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Everything posted by Buildthetowers

  1. my god!!!!!!!! what the heck is it with these people in this city!!!!!!
  2. why eliminate a floor??? How about adding floors!
  3. Thanks! Well would have been nice if there was a couple of towers but its better than a strip mall!
  4. anyone know what is in the works across from the Dollar tree tower? across the parkway that is?
  5. When you are in the know of population reduction then you know that less space is needed!
  6. So grow with rot eventually leads to decline!
  7. You can grow without the progressive BS!
  8. Is there some kind of hatred for tall towers in this area?? maybe a military thing? I do not know but it really pisses me off!!!!
  9. Folks you have to realize that most of the people running our cities and country are controlled globalist. They are deliberately destroying the infrastructure in order to rebuild or as he says build back better.
  10. Some ego power hungry bureaucrats want to have their personal greenspace view at the expense of the peon public!
  11. Get the military and the Fascist Feds out of Norfolk, they hold it back!
  12. Fort Norfolk needs towers at least 400 feet
  13. Total disappointment, Once again with no surprise this area fails to come through on a proposed project that looked great at first.
  14. sure would have been nice if they had kept the original height and design of that tower to the right. Could you imagine how it would have looked and felt driving down between them at night.
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