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Everything posted by ChiDev

  1. In other cities the scooters are oft abused. LA has a insta channel called "Homeless vs Bird" that shows them being thrown into the ocean/used as shelter structure/ tossed under moving traffic. Hope they don't wind up in Lake Eola.
  2. Has the ARB link already been shared in this thread? Frinfrock is doing this project. They are finishing up "Broadstone Lakehouse" which is now owned by Frinfrock themselves (part of why I think it is going up so quickly) and then I suspect they will hunker down on this site. I wonder what will complete first between Radius & this.
  3. ChiDev


    Got a link by chance? would love to check it out.
  4. ChiDev


    Im thinking dedicated lanes plus a mass buy of mid size bus units like this https://easymile.com/solutions-easymile/ez10-autonomous-shuttle-easymile/
  5. ChiDev


    I am hoping that autonomous buses make light rail systems obsolete over time. Lane dedication for the service combined with adaptive schedules could replace the massive infrastructure costs needed for a light rail.
  6. Expecting the new section pour this evening (ramp and crane section). Finally see some excavation on the Travel Lodge site. Going to be moving the camera in a few days to get better views as the project goes up.
  7. A large part of why millennials are flocking to downtowns is social connectivity. Paying a high rent & choosing a small apartment are small sacrifices in exchange for a high density population of peers they wish to meet/commune with. Older generations saw much the same, but this generation is faced with loss to the digital abyss. It is far less frequent to see hands unoccupied by phones, so in order to break through to their peer group (in reality) they need to find an active setting, where social incidence is high. Its part of why rent as a share of income has jumped so startlingly. Its the whole reason concepts like Coliving & Micro units are becoming mainstream. Its also why you see Amenity demand skyrocketing, individuals hoping that the onsite social activities will fill this need (when in fact these amenities are often scarcely used). I understand being annoyed at rent levels, and even at gentrification, but to write off people for choosing urbanity seems like an Ass' load of assumption. That said there are two main ways to encourage affordable rents in downtown Orlando. The first would be over-zoning. A sweeping density bump would allow enough units to shift the supply paradigm as mentioned by @dcluley98 suggests. That seems like a conundrum for a forum with some NIMBY-ist elements. The other is for the county to implement a rule like California's SB10 - in which a developer can pursue additional bonus density in exchange for certain % delivery of affordable units. Need an extra few floors to make the proforma work? Developer is able to include more affordable units and gain the excess FAR by right (and not subject to city/municipality review). It gives developers a simple tool to both develop more units, deliver more affordable, and the only people at harm are those who would fight the neighborhood density (who are also likely to complain about affordable units in their neighborhood). Bottom line, there is no scenario here that completely satisfies everyone.
  8. Crane Inserts Added. Expecting lots of activity next week.
  9. After long delays by CenturyLink to move their buried cable this project will resume Friday.
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