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I just discovered that green-way this weekend. I am going to try a bike ride from Ashland City to Shelby Bottoms on bike routes and green-ways in the near future. That green-way is not far removed from the bicentennial mall green-way and I have done that ride thru Shelby Bottoms to bicentennial mall.

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I just discovered that green-way this weekend. I am going to try a bike ride from Ashland City to Shelby Bottoms on bike routes and green-ways in the near future. That green-way is not far removed from the bicentennial mall green-way and I have done that ride thru Shelby Bottoms to bicentennial mall.

In the near future I believe MetroCenter greenway will be extended south through the Neuhoff property, connecting to the French Lick/downtown greenway at the north end of the Riverfront Condominiums.

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I personally think metrocenter is great the way it is. It's an office park, not a community, so why add apartments and parks, etc..? I think it's a well planned, attractive office park with great mid-rise towers.

Maybe this falls under 'the grass is always greener on the other side' syndrome? In La Vergne, we have a TON of residential living and industrial offices, but very little retail. In Metrocenter, there are plenty of offices but no residential living. We all just want what we don't have?

What good does it do? I respect the fact that you like it. Different strokes for different folks as they say...but really...why is it "great the way it is"? It is nothing more than a sprawled out office park. Even you admitted to that. It is a spread out private development that is cut off in a physical sense, a psychological sense, an economical sense, and a practical sense to anyone who does not work there.

I truly don't understand the logic behind 'keeping it the way it is'. Sure, fine, keep the office buildings. But why WOULDN'T you want to improve the area into something that can be used for more than just work by more people than just those who work there for an amount of time greater than just 9-5PM Monday through Friday? It makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever why one would prefer to not have residences and charming walkable public spaces and attractive urban blocks there. Could you explain your line of logic to me?

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^ I'm in agreement that MetroCenter could be/have been a more dense, urban-ish, walkable place. Could have been a great one with all that formerly-available land. But that wasn't the concept when it was planned and built out. There wasn't a market for that 'back then.' I often think about this when I drive or bike to the greenway there, and I realize that the owners of these big office bulidings and warehouses are not going to sacrifice their huge parking lots for anything. Theoretically, however, there is room in MC for pockets of walkable residential/commercial areas, but it would be difficult to connect them. Missed opportunities, yes, but perhaps it would have taken away from other good goings-on around the core.

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I guess I need to give more details on my opinions. I live in a subdivision. I like being surrounded by other residential buildings. Why can't the same carry over to offices? I'm not opposed to the "live, work, play" developements that seem so popular, but why add condos to metrocenter? There are plenty of other parts of town that are designed for residential growth, so let that grow out first.

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I guess I need to give more details on my opinions. I live in a subdivision. I like being surrounded by other residential buildings. Why can't the same carry over to offices? I'm not opposed to the "live, work, play" developements that seem so popular, but why add condos to metrocenter? There are plenty of other parts of town that are designed for residential growth, so let that grow out first.

Well, with all due respect my friend, plenty of reasons have been given over time and in this particular thread as to how having mixed use neighborhoods can have positive affects. You still haven't given a reason as to why residential shouldn't be thrown into the mix in metrocenter. You may feel more comfortable keeping uses separate, but as far as the big picture is concerned that isn't going to cut it. I'm just wondering because there has to be some sort of legitimate reason that you would rather Metrocenter be souly an office development, right?

By the way, I just want to reiterate that these "live, work, play" developments as you call them are not merely some "popular trend" but rather, the way communities have been developed practically since humans started to gather in communities. It is the private sector, separate use, auto-centric sprawl that has popped up within the past 40-50 years that is abnormal in regards to community development. I just wanted to clear that up.

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  • 1 year later...

A couple of developments in the Metro Center area. One is a new 1st Tennessee Bank financial Center. This is a new one on me. I have not seen a rendering and do not know how large this project will be. It is right on Rosa Parks Blvd.


Its just a bulldozed lot at this time.

Another development is the area at 6th N and Clay. This is right at the intersection of Rosa Parks and I 65 as you come into Metro Center on the right. All of the homes are either being moved, torn down or are for sale to be moved. Some of the trees are being cut down. There are a number of vacant lots here now. I had heard talk of a car dealership going in out here and this may be the area.




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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Went by MetroCenter yesterday (or last night, rather), and noticed that progress was being made on what appears to be a new Nissan dealership along Vantage Way. I didn't bring my camera unfortunately to take pictures, but part of the signage is up right now.

I'll try to take a shot of it the next time I go out to that area.

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Went by MetroCenter yesterday (or last night, rather), and noticed that progress was being made on what appears to be a new Nissan dealership along Vantage Way. I didn't bring my camera unfortunately to take pictures, but part of the signage is up right now.

I'll try to take a shot of it the next time I go out to that area.

I do believe that's the new location for Downtown Nissan (formerly Hippodrome).. been some speculation about what's going to replace their building on Broadway and I-40..


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Does anyone know if the connection has been built between the DT and MetroCenter greenways yet?

I doubt they will connect Metro Center greenways to the French Lick/Germantown greenways because of the industrial development along the river in that area. To have a greenway, you actually need some greenery - which there is not. You've got the Metro Sewage Treatment plant, a couple of cement factories, a petroleum product bulk storage facility, and some other manufacturing. A lot of these industrial installations have barge terminals on the river, so it's not like the trail can slip past them on the river bank. It's more likely the sidewalks for 3rd and 2nd avenues will be used to connect these two areas.

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Here is a link to the development map from the Green-ways site. There are plans to connect the DT and Metro Center trails.


It looks like they will try to squeeze the trail alongside the railroad all the way north to I-65 - - not a bad plan. The Railroad is the only thing that passes all the way through that area (roads stop south of I-65). However, as I stated earlier, this section will be a "greenway" in name only - it is very industrialized, which is cool too. Once this is complete one could ride te greenway all the way from MetroCenter to Percy Priest lake! This greenway connector may do more to promote residential building in MetroCenter than anything else....

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i run the greenways often, and once (about 2 months ago) I decided to take that "route" -- carving my own path from Metro Ctr to DT. Lots of potential, but true -- very industrialized. The Sewage Treatment plant would be a problem, 'cause it was very "odoriferous". Not exactly conducive to a pleasant stroll. Is it like that all the time? I kinda felt bad for the folks who live directly across the street!

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  • 1 year later...

Man the last post on this thread is ancient. I've been gone too long! Caught this from facebook via Nashville Career Advancement Center:

HealthSpring plans $53M expansion, more than 300 new jobs

Nashville Business Journal - by Eric Snyder and April Wortham

Date: Monday, August 16, 2010, 12:04pm CDT - Last Modified: Monday, August 16, 2010, 1:47pm CDT

Ok I had some other links setup, but I keep getting an error on something about submitting a post?? So here are just the links the last is the latest.





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