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Richmond in Pictures II


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Haha, I know. I'd get the 16 pack from Target for like $7.99. And yesterday I had just bought rechargables on the same outing. Today I used them and they did last. I took some regular batteries with me too just in case I hadn't charged them enough. So, I took 311 pics.... and got stopped by the Capitol Police for taking a pic of the back of the Governor's Mansion. So on my belt, I can notch for getting stopped by VCU, Federal Reserve, and Capitol police. And I get passed by dozens of Richmond police... :rofl:

Oh and burt... no don't rush time! No big 0's until 2009! It'll be my third 7.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're in The Slip, go up Shockoe Lane near the fountain and snap a pic or two. That's near the Martin Agency.

And be sure to take some pics, if allowed, tomorrow morning at the Renaissance thing. And say Happy Birthday to Cadeho! :)

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We'll be taking pics of ourselves against every cityscape we can find!

I know someone talked about sunset pics... I have a ton of them... first I'll have to upload, so I'll share them when I'm able.

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Forgive me for asking what to you may seem as a stupid question, :blush: but is that a watch tower I see? Is this the Old Libby Street prison? I thought they shut that down. Please forgive my lack of Richmond landmark/geographic knowledge. I simply saw the pic and found myself a bit confused. :unsure:


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No, Merrittk. What you see in the foreground is an old smokestack attached to an old power plant. The plant years ago supplied electricity to operate the city's street car system. The building, lower right, (partially roofless) is the power plant itself. All of it is now part of the Riverside on the James office/condo/entertainment development. This set of photos was taken by Wrldcoupe4 from various balconies of the residential condo on the site.

The power plant is beginning renovation and conversion into a very fancy upscale restaurant/club by a National company known as CB5.

Libby Prison was dismantled and rebuilt at The Chicago World's Fair way back in the late 19th century. If you look at the 6th and 8th photos, the Libby Prison site was in the area called Tobacco Row where you see a line of old buildings in the distance beyond the furtherest bridge.

Hope this helps, and if you have more questions or comments, fire away.

PS. The red-ish tower, right background, is Main Street Station where your trains to and from Williamsburg stop to load and unload passengers.

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:lol: yeah I actually do have a pic of a plaque on the site of where Libby Prison stood, which was near where Tobacco Row is today.

also, btw burt, the restaurant group is CB5 :)

Thanks, coupe, for the cB correction. I'll have to change that on RCW too.

You have done a wonderful job of reporting on the Renaissance Meeting and I am very grateful for all your work. :)

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Not to mention, THEY LOST LIBBY PRISON! We should ask Chicago for a replacement.

Your pics came out much better than mine. You have more colors. I really need a new camera. And we took pretty much the same pics... I wish I had this angle though...


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What glare? It's a perfect pic.

Tommy those are excellent... I really need a better camera. Everyone has those great cams with sharp detail and full of vibrant color. I have to lighten my pics to even see what they are!

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