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Everything posted by andywildman

  1. I've been thinking about this growth plus the I-65 widening for the last day or two. On the north side of town, what will the bottleneck be once this project is completed? Ever since they widened I-65 through Madison, the choke point has been two-fold, at the Bypass exit for Vietnam Vets and the bottleneck at Long Hollow Pike through Millersville. Will this yield smooth-sailing all the way in to the I-24 / Trinity Lane area? Will commuters headed back to Portland from the city have any slowdowns after they get under Fern Avenue? After this, what's the next phase of construction for Nashville's interstates? Without a "top half" of 840, the downtown loop is going to get worse, not just from commuters but also the brunt of all these trucks we're adding for distribution centers. But cutting up through Sumner and Robertson Counties is probably even less appealing than Marsha's double-decker interstate proposal, right?
  2. This building was a lot prettier before the red brick got painted white. Is it all going to be STR? Is this shade of blue suddenly in? It looks like the same blue they put on "The Avery" just south of where Gallatin crosses Briley. I should've finished reading the thread, @Bos2Nashalready beat me to the sentiment.
  3. I know this isn't an original thought, but man this building turned out really nice - shows that big boxes can be pretty. (Looking at you, Haven at the Gulch...)
  4. It's for this reason that a successful push for public transportation in Nashville will have to contain two components: one that cleans up tourist congestion (whatever the feasible version of airport monorail and downtown subway is) and one that alleviates rush hour snarl (BRT or light rail down the Pikes).
  5. Honestly middle Tennessee needs more master planned communities, give us some Norton Commons level stuff here.
  6. "This hotel built by and attached to a liquor store is going to revitalize the street" ... can you imagine anyone - anywhere - taking you seriously if you said that 20 years ago?
  7. Some quick searching shows that a chunk of that area opposite Craighead to the south and southwest of the stadium are part of Berry Hill, and zoning would already permit a 4-story version of what 8th South is turning into, which I would absolutely expect to see in parcels like this one.
  8. Didn't realize how much the stadium dwarfs the surrounding area... it'is going to be a huge catalyst for a ton of change in the next decade. Metro should be really intentional about tying the Fairgrounds into 8th South / Melrose area and even upzoning the other side of Craighead to try to extend the development pattern we've seen in Wedgewood-Houston.
  9. I know why this is the way it is, but it still makes me sad that they booted a bunch of local businesses off a prime intersection.
  10. This should be a slam dunk as is! But with the modifications that North Edgehill Commons site had to take, wouldn't surprise me if this one loses a story of height.
  11. Good to see this get moving again. I'm likely in the minority, but I've got conflicted feelings here - I'm sad to see it go to single story, but I'm thrilled to not have to deal with dozens of STRs just down the street. That corner is prime for two- or three-story mixed use with long-term rentals or condos.
  12. Could this bill be some gamesmanship from Metro Council to try to get the State to do something about these?
  13. Good to hear the architect is thinking about it, even if the developer is making less-than-optimal decisions. If developers cared about more than the next 3 years, they might build developments that can be further infilled and densified. The rendering above ain't that.
  14. I've been thinking about conversions of less-old warehouses. Places like Werthan Mills were built as industrial buildings and weren't considered pretty or chic when constructed. But 100 years for now, will our great grandchildren be moving into lofts in Amazon distribution centers?
  15. I love that this intersection is continuing to evolve, but I hate the amount of surface space taken up by parking in that plan.
  16. Realistically, with it being zoned IG today, what could a developer expect to build on this lot?
  17. Hello Metro Planning Department, I'd like to file a complaint. This development does not fit the context of the area, as the buildings are far too small. We need more residents, more services, and more office space than this proposal provides. This development deprives us of shadows that we need to stay cool in the summer. This development is not dense enough to support carless or car-light lifestyles, and will increase traffic more than a development with more residential and retail space would. Finally, this is a terribly inefficient way to produce the property tax income that Nashville claims to need: we need more square footage to drive more Metro revenue.
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