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Massive Riverfront Project


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Don't do it! This may have degenerated into a parlour game

for us, and all the sleuthing and speculation has been great

entertainment, but revealing a best estimate or close guess

could have significant repercussions for all of those deeply

involved in the project. Ultimately, cooler heads should prevail.

And no, I haven't a clue, and yes, I'm impatient to know as well.

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I'm liking this idea of the "alternative fuel" industry coming to GR. I for one am really rooting for an alternative fuel source headed by an American company using resources America has an abundance of. Think of it...if something as simple as corn could be a major source of fuel all of a sudden states all across the midwest have a new purpose in life. It would help bring industry back to the 'rust belt'. If we could ween ourselves off oil I wonder what it would do to the United States view of the middle eastern and OPC's.

It baffles me sometime that people forget to remember that technology changes. Steam power and the rail roads aren't still monopolies so why would oil and gas engines be any different?

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Actually, I dont think it should be posted here until the announcement. If the information is THAT sensitive, then noboby, not even us at UP, should blab it all over the place.

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I certainly don't want to cause a bunch of problems for a major development in GR with the potential positive impact this could have.

And welcome, Dutch! ;)

We need to team up and get Jeff a Blackberry so he can stay in touch even while in meetings. Then again, today may not be the best day for that... :whistling:

Somebody get him an urbanplanet secretary! :rofl:

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Who knows, we've probably already hit a nerve for Deborah Shurlow and this developer... I don't want her job to be real hard, but for some reason its pinging me everysecond. Maybe its me, but I'm supprised the news agencies aren't throwing bones either.

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I still like the Miracle mile aspect to this sourc of Dave's... man- a wall of midrise/highrise mixuse down Market Ave, Wow- just wow... BUT IT BETTER NOT COME WITH ADVERTISING OF "Chicago, Illinois.." just like New York, New York in Las Vegas. No cheese just real Grand Rapids.

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Who knows, we've probably already hit a nerve for Deborah Shurlow and this developer...

I disagree. They wouldn't have released such vague, yet loaded, information if they didn't want to create excitement. They're probably pleased with all the chatter. Hype is through roof...just where they want it to be. :)

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I disagree. They wouldn't have released such vague, yet loaded, information if they didn't want to create excitement. They're probably pleased with all the chatter. Hype is through roof...just where they want it to be. :)

I don't remember hearing a word from Shurlow or Bowling. Did anyone quote either of these two?

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I believe there was a very short quote from Shurlow...In the Press, WZZM or WoodTV..? It was vague and unrealted to any discriptions. Something along the lines of, "yah I'm working right now please contact me in 30-45 days and then I'll see what I can do for you..."

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I don't see any problem with speculating what "type" of development it is, right? We can run the whole gamut of ideas, get specific but until a person with authority confirms the idea, it's still only an idea.

I like all the suggestions we have talked about here but I would lay my money down on an entertainment/retail type place. Just my gut feeling and the feeling I got from speaking to a 'very significant' person last fall. When I asked this person a point blank question about the downtown, they had no comment but I could just tell this person wanted to confirm my question.

I could be totally in La La land with this feeling too but if I was a betting man my money would be put on the above idea.

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