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Richmond in Pictures II


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Aside from some urgent pics, that I may immediately edit and share, I'll probably do a big catch up for the month at the end of the month. With 311 taken today and God knows what I'll do tomorrow... I have about 1800 pics that deserve attention and I am also putting together some maps, so it's not getting done. So many things to do and no time! And I need a week's vacation! Sadly I don't think I've worked long enough to get one.

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Thanks for all of the compliments! To answer the questions, we weren't evacuated. I assume that was because of the direction of the wind, and that we are a good 100-120 ft away from the building. One of my friends lives on Main Street, directly to the right of the building from our perspective. He was evacuated, and he came over and watched it with us.

I have heard on the news and in the paper that the fire was "suspicious". However, they have never explained how it was suspicious. So I really haven't heard much more about it. Thanks again for the interest.

Haven't there been several "suspicious" fires in Richmond lately? Maybe an arson bug is loose!

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So, only 44 pics today... I can get through these fast, they won't be here though... I just thought I'd say I did something other than 304+. Well I prefer blue skies, but I'll do a dreary day for pics that are just for the purpose of showing updates or whatever. 44!

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I'm dropping off another 304 pics and I'll go out for the remainder of the daylight as usual.

Guys I'm sorry, unless it's a day when I take 20-40 pics, it'll be a while before I get through them. I have like over a gig worth of pics sitting here! Put rest assured, like bootlegs and rare material from your favorite music artist, they'll be released some day!

If only I accumulated money like I do pictures...

But if I could just catch a rainy day when I'm off or it gets hot very fast on my day off, I could devote a whole day to editing and uploading.

There are pics ready, just haven't uploaded them... like the pics from the RR meeting, they were done by the next day, I just hadn't uploaded them... and I need to think of more e-mail addresses! I already created one new one.

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I'm dropping off another 304 pics and I'll go out for the remainder of the daylight as usual.

Guys I'm sorry, unless it's a day when I take 20-40 pics, it'll be a while before I get through them. I have like over a gig worth of pics sitting here! Put rest assured, like bootlegs and rare material from your favorite music artist, they'll be released some day!

If only I accumulated money like I do pictures...

But if I could just catch a rainy day when I'm off or it gets hot very fast on my day off, I could devote a whole day to editing and uploading.

There are pics ready, just haven't uploaded them... like the pics from the RR meeting, they were done by the next day, I just hadn't uploaded them... and I need to think of more e-mail addresses! I already created one new one.

I can't find a link.

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Here, borrow mine!

Actually, the pics from today (total some 400) won't be all dealt with today. I need to stop editing at the moment because it's getting later. Our hotwater tank broke down so I need to go to my aunt's to do laundry and take a shower. All the walking I did today, I am gritty. Oh and people looked at me like I was crazy actually USING the sidewalks in Short Pump... I wonder what they'd think had I crossed the street!

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Wonderful Source. Much better than what I took down there. Did you see all the Goests down there? I'd never noticed him until I took my pics there.

That one building on williamsburg rd... crap.. I would hope whoever goest was would have a little more decency than to do that...

That one building on williamsburg rd... crap.. I would hope whoever goest was would have a little more decency than to do that...

did i just say "crap"!? :shok:


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Looks like it's going to take me forever to share my pics. I simply don't have enough time to get everything done. Work at Capital One literally has me in tears and is draining the life out of me... yet on my days off I still make it out. The only time I'm actually happy is when I'm walking about. I just counted the pics awaiting editing... the total is 2,769 pics. I can't share them without lightening them or you'd see nothing and most have to be resized so they won't make the screen explode. I don't know what or when I'd be able to share.

Downtown is complete with each of the street fronting buildings and others. I have a few places to touch up. I've ventured into upper Shockoe Valley and will probably do the Bottom and Church Hill next, each building not including outhouses (no not outside toilets) and sheds. But as I have said above, when summer comes I can probably catch up!

Here's how March went.

March 2: Riverside on the James, 54 pics, and the house on 18th St and New York Fried Chicken sign, 3 pics

March 5: 18th and Venable, Avery St and Ford Ave, Cary St. from 17th to 7th, Canal from 7th to Shockoe Slip, Byrd from 7th to 10th, 608 pics

March 12: Fairfield Way, Oliver Hill Way, Hospital St, and Bowling Green Rd intersection, Chestnut Hill, Valley Rd, Shockoe Creek, Rocketts billboard (which has since disappeared), 14th St., Canal St. from 14th to 10th, Shockoe Slip (again), Byrd from 10th to 12th, the Canal from 12th to Virginia (again), Reynolds building (the one over the canal), Dock from 14th to near 17th, Richmond Dock, Pipeline, Browns Island, Haxall Canal, La Diff, 683 pics

March 13: Brook Ave, DuVal from Brook to 1st, Judah, St. Peter, Price, Cameo, St. James, 1st, 2nd streets, Jackson from St. Peter to 5th... 303 pics

March 19: House on 23rd St, Bromo-Seltzer sign, DuVal from Chamberlayne to 2nd, Maggie Walker Pl, 3rd, 4th, 5th, I-95, 7th, DuVal St Connector, 13th St. Walked back from 13th along Jackson to St. Peter St. at dusk, and people are afraid of the city. 312 pics

March 20: Random Church Hill infill housing pics, 25th St. demolitions, 44 pics

March 24: Vistas site, Virginia St., Maury St., 36 pics 1 video

March 26: Upper Shockoe Valley 1, Broad St. and I-95, 14th St. 425 pics

March 27: Upper Shockoe Valley 2, 140 pics, Claredon (Farms, Forest.. I forget which one is which), 12 pics, Short Pump, 137 pics

March 29: Philip Morris, 3rd St, night, 28 pics

So, the total city pics from March as of right now, 2,785! The number of pics to be edited are some of these and some February pics ... a difference of just 16!

Then there were other pics... from around the house and since my scanner's dead, the camera's had to do that work too. My camera's been well used this month. My counter on the cam right now... since October when it was at 0005 is now 9679. What will happen when I hit 9999? We'll find out Sunday!

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I guess you guys say I bring it on myself... well when we were trained for photgraphy in historic preservation, we document each angle was can of a place if possible. I'm still in that mode.

March's total city pics is now 2,796.

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