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Everything posted by Prankster

  1. Got any facts to back that up, or just repeating unfounded rhetoric? If it was not for the improvement to working conditions and wages of the blue collar workers, there would be no middle class. Has there been abuse on the part of the UAW? Absolutely, but I would venture to say that the abuses from executives has hurt companies more than the abuses of the line workers.
  2. The economy cannot rely on the financial and insurance sector jobs to keep it afloat. If manufacturing goes, say hello to another depression.
  3. Looks like we lost another retailer downtown. Per Chris Knape, Brian Kelly's Photography Room on Ionia SW is closing.
  4. Just got back from Cleveland, and I believe a fair amount of that money was spent on totally replacing the road. It starts out in front of Tower City, and goes all the way out to the Cleveland Clinic. Before they started working on this, the road was in extremely poor shape.
  5. At this point, I will just be happy to see something built there. I dare say that Sam has gone through more than any other developer downtown to get a project built.
  6. On the GR Mag cover, the tower looks to be 14 stories tall, including the floors for parking.
  7. About 1 pm, sitting at one of the bar tables inside.
  8. We ate there Saturday afternoon. The food was solid, but not spectacular. Lots of people (owners?) from Detroit hanging around outside that definately stood out in the crowd.
  9. "Extension of Fulton" - Now that's funny.
  10. With that line of thinking, they would be better served to adapt the suburban mall way of thinking - "Let's build a huge sea of parking, in anticipation of the crowds that we will get for the day after Thanksgiving. To heck with it being empty the other 364 days of the year." It's a surprise that this city has gotten as big as it is with the "podunk" reasoning that goes on with our elected officials. (end rant)
  11. Let's expand the Monroe Center food court to include Ottawa Ave. Seriously, any hard goods retailer would be a great fit, because we are sorely lacking them downtown. Clothing, Card Shop, anything that will bring more life to the downtown street scene.
  12. Interesting to see Panera is scouting a downtown location.
  13. But there in lies the difference. Arby's would be classified as service retail/restaurant, catering to the 9 - 5 crowd that works down there. Destination shops like H&M, Macy's, etc. are open much later because they attract a much wider demographic.
  14. But remember, they do not seem to have a problem in hitting up enthusiastic downtown backers for money. Don't say anything bad about the KIAS campaign, but we would love you if you would have a fundraiser to help us get more money.
  15. I never have a shortage of things to do with my children downtown. From the parks, museums, arena events, kid friendly dining (TGIF, Dog Pit, Blake's Turkey, etc.), there is a lot of things to do as a family if you know where to look. Maybe the question isn't what is their for families to do downtown, but how to educate families on what is already down there.
  16. I'm there, if I can figure out if we are meeting inside or outside.
  17. Yes, but one of them wanted to build a parking ramp. Another wanted to use it to stage construction equipment for his JA Building project. And another wanted to include a pharmacy with a drive thru window. Overall, the other choices were not exactly what one would look for in good urban design.
  18. Anyone else show up tonight? I waited for about an hour outside Four Friends, but didn't see anyone.
  19. Didn't you know, his last name is Van Andel-Devos.
  20. In other states, yes, but I'm not sure that they do in Michigan.
  21. If you are talking about the Towers Building, then no, it will be torn down after the other buildings are complete.
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