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Posts posted by subkyle

  1. 36 minutes ago, NashRugger said:

    That would probably not sit well with a good number of folks, both in/out of his own party.

    Personally, hell no. Find a way to finance it 100% yourself or go somewhere else. Pro sports teams that are worth billions need to stop asking for state/county/municipal handouts. *looks at Texas Rangers & Atlanta Braves as examples*

    I don’t disagree with your assessment, but I do think there is a time and place for local governments to help lure entities that can help the local community in one way or another. Were you ok with giving Bridgestone, Amazon and the Nashville Predators big tax breaks to have them here? I’m not sure that a MLB team will help the city like some of these entities, but it’s worthy of consideration I think. I think the Preds and Titans are worth everything they got, just not sure about baseball 

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  2. Sports talk radio has announced that Nashville will be getting a cup race for NASCAR. It’s a four year deal but they say that the major race is here for the long haul. They’re going to race it at the track right outside of town. Not a nascar fan but glad to see we are back in the major leagues in terms of car racing.

    • Like 1
  3. I completely agree Smeags. It’s frustrating how much information was out there saying that masks didn’t really make a difference. Like everyone else I just want this pandemic to be over, and business to get back to normal. 

    FYI I have a pug named Smeagol. Thought you might appreciate 




    • Like 4
  4. 2 hours ago, tokiorose said:

    I was at the protests and I think I saw maybe 5 people the whole time who didn't have a mask on. Also I think protesting for something that is important is different than partying.

    Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk

    I went to one of the protests as well and observed the same thing. However with that many people so close to each other in this heat, a cloth mask is arguably not sufficient enough to protect each other from the virus. I’m sorry but I don’t approve of either activity at this point in time. 

  5. 10 hours ago, Buildtall said:

    Anyone know if something is coming to to the old TOYS-R-US Lot in Rivergate? Photo taken today by friend.


    Maybe they sneak in a smaller toys r us as well. I’m think I heard that the brand is making a comeback with a total redesign. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, titanhog said:

    What was the potential possibility of Tesla doing something in Nashville?  I see where Musk is now saying he's probably going to move his HQ to either Texas or Nevada...and someone also reported Tulsa as an option (which was weird to hear).

    Does this leave Nashville out of the equation...or was our Tesla "news" regarding something other than the HQ?

    Tesla has shown interest in building their truck here. I’d kill for the hq!!

    • Like 3
  7. I feel like this group has made a smart move partnering with the negro league people. I agree the name is pretty boring, but this group could be a secret ingredient we have to put us over other cities for a new franchise or relocation. Kind of in the same way 5th and broad partnered with the African American music museum in getting that development pushed through. 

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  8. 13 hours ago, OnePointEast said:

    My buissness partner is saying he's opening at half capacity next week. Is that allowed? I thought such measures only applied to the surrounding counties and the not the most populous cities. What would happen if he did open up at half capacity before the mayor of Nashville even announces such opening? He seems to be either ignoring the mayor's orders and following what the governor says or he's just outright confused, maybe.

    I’m in the restaurant business and I’m putting out 50 percent of my seating in all my small town stores, but I’m not in my Davidson county stores. I am under the impression that Nashville restaurants will get the green light once certain metrics are met and phase 1 of reopening starts. Although phase 1 highly restricts store capacities and social distancing. I highly recommend you not open your dine in too early. You could get fined and potentially receive negative media on the business. Good luck!

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  9. For anyone that didn’t realize this, I sure didn’t, Ian mentioned in his letter to fans that the new stadium will be the biggest soccer specific stadium in the US. That’s incredible to hear, and it almost doesn’t seem right. If true we should all be proud!!

    • Like 4
  10. 2 hours ago, PaulChinetti said:

    I'm going to try to get one from each cardinal direction in the coming week as I can't go to the gym anymore, I have a lot of free time in the afternoon.

    There is an angle where 440 runs into I40 that I think is the best around. Too bad someone can’t just park the car on that part of 440 because that angle has a pretty consistent line of buildings.

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