have ties to both of the biggest crawfish eating areas of the world. :lol: That does remind me though what do you think of Swedish food? Do you have any favorites?


And I'm sure you won't be suprised to find out that I love me some crawfish! ;)

As for Swedish food, it's really based off bread, fish, meat, and potatoes, as is all Scandinavian food. I like quite a bit of Swedish food, especially things like Lutfisk, Raggmunk (potato pancakes), and of course any meats such as ham, meatballs, etc. you will find. However, nothing, absolutely nothing, could ever compare to my home cuisine of SE Louisiana. If I ever moved to an area where most of the food found here isn't accessible, I don't know what I would do. :D

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And I will answer your question with another question: ARE we in Fall now? lol I have no idea... yesterday it was 95 degrees at the Fort Worth Zoo, and it felt every degree of it!!

Oh, no doubt, it's been very hot down here as well recently. However, for the most part, the weather has been very nice. Plenty of cool fronts rolling through and plenty of clear blue skies. You can tell that Fall is on its way in, even if it's ever so slowly.

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And I'm sure you won't be suprised to find out that I love me some crawfish! ;)

As for Swedish food, it's really based off bread, fish, meat, and potatoes, as is all Scandinavian food. I like quite a bit of Swedish food, especially things like Lutfisk, Raggmunk (potato pancakes), and of course any meats such as ham, meatballs, etc. you will find. However, nothing, absolutely nothing, could ever compare to my home cuisine of SE Louisiana. If I ever moved to an area where most of the food found here isn't accessible, I don't know what I would do. :D

Mmmm...bread. I'm a big bread lover. Not sure if I get that from my Scandinavian ancestry or my German.

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Oh, no doubt, it's been very hot down here as well recently. However, for the most part, the weather has been very nice. Plenty of cool fronts rolling through and plenty of clear blue skies. You can tell that Fall is on its way in, even if it's ever so slowly.

What sucks is, on Saturday morning I left out for Dallas just before 6 am. It was so nice and cool outside, I was sure the high would only make it up into the mid-80s. Boy was I wrong! And last night when I went outside it was HOT... I was disappointed. I'll be ready when Fall gets here for good. This yo-yo crap is for the birds!

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