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Everything posted by 123fakestreet

  1. That Canes is nice and well managed. The Chipotle next to it is absolute garbage.
  2. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/a-hidden-gem-of-a-city-wants-the-tech-world-to-take-notice-2dba46a8 This ‘hidden gem’ of a city wants the tech world to take notice Although it’s home to 11 Fortune 1,000 companies, Richmond, Va., has a ‘modesty problem’ ...Richmond a rising tech hub that can compete with cities like Raleigh, N.C.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Charleston, S.C.; Columbus, Ohio; and Pittsburgh...
  3. The company leasing the lot just wants a payout and they will probably get one. Don't see the developer sitting on a lot they specifically bought to build on for 16 years. They will settle on some payout amount and the development will move forward.
  4. Charlotte is terrible. All plastic and new, very generic. And IMO the actual downtown city isn't really even much bigger than Richmond. They have 4 very tall towers and an NFL stadium. Take those away and it's the same size as Richmond with far far less character. The reason the population is so big is the suburban sprawl, which again is all strip malls an cul-de-sacs. No thanks. And yeah the airport is the worst I've ever been to. I actively avoid any flight that connects thru CLT.
  5. Sometimes I wonder (hope) that the city only has so much bandwidth for large projects, even if it's not the same GC, the subs and equipment rentals need to be available. So as we see one large project (like Soda Flats, or Novel at Scotts) finish up, some of these others can finally start. Maybe just wishful thinking since it's different subs starting a project vs the subs working to finish a project.
  6. Not necessarily. Once closing on the purchase the owner may put them up for liability reasons, don't want people going into the structure and getting injured. There have been plenty of sites that get fenced off and proceed to sit there for years (see the VUU site).
  7. 83 pages. Not sure I caught all of it, but mostly looks like targeting the riverfront area by Tredegar (not actually on Brown's Island) by making a bit nicer/more formal park area. Some concessions once you cross onto to Browns' Island from that area, then improving/formalizing the opposite end under the bridge (since concert stages will no longer be there). Beyond that just some more trees and spiffing up the area. What am I missing?
  8. I don't have any problem with the city playing developer, per se. Plenty of cities seem to be fine at executing projects. Richmond is just terrible at it. If that's in the planning and admin, or the lack of political support, I'm not sure. But that's my only problem, they FAIL, almost every single time. At this point I wish they'd stop just because I don't want to get my hopes up or hear the arguing from NIMBYs, and look at the nice mock ups that will never come to fruition.
  9. The AA development across from the diamond. Otis? I don't know anymore. It's finishing up.
  10. Everyone loves the Fan. No idea why they don't just build row houses in traditional city blocks and make it an actual neighborhood in an actual city. If people want big lots move to the suburbs. That goes for every larger SFH home development in the city, not just low income housing. It's a big mud pit. There is some excavating equipment there but doesn't look like anything is going on.
  11. https://richmondbizsense.com/2024/04/08/city-pitching-new-financing-plan-for-diamond-district-amid-state-sales-tax-uncertainty/ Stadium to break ground in June. I'll believe it when I see it. Somehow I doubt this hitch in financing is going to just sail through.
  12. Part of Mosby is basically getting surrounded by nice newer development. At least Mosby South (central and North not so much) so I wonder if they move on that. Gilpin is a problem that needs solving but it's also huge. Biggest and oldest housing project in the country outside of NYC . On a side note I recently rode my bike through the newer homes they built in the former Dove court. Disappointing while obviously newer and nicer, the vibe of the development was still very much "public housing." And I'm not talking people there, purely the design. Cheap suburban feel w no landscaping. They all had little driveways but no garages, and the trash cans on them, just trashcans visible everywhere. I get low income housing is not going to have a garage but why build a driveway? There was plenty of street parking. And design the area with alleys so trash cans or off street parking can go behind and out of view. Little very solvable things just made it look like super cheap. Hope they do better for whatever comes next.
  13. GRTC definitely runs on Chamberlayne. Pretty sure there are some routes on Brook as well. Even where they could have dedicated lanes on Chamberlayne they will likely be curb running as the "median" for a big section is a gap in the Brook rd flyover.
  14. I'm wondering how they make the lanes work. They will either not have dedicated lanes, or Chamberlayne is about to look way more urban getting rid of the nice wide tree lined median. The south end of Chamberlayne is 3 lanes wide, workable there, but once you get north of Lombardy they will have to share lanes.
  15. Glad condos seem to be taking off in this area. As I've said before we need ownership opportunities not just apts. Also doubtful but would be nice if as part of this they built a cut-through road there.
  16. https://richmondbizsense.com/2024/03/28/legend-brewing-puts-manchester-property-up-for-sale/ Legend closing and selling property. Before the building they forced to be modified even gets built. Screw these guys, seriously.
  17. Really disappointing design, but whatever lets just get this thing built at this point. There's not one unique feature that stands out. Incredibly architecturally bland. Looks like a nice high school stadium surrounded by some generic low slung apartments.
  18. Well, unless they start demo in the next 4 days they have missed this Q1 deadline. Can't say I'm surprised.
  19. Altria has been trying to sell that for about a decade. I think at this point they are just actively marketing it and ready to take a low price just to be done with it.
  20. Framing going up on whatever the place behind Lowes on Leigh is called
  21. Agree it is great to see some high end retail coming in rather than just apts apts apts.
  22. https://richmondbizsense.com/2024/03/19/surface-design-showroom-cosentino-to-fill-former-mowbray-paint-shop-on-arthur-ashe-blvd/ Glad something is going in here, that building has become a blight on AA. Wish they were actually building and adding on for some density though instead of just refurnishing the existing structure.
  23. Drive by of whatever that big one on AA is
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