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Everything posted by jjbradleyBrooklyn

  1. Nashville is overdue for a skyscraper over 700 feet. If the city didn't have to deal with the FAA height restrictions, I'm confident the city would already have a couple of skyscrapers going up in the 700-1000 foot range. I hope the city can build a super tall someday--if the height restriction thing is lifted. Until then though, I think if Nashville can get 2 or 3 more skyscrapers built in the 600-750 foot range, the skyline will easily be top 15 in the US by then.
  2. The Gulch area is really fast-increasing its height and density, and literally bringing downtown Nashville to the edge of the interstate there. Similar to how midtown Atlanta has its buildings butting right up to I-75/85, developing offices and condo and hotel towers on underutilized parking lots or one story buildings. I absolutely love how Nashville is fast-increasing density and infill. It's really like watching a real-life Sim City develop, with its super fast pace of high rise and skyscraper construction.
  3. That's one idea! The area around the stadium has a TON of under-utilized parking lots, that could be much more efficient in terms of land-use. I'd say an idea would be to put the new stadium closer to the edge of the interstate, or build it OVER the interstate as suggested. Then, implode the old stadium and replace it with an MLB ballpark. Then build high rise garages for parking and infill with residential, hotels, and maybe office, for high density surrounding this region.
  4. Maybe the Walk developers are waiting on the senior living development to get further along, before they start construction on the Walk itself? If they continue to *wait* too long, another recession or blip in the economy could happen and this plan could get tabled, or just scrapped altogether. Doubtful this would happen, but just sayin. Based on projects like these I've watched in other cities, that have been delayed and delayed "waiting for this or that" to fall in place. Then boom, all of a sudden, it just doesn't happen for many reasons. But I'm putting good vibes out there and am super optimistic this one will get built.
  5. Oh wow, that would be incredible to see happen. With the Ritz Carlton upcoming soon, and other lux developments popping up all over town, demand is definitely there.
  6. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I would not be surprised if there are 1-2 corporate expansions or relocation HQs coming to Nashville, that are as-of-yet, unannounced. This project will attract many more companies to locate to that district in Nashville, that's for sure. This reminds me of a smaller scale Hudson Yards, here in New York City. Also, I have a feeling the Reed Towers will have a similar mix of uses, once they start going up. I think it's only a short matter of time before we learn what retail goes in there. My guess is a Target, but it could be anything--a Trader Joe's, perhaps? Downtown/midtown Nashville is due for one.
  7. WOW! Incredible images of the plan--unlike any that have been released so far. The 1001 Church Tower definitely looks like it will exceed 600 feet. My guess is 650 - 700 feet +/-. Just amazing! This will be the heart of Nashville once it is completed--especially the area around the AEG Theater. That would be a perfect spot for an urban Target location! Super exciting to see these plans progress!
  8. Excited to see the 20 story Grand Hyatt rise up. It will make a pretty dominant statement right on the river there, and add to the skyline there, extending height south a bit more. Memphis does have a lot of new development and redevelopment going on to be excited about. I look forward to seeing the Walk develop!
  9. Interesting. Is this atypical for a skyscraper development to not have a construction permit issued after so long into a development? Or is it due to timing and ensuring construction crews are available and allocated, since Nashville has a TON of skyscrapers going up at the same time now. Not sure that has anything to do with it, but curious why permits have not been issued to allow the steel to rise up.
  10. That does seem to be the case. I think that's the challenge for Memphis as a whole. It's gotta be tough with all the rapid, booming construction up the road in downtown Nashville happening, while Memphis struggles to get a hotel constructed (Loews was just cancelled for downtown). I too, think the Walk will be built. But when COVID hit, developments in cities that are slower growth and/or losing people and not in the "red hot boom" spotlight, got tabled and sidelined a lot more than those in booming economy locations. (the Austins, Nashvilles, Charlottes of the world) This is an incredibly vital piece of development for downtown Memphis, and will be a game changer. It is crucial this gets built, to not only allow Memphis to stay competitive with residential offerings downtown, but continues to infill with development on vacant or under utilized downtown lots, to make the city much more livable for the future.
  11. This is a disappointment for sure! But it seemed failed to start--with Sheraton flipping out and threatening a lawsuit (or did they actually sue?), as well as the plans for 100 North Main Street falling through, that incorporated the Loews hotel. I would think Loews could still easily carve out a niche in downtown Memphis. Why don't they look to the Walk site, or over near Beale Street? There are many options for Loews to locate in, unless they were dead set on that spot, and now they may just want to move on from Memphis for a while. What a shame for real though.
  12. I hope it's taller than the Batman Building! But don't the developer illustrations always depict a clear focus on that specific development, that is somewhat out of perspective to other existing skyscrapers? I always feel like they do that just to draw the focus in on that development, "how amazing" it will look, etc.
  13. How is this project coming along? Has construction broken ground as of yet? Can't wait to see this project become a reality. Turning a mostly vacant few blocks into a dense, vibrant live/work district.
  14. This is really impressive! I love how Memphis is embracing the riverfront with development, as the heart of the city. Will be exciting to see it grow and develop. Does anyone know an update with the Walk project, by Beale Street? Has that started construction? I know COVID delayed it, but I was hoping construction for phase I is underway. Another super exciting project to watch.
  15. That's a fantastic shot! First I've seen from that angle, clearly visible of what's what. Love the entertainment area--looks like that will be an indoor performance space--is that right? For concerts, shows, etc, similar to Ryman sort of? My big fear with huge development projects like this, is that something happens with the economy and construction is halted or stalls. Then there will be a huge couple of vacant pits/lots that sit for years. Again, my worst case fear scenario for projects like these LOL...highly doubtful to happen, but there's always that fearful tiny chance. That's why I hope these all get built pretty briskly.
  16. Oh really? OK, that makes sense. How much time do you think it will take the city to complete their upgrade part before construction can start on this project and the Ritz-Carlton? If it takes longer than a year, I imagine these projects could be in jeopardy of not being built right now....?
  17. This project is winding up looking really good. Great building, aesthetically. It does seem like it took a while to finally build, but glad they did finish, with COVID delays and all. Nice looking overall--adds good density to that part of downtown.
  18. nice shot! Isn't that the southernish edge of the property? When I was in Nashville in October, the lot already had a draped "Ritz Carlton coming soon" curtain mostly around it...but the closer I look, I think the curtain/gate is around that piece of the lot too... Yeah, this one is definitely happening, all signs point to it ground breaking in a couple of months. Excited to see it go up! Nashville can easily support a Ritz Carlton, with all the business travelers, tourists, wealth there already, and international visitors they are getting.
  19. Beautiful design with this tower. Love the aesthetic and color. Wondering why they didn't go higher with the office/commercial component? Thinking a 16-18 story commercial component would have complimented the 27 story tower nicely. Either way though, adds to the growing boom in that area of Nashville.
  20. Ahh, interesting! That makes sense then. His buildings mostly don't have the parking element built in. Will the YMCA tower have parking at the base? I imagine it may already be there in a less desirable form, with the YMCA building. Thinking they'll totally repurpose or redevelop that.
  21. This one is going up FAST! Love to see the big impact in that area. Giarratana's buildings are "sure things" it seems. Go up fast, and reliably so. That's why I'm excited to see the 750 foot YMCA tower start in a year or two.
  22. Yeah, agreed. It actually looks like there is drilling now going on for foundations to be placed for the Pinnacle Bank skyscraper. Very exciting! I would anticipate that we start to see steel rising, floor by floor, by June/July, for this one building. That would be amazing if they build several at a time. But I imagine everything could come in stages, similar to what they have done up here in New York, with the Hudson Yards area. They started that back in roughly 2013/14, and are now just building the final tower or two now, in 2022.
  23. Good to see these new renderings. Couple observations, points to make-- *Looks like Amazon 3 is a separate tower from Pinnacle. I was under the impression the Pinnacle Tower sort of took Amazon 3's place. But I was wrong! Which is a good thing. *I wish Amazon 3 were higher. Originally, I thought the renderings showed it roughly @ 600 feet or so. But maybe it still will be? *I'd like to see any renderings from the back side of Nashville Yards. How many apartment towers/buildings are planned back there? Looks like 2 or 3, but I've never seen a clear shot of that area. Exciting progress! Seems to be going a bit slower than I think everyone anticipated, but with the rise of the pandemic, that could be one of many reasons.
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