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Anyway, Ubuntu is looking pretty cool. Was it pretty easy to install and did it give you instructions on how to backup all your Windows files before installing Ubuntu?

Well I haven't completely installed it yet, but I will probably be doing that later tonight. It was extremely easy to set up the demo; you just put in the disk, re-boot your system, and choose what you want to do from there. I'm going to try to install it so that I will be able to have both Windows and Ubuntu on my PC, and I can then just pick which OS I want to use whenever I turn on my computer. I should be able to give you even more info on the installation process later tonight or tommorow. :thumbsup:

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Well I haven't completely installed it yet, but I will probably be doing that later tonight. It was extremely easy to set up the demo; you just put in the disk, re-boot your system, and choose what you want to do from there. I'm going to try to install it so that I will be able to have both Windows and Ubuntu on my PC, and I can then just pick which OS I want to use whenever I turn on my computer. I should be able to give you even more info on the installation process later tonight or tommorow. :thumbsup:

Very cool. Was backing up all your Windows-related stuff a pain or was it easy? Do you have anything that tells how to do that?

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I'm back! :D I didn't get to see as much as I wanted to because we were visiting family,but I did get to go downtown. I was not going to go to Atlanta without seeing downtown, so my mom and dad took me and it was impressive. Lots of talls builings. I think this one had to be one of my favorites. http://www.emporis.com/en/wm/bu/?id=183231

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Welcome back Dan the man. That's what I told my friend when he was in Atlanta. The loves fast cars; So I told him the 16-lane(8 each side) freeway going thru downtown and mid-town was a must drive ! But he never did.

I agree that's a cool looking building. Interesting design on the top and through-out.

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Welcome back Dan the man. That's what I told my friend when he was in Atlanta. The loves fast cars; So I told him the 16-lane(8 each side) freeway going thru downtown and mid-town was a must drive ! But he never did.

I agree that's a cool looking building. Interesting design on the top and through-out.

My cousin told me about that freeway a few years back. My jaw dropped... 16 lanes!?!?!? Amazing. The widest we have is 6 lanes continuous, with some areas as wide as 10 lanes, but only for a short stretch. 16 lanes is awesome. I will drive that if I ever make it over that way!!

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^I meant to mention that. We drove on the 8 lane roads. I'm sure my dad got a kick out of it because he loves to drive fast.


If you want to go fast, go to Atlanta! The speed limit on I-285 for example, is 55, but if you're going less than 90, people are passing you, and they're pissed. ;)

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Yeah you are right Dan. BoA has an impressive line of skyscrapers. The new one for NYC in 08' will really be millenial/top-of-the-line; and to no suprise the title of the tallest.

Seattle's Columbia Center is an engineering marvel and as impressive as any IMO. I also really like the BoA's in Dallas, Charlotte, and Houston. Each with their unique landmark designs. Miami's is a cool-sleek looking tiered-tower and looked great lit-up on TV last nite. Gotta mention that KC's is nice too. And Jacksonville's has a nice looking design as well.

Sorry Atlanta....though a very-nice looking building; that hideous steel-caged spire does not qualify it as the South's Tallest. With a roof level of 933', it can't compare to Houston's 1,000'+ bohemath.

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With a roof level of 933', it can't compare to Houston's 1,000'+ bohemath.

Actually, the "roof" being used by SSP for that info is the top of the cage crown on the building. The roof of the actual building, without the crown and the spire, is only about 770 feet. While the roof of the actual building of JPMorganChase Tower in Houston, is 1002 feet.

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Actually, the "roof" being used by SSP for that info is the top of the cage crown on the building. The roof of the actual building, without the crown and the spire, is only about 770 feet. While the roof of the actual building of JPMorganChase Tower in Houston, is 1002 feet.

That's what I was thinking. It's almost like an bigger RSA tower.

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WOW ! How fast was that?? Congrats to Brian 4,000 post! . But I noticed you have been slacking a little. You are down from you avg.22 post per day; and now it's only at 21.6. Great you have you on UP. I appreciate your enthusiasm and pride for your metro and State.
Hey congrats Brian, I'm afraid I didn't notice. Anyway congrats.

Thanks Richy and Rod! :shades:

Yeah Richy, I'd slacked off quite a bit but I think I'm back more now. I'd just had a dry spell. I was going out of town every weekend for about a month and just not really into getting into the 'net at all for a while. Plus lately I've been spending a lot of time managing my photos on Flickr and posting in the photography groups on there. That's kept me from here a bit. Plus, it seems that when Nate slowed down none of us had too much to talk about. What's up with that? :D

But I know that we're a pretty tight group here and we all are the types of people who could be good friends online or off, so I think that's what continues to bring us back.

Well, it's been a LONG and stressful day, so I'm heading home!

Thanks again for the congrats, guys. I'll be back on later tonight, after dinner.

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Congrats, Brian! :thumbsup:

It seems like we've all slowly been picking back up again, and the Louisiana forum seems to be moving a bit more again. I'm still extremely busy throughout the day, but I have enough time in the evening's now to drop 10-15 posts, which seems to help the forum move forward a bit.

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Yeah Richy, I'd slacked off quite a bit but I think I'm back more now. I'd just had a dry spell
Really Brian I was just kiddin'. That's still 3 1/2 times more than me. :thumbsup:

still extremely busy throughout the day, but I have enough time in the evening's now to drop 10-15 posts, which seems to help the forum move forward a bit.

Hey Nate I know you have been busy. I hadn't seen you very much in BR Forum, I figured you were ticked off at the timeless RiverPlace development? :dontknow: I know I'm tired of waiting for it to get-off the ground. They always tried to teach me patience, it aint easy. Plus I like your critique of my pics too.

I admit, Ive been scarce lately, even not posting anything for the past few days in my home forum. Im always like this, takes me a while to shift from summer to fall, sleep to school. I should be back once things settle down on the homefront

The fact you visit the Louisiana Forum like you do is really cool. :thumbsup: I know what you mean adjusting to different times; my body is still trying to stay on the Summer schedule and it's hurtin' me.

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