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Posts posted by Ivanhoe

  1. 11 hours ago, jrs2 said:

    I think the problem here is that we just don't know what someone's intentions are.  By the same token, lesbians use the ladies room and they may be checking out the talent as well.  But in the same spirit as H.I. Geiger and the whole notion of Alien and the sexual references in how Alien subdues and kills its prey (in a suggestively sexual, penetrating, yet violent way), society doesn't see a lesbian tongue or fingers as a threat to heterosexual women; they see the penis as a threat because it is the "penetrator" if you will based on how our species functions.  

    I got called out for using the term "tranny" because its viewed as being derogatory.  Well, it's an abbreviated term. 

    A lot of trans persons are heterosexual, which was the point of one of my original posts on this subject.  And they are physically stronger than the average woman.  Yet women are being "overlapped" with them in various parts of society, which is wrong to women-even lesbians.  Hey, if I know a dude and he's looking to get laid, more power to him; but, if you're looking to do it by slipping someone a Mickey, uh, I don't think so.  Be an open book about your intentions.  That's why I admire gays; they're all men, they want to get a nut (a common goal), and they get it done with little to no drama.

    There's a lot more going on here, because now personality traits come into play, like narcissism.  Narcissism has a lot to do with a lot of bad stuff dealing with interpersonal relationships.  Narcissists do a whole lot of things to get their way, in getting the drop on their next victim or target. Narcissists will always misrepresent who they are and what they're about until they get their "in," and then its too late.  And remember, people usually become narcissists because of how they were treated growing up or from past emotionally abusive relationships.  Now apply this to the average trans person who experienced in life what you wrote about in the prior post.  There is a definite, not likely, psychosis at play in those situations.  Take the Unibomber; the Trenchcoat Mafia, or what have you.  Those are extreme situations, but the one that flies under the radar is narcissism.

    So, instead of trying to figure out peoples' personality flaws, I think it best to keep women with women and leave it at that.

    No - it’s not an abbreviated term. It’s a derogatory slur.

  2. 19 hours ago, orange87 said:

    Saying you "don't have an answer" to the question "what is a woman" doesn't make you high-minded or impartial like you think it does. It makes you a radical like you've accused others of being. And you don't have to "know everything" to be able to define what a woman is. I assure you; this is Barney-level stuff.

    I wasn’t addressing your silliness, and you know that. Some things don’t require a response. 

    10 hours ago, aent said:

    The difference is... you are lying, and apparently knowingly and openly

    Can you explain how that is obvious? He did nothing like that when he was President, he never said he wanted to anything like that, and said he wouldn't when liars claimed he did say it.


    Nothing gives men control over women in any of the bills, under no circumstance would a man choose what a woman does with their body, you again are lying.


    Its pretty clear we have an interstate commerce clause where as long as some states keep abortion legal, women will be able to access it by hopping in a car and driving to another state. In fact, since the supposed "abortion ban" supreme court ruling, abortions are up in every metric, because the ruling actually made abortion more legal in states that allowed late term abortions, and many non profits pay for that transportation to make sure abortion remains accessible to everyone in this country, even if some specific communities don't want the actual process to happen in their location.


    He doesn't, you are just lying.


    Or maybe that is what you are trying to do by knowingly lying?

    I’m curious as to why you defend the indefensible so faithfully.

  3. 19 hours ago, jrs2 said:

    Convicted rapist? That's a criminal charge. BTW, having a state change its statute of limitations just so that this woman could bring a civil claim against Trump is more egregious than the case currently underway. And, they wouldn't allow any exonerating evidence in for the jury to see.  A total hit job. And yes, you can take that label and do you know what with it...since you love labels.. 

    Are you living under a rock?

  4. 5 hours ago, JFW657 said:

    So if you don't mind me asking, what are your views regarding trans "women" insofar as where they should be allowed to go in terms of restrooms, locker rooms and dressing rooms, etc., whether or not they should be allowed in women's sports, whether they should be able to demand which pronoun(s) are used towards them and basically if they should or should not be regarded as women in general?  

    Just curious. 

    I don’t mind you asking and I don’t have an answer to you.  I typically distrust anyone who thinks they know everything.  The sensationalism of the radical right around the trans community is, in my view, much ado about nothing.  They ain’t coming for you or your locker rooms.

    Typically people prefer to steer clear of those who use defamatory language to define them as is seen on this forum and specifically in this thread. I simply don’t see the threat outlined in “capital” letters by a poster or the lunacy of another.

    I encourage you to go a few steps back to where this started — abortion access.

    I’m not circling the drain simply for the benefit of conflict. I do, however, see the erosion of democracy as a result of the cult-like radicalism of a large part of a once great political party that is now beholden to a convicted rapist. I wouldn’t want him in the locker room. Would you?

  5. First of all, I have not shared my views on the issue, I merely pointed out the false equivalency. And it is.  So you can take the “you’re” out of the discussion. I assume when you are stating “you’re” you simply lump a large group of people into whatever viewpoint doesn’t serve you.

    The rest of what you are stating is typical right wing talking points. Transgender didn’t start when MAGA news outlets decided it could win them a few votes. The fake outrage over the issue did.

  6. 34 minutes ago, jrs2 said:

    You're a hypocrite.  You talk about control over women's bodies while at the same time taking control over women's bathrooms and their right to privacy and to be free of harassment away from women.  You say the two have nothing to do with one another.  They have everything to do with one another.  If you're jumping into that do-gooder arena as a disinterested party, which you are, you best make sure there isn't schmutz already on your hands. 

    Don't be a hypocrite.  Denouce trannies using women's bathrooms, and, the undermining of Title IX by having 6'2" losers swimming away with first place trophies.  The whole point to college athletics ala women's sports is to give them equal opportunity to get scholarships and other opportunities, and people like you, just to push this anti-phobe narrative, are undermining that, which is a pathetic thing to do. 

    You are the epitome of "do what I say, not what I do," and you're spin on that is "focus on what I want you to focus on, and not the truth."  You don't care about women's rights at all.

    Forgive me for not buying your nonsense but I am impressed by your spin tactic.

    By the way, trannies” is offensive and considered a derogatory slur.  In the event you were trying to show any credibility on this topic.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, orange87 said:

    "Downtown Orlando has been great to us," the post reads. "However, times have changed. The hustle and bustle of Downtown Orlando has given way to a sleepy city with few people working downtown and opting for remote, and less traffic in the evenings."


    I hope that article lands on the front door of City Hall.

  8. Hamburger Mary’s has announced it is leaving Church Street. The last business open on that stretch.

    Good news is that they are in discussions to open in another location outside of downtown.

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, jrs2 said:

    Yes. A woman has a right to choose whether to have an abortion...but.. doesn't have a right to be free of men parading like they are women in a woman's locker room. Sound about right?

    At best, that is a false equivalence. So no, I don’t think it sounds about right.

    • Like 2
  10. 47 minutes ago, jrs2 said:

    What is a woman?  So, because that answer to that question is arguable to the Left, the same group that recognizes rights for Furries, the feigned concern for women's rights falls on deaf ears.

    I’ll assume that to you, yourself, you're  making a point.

    • Thanks 1
  11. The placement of the proposed I-Drive station makes sense — it is a prexisting transit node for Lynx. It’s a stone’s throw from the Convention Center and EPIC, both of which are already too large for walking long distances so trolly service would be ideal.

    If / when a light rail line services the area, it could connect all these major nodes.

  12. 1 hour ago, orange87 said:

    Trump says he would support "letting states decide" wether birth control is legal or not; then tries to walk back statement

    Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/21/us/politics/trump-birth-control-restrictions.html

    Of course he’s walking it back, it has lost on every ballot in every state where it’s gone to election. A complete election loser.

    The majority of Americans who are not MAGA are not interested in controlling women’s bodies.

  13. 20 hours ago, orange87 said:

    Puerto Rico's HDI (Human Development Index) is higher than two US states. Puerto Rico's GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is higher than ten US states. All that without having the same advantages of being a US state so if they were admitted they'd likely further improve in these areas and others. I think it's time for Puerto Rico to become our 51st state.

    Republicans would never let that happen. They already cannot win the popular vote and must gerrymander districts in their own states to stay in power where they still are somewhat effective. 
    PR would completely tip the scale and Republicans would be past tense (not a terrible thing though).

  14. I wonder if this new Universal special district will be as heavy handed with DeSantis’ appointed people (largely who have no business being there).  In fairness, Universal deserves an unqualified group of Tallahassee cronies to govern their piece of the pie too.

  15. On 5/1/2024 at 10:08 PM, aent said:

    In South Florida, many are taking Brightline over Tri-Rail, or at least try to. The service is just sooo much nicer, even if its cheaper. Why would anyone stay at a nice hotel when there is a cheap one that still has beds? Why buy a Tesla or BMW when you can buy a Nissan Sentra?

    Who is many? Your rarely back up your statements.

    On 5/2/2024 at 1:55 PM, cubanbread said:

    As someone said a ton of people already take Brightline over tri-rail, granted they serve different sections of the cities they run through but Brightline has seen the benefit in this and is already working on a local commuter plan where they will either run a commuter service themselves or allow Tri-rail to run on their tracks. Stations like Aventura were built with this in mind and have platforms to serve both.  The last I heard, it looks like they'll be working on a deal with Tri-Rail to let them use the tracks. 
    Its also not uncommon for long distance trains in other countries to do something similar. Its beneficial to both systems, Brightline is more expensive but its got more bells and whistles and is faster, Sunrail will cover more ground but is going to be slower. 
    I would imagine that in a year or so we'll look at the numbers and see that Brightline from SFLA to Orlando didn't effect ridership significantly on Amtrak's line from Orlando to SFLA for this same reason. 


    As you said yourself, it’s uncommon. That doesn’t translate to typical rail.

  16. 11 minutes ago, jrs2 said:

    i'm thinking...based on what you wrote...Diz would get into an ad war with Uni and all Sunrail trains would have wraps on them from both of these juggernauts.

    It would be interesting to see who would win that ad war. Brightline would need to match pricing to Sunrail since technically, they are sharing tracks on the Sunshine Corridor. 

    Why would you take Brightline to Universal when you could take Sunrail for cheaper? 
    I don’t know much but I assume Brightline along that route will travel at the same speed as Sunrail due to frequent stops, so it’s not like the “high speed” spin works here.

  17. On 2/20/2022 at 9:15 AM, JFW657 said:

    Re: the open plaza....

    On the plus side you get an expansive view of the DPAC from Orange Ave and the two e/w side streets. 

    On the negative side, you've got a big suburban front lawn in the middle of DTO 

    Makes the entire thing look unfinished.

    I crossed the front lawn of that wasteland around 3pm today. I’ll never make that mistake again. 

    • Like 1
  18. Sunrail to Disney Springs will have a legit boost to the entire system. In a way, I like the idea of Sunrail - Disney and Brightline - Universal. I’m sure both companies would market the hell out of each respective system.

    Who knows, Disney might even design “Magical Disney Express” style train cars to whisk passengers over on an express route.

    • Like 2
  19. 1 hour ago, aent said:


    You make it sound like it ever made economic sense. Remember, the city already gave massive subsidies here.... first, they subsidized the rent the entire time they were building the new arena, then after subsidizing the rent for years, they kicked everyone out and knocked down what was a reasonable looking city block with street level retail and parking above, rebuilt the facilities such as the police department elsewhere for many millions that probably didn't need it. And then they sold it to the Magic at a subsidized price. If they just did nothing, it would have still looked like a perfectly reasonable city block instead of a blighted empty lot. Its not like there was trash here before they got involved, it was reasonable... yeah, it wasn't great, but it wasn't anything anyone would really call awful.


    Edit to add a street view link of this area a decade ago: https://www.google.com/maps/@28.5401728,-81.3832778,3a,90y,287.03h,86.59t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sn-9CCzuTyvhvso_JMoxRDA!2e0!5s20140301T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu

    Over time the former garage may have likely improved in appearance making for a decent city block.  The MEC could have easily filled in the adjacent lot to the west or even some of the parking lots around Central / Amelia. 
    Or taken over Church Street Station and revitalized it.

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