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Everything posted by BolaKnows

  1. I don't love the idea of housing right by that intersection because it gets so blocked up during evening rush hour on both sides. Maybe this would be a good time to try to rework that traffic pattern so that people don't get run over. Could car traffic be rerouted/prohibited leaving the stretch around the Music City Center only for bus traffic, at least at rush hour? Otherwise, very cool plan.
  2. I think this is a big problem for any semi-autonomous system. The backup person won't be as focused because he or she isn't doing much. Then, suddenly, that person has to notice that his or her input is needed and intervene. I have read that this is a problem for pilots in planes too. It's a hard problem to get someone to go from oversight mode straight into emergency response mode.
  3. I would love an outer ring circular route that runs in both directions. Berlin is a massive city, space wise, but the ring train route seems immensely useful for getting around the city without having to go to a central station and back out. I guess that's a battle/proposal for a future plan or extension though.
  4. Also, people should be able to buy tickets at places like convenience stores. It's a win-win-win b/c the stores get additional foot traffic and potential customers, there's less cost to the MTA, and people have a bigger and more convenient network to get tickets/passes.
  5. Unfortunately, that seems to be our trend since the 1980s: https://www.thetransportpolitic.com/2017/07/01/a-generational-failure-as-the-u-s-fantasizes-the-rest-of-the-world-builds-a-new-transport-system/ The promise of whatever new whiz-bang technology always justifies doing nothing now and investing the bare minimum, if that, instead of actually getting started on the work of building a system.
  6. Uber is hemorrhaging money and might not be solvent over the course of 5 years, much less 20-50 years. I can't understand how it's prudent to rely on them to provide mass transit options.
  7. On the politics front, I saw a "Yes on transit" sign just over the bridge in East Nashville on Main Street and the person I was travelling with said he's seen quite a few of those signs in East Nashville. Maybe that's just consistent with the thoughts that the East Nahsville neighborhoods are more supportive than other parts of the city for public transit so I'm curious to know what others are seeing.
  8. Is this maybe a good time to try to fix that intersection at Eastland? I guess the Kroger isn't on the side they would need to move the street to though.
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