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Everything posted by masons_dad1

  1. The greatest cities in the world were built on the backs of the poor. Dubai is the greatest example of this. Socially, a city with a good percentage of repressed poor people also has a larger percentage of content wealthy people and it's the wealthy people that spur the growth. As much as I hate to see it happen, more taxes is exactly what is needed to keep the cities growing.
  2. It does sound cool, but I don't think it's the kind of water park for kids. It sounds like it's going to be more of a white water sports park to experience the thrill of white water rafting. It would be nice if they have an area for families like water slides and a wave pool, but I doubt it.
  3. Are there any other cities that could be viewed as an example of having saved all the historic areas of downtown with height restrictions and growth pushed to the edge of the city? I'm sure there's a city out there somewhere that followed that plan, of course it may be a dead or dying city so it may be hard to find. Maybe something Fayetteville should be looking into to see where they'd be headed by following that plan.
  4. I guess the biggest problem the Hogs would have if they won is ever pulling it off again.
  5. I've heard there's been some bad rap about this game on a call-in radio show. Word is the Hogs don't stand a chance to win this game. Hopefully it won't be the biggest let-down to occur since the stadium was expanded.
  6. It is confusing because the "Welcome to Rogers" sign is right across the street to the east of the Bentonville Neighborhood Market. People see that and think they must be in Rogers.
  7. 5 cents off a gallon can really add up. The Murphy's on 102 is no more... it's now a Sam's gas station owned by Wal-Mart. They must have just re-opened this morning because they've been remodelling and I've had to go to the Murphy's in Rogers to get gas a little cheaper until this one re-opened.
  8. I missed it somehow, I guess because I sleep during the day, but on my way to work Harley Davidson was putting on a fireworks show. I could still hear them going off when I got to work in north Bentonville. I heard they're giving away a Harley every day, but I'm not sure how long that's going on.
  9. Yes so now the Sam's Club/Neighborhood Market has 2 turn lanes, one before the other. Should help with traffic issues.
  10. No, I've walked by it on the Square, but I haven't been to an Art Museum/Gallery in years. Sorry I can't tell you if it's nice or not, but I did locate their website... www.fusionartcenter.com
  11. Fusion Fine Art Gallery Located on Bentonville Square 109 N. Main Street
  12. I believe it also created new entrances on the east side of the store instead of just the west side, am I correct? I haven't been there yet since it's been completed.
  13. Congrats Mr. 10,000!!! This subforum wouldn't be nearly as popular or informative without you and I'm sure everyone would agree. The contribution of your expert photography is much appreciated and your knowledge of Fayetteville and surrounding areas is very interesting. Your opinions have always been valid and fair and you've always shown respect when your opinions differed with others. I hope to be around when you hit the 20,000th post!
  14. It is hard to see going northbound since there's an overpass just before it, but I always see it going southbound. They built it when they were building the auto dealership, Fletcher something or other (?). Also it's not really tall or anything like some retaining walls, but it definitely stands out when all you're used to seeing is grass and trees on the side of I-540.
  15. There was mention of retaining wall being built along I-540 and I noticed the other day when driving by a new auto dealership (?) in north Springdale that there's a stretch of interstate with a very nice retaining wall on the east side. It's not a typical bare concrete wall but it looks like it's made of interlaced bricks in an earth tone. There's a even a part that has "GO HOGS" spelled out in the brick pattern. Anyway, I hope we start seeing more and more of these kinds of features on I-540 so it won't always look like a rural freeway.
  16. I think most people have a hard time getting past the fact that Arkansas isn't full of a bunch of hillbillies. Unless someone actually has a family member living here, which around a million people do, then their impression of Arkansas is what they get from the news. The funny thing is the guy who reperesented Arkansas in national media is a Hispanic which last I heard isn't exactly a hillbilly.
  17. Even though I "technically" live in Little Flock and am not really a resident of Rogers (I have to pay for a Library Card!) it would be nice to not have to take my family to Bentonville's aquatic center when our apartment pool is too boring.
  18. I hate that name. I remember the "Stop & Go" convenience store/gas stations in Dallas and I've always considered "Kum & Go" just an obscene version of it. Besides that I wouldn't put their gas in my car because my engine would always start pinging afterwards.
  19. I was just covering the seemingly harmless crimes reported during a typical week in NWA. There were more serious crimes reported, like someone's barbecue grill being stolen, but I didn't think any crimes more serious were laughable. There are violent crimes in NWA, but not very often. Low crime or not the police here take their jobs very serious and there aren't any neighborhoods that are considered truly dangerous as in many other cities.
  20. It wasn't much rain. The Mayors from all the cities are calling for scheduled "odd & even" waterings in each city to conserve water. Looks like we may be heading toward water rationing pretty soon.
  21. Very impressive. I like those flyovers much better than the old clover-leaf interchanges. I can't believe that train tracks actually cross US 60! That's insane and it's great that they're going to raise US 60 over the tracks, which should have been done in the first place IMO.
  22. I should have posted this much sooner. Wanna save a buck on gas? Go to Daily Gas Station Prices for ALL Gas Stations - MSN Autos.
  23. Isn't that the same highrise hotel that the Barber Group has proposed on their website?
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