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Everything posted by jack

  1. I cannot say for certain it ever made economic sense without significant subsidies but the building is gone and the the city need to figure out how to activate the space.
  2. Yes it is spelled that way and the company would move into the HD Supply building per speculation in the article which I think is right. Doing a build to suit right now for office is crazy unless you have very distinct requirements.
  3. Because the plan they want makes less and less economic sense as time goes on. Office is a dud in most markets, urban retail is tough, high rise multifamily is not a walk in the park either. The city is probably looking at their options. Pay a tiny amount of money to get this thing going, or stare at a vacant lot for another 20 years.
  4. They would need a lot more money to provide affordable housing. Tons more.
  5. It seems like a stretch but I absolutely believe some state officials would agree to amend the district. Will it pass, who knows.
  6. No, it stays in the County. But the legislature could change the law. Yes, the original vision is complete but they have change what they want on the "Lawn".
  7. The TDT is a creation of the state. So they could vote to change it. I hope not but it would not surprise me.
  8. Same here. The original vision is complete. Now they are looking at the big pot of gold the TDT produces and they want a share.
  9. Can we make it about government incompetence?
  10. I am not going to go on a rant about the stupidity of the feds funding state roads, butI-4 was/is a P3 project led by former Governor Scott. Which makes sense that a former CEO dealing with the aftermath of a recession would get creative to deliver a large scale project. DeSantis is in a different situation and remember the guy has never collected a salary that was not paid by the government. Instinctively, he thinks government first.
  11. Other way around. https://www.tampabay.com/archive/2011/07/01/paula-dockery-has-harsh-words-for-scott-on-sunrail-decision/ Whomever approved these should be thrown off of a bridge. Government waste at its finest. No one care that drivers are entering a special district.
  12. I-4 is a state road ran by FDOT. The feds provide money if FDOT/the state of Florida lobbies for it.
  13. A bit out of order and Biden was VP when he procured the documents. The illegality is he did not leave them at the white house when he left office in 2017.
  14. These last few comments on this thread has me like:
  15. You are right, Trump did it and it was struck down by the courts. Which is why Biden needs congress to pass legislation. If Biden follow suite, it will be enjoined. So he is either purposefully considering a EO to prove he doesn't to have the authority, or to pretend he wants to do something but the courts and congress are in the way.
  16. May not pass a court challenge, but parents rights my butt. We decide what is best for you. Collectivism at its finest.
  17. 50/50 parking and green space is not bad. I still prefer something active like courts, etc.
  18. We can say that but all of these asylum seekers know the magic words to be let in. They also know that it will be years before they can be properly processed because of the back log of the courts. At that point, they are rooted and will never show up for their hearing. We are not but that is the law. Which is why we need a congressional fix. But..........when pigs fly.
  19. It used to be like that in the old days. Plenty of migrants worked the harvest season and went back to Mexico afterwards. We need a system like that again.
  20. That is my understanding. The big deal is that it modified the asylum system which is causing all of the problems we see. Fix that and the border will get a lot better. But why fix something when you can campaign on it. Obamacare 2.0.
  21. Isn't he an asylum seeker? If so, that makes him legal.
  22. If the asylum changes are part of the final bill, it will be a game changer.
  23. FSU had a good team this year. The defense played great all year. And Travis would have been one of the best qb's in the SEC this year. Your FSU hatred is showing. They played Miami every year when Miami was a top tier team. They went back and forth with UF back when the fun and gun was a sight to be seen. Those two teams alone makes a SEC schedule look like a walk in the park.
  24. FSU may not have a top tier athletic department when it comes to money, but they have fielded some of the best teams in college sports history. The 93' 99' and 2014 teams were the poster child for excellence on the field. Free shoes and all. The ACC is the nineties were weak but teams like Georgia Tech took football a lot more serious than they do now. FSU is like Miami. Somehow, they have fielded some outstanding teams despite not having the ability to raise gobs of cash through boosters.
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