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Everything posted by TRENCH

  1. ok i tought i was the only one who thought 7eleven prices for some items are ridiculous during my Valencia College days [2014-17] all i ate was their pizza and icee but that's not conventional for families, who even if they live in $300k houses in suburbia [and can technically afford those $20 jugs lol], that does not give the commercial field [retail? not sure what right word to use] a reason to upcharge necessary foods like... milk + bread
  2. if these 3 job prospects happen at all [especially al at the same time by miracle], Orlando and Orange County NEED to double down on organizing zoning and transportation. I don't know how much our layout can handle another population boom. We feel crowded as it is. I4 is basically done and its still getting traffic in many spots it used to get congested in. and a lot of these suburban sprawls are designed horribly where a having a car is life or death and the only "retail" nearby is a 7eleven that charges $20 for a gallon of milk. not sure if im thinking of these things the wrong way, just a thought
  3. I saw an article where Facebook and Microsoft will ask their employers to come back to the office soon ahh here it is https://www.theverge.com/2021/3/26/22352742/facebook-uber-microsoft-twitter-apple-covid-19-offices-reopening
  4. ....bulldoze the entire corner
  5. digging holes to switch pipes is what im understanding... there hasnt been much move
  6. yeah!... except he's walking too carefully and the cars are not going 70 mph
  7. its unfortunate... especially when both sides are at fault. Drivers in here are the worst while pedestrians love to jaywalk. On OBT for example, they placed two special crosswalks with stop lights & everything, and people still rather cross in the middle of the road WITH incoming traffic than walk an extra 10 steps to that crosswalk. At the same time drivers in here have an obsession with not waiting for pedestrians to cross the road (with right of way ) when they are turning a street
  8. they bulldozed a little house next to a bunch of medium houses, to build a 3 story building next to little and medium houses..... the zoning in here is intelligent /s


    I graduated in December but the last 3 years would been so much easier if there was rail all over the city , I would've riden the rail to school
  10. yep its just cars and workers walking around, haven't seen any actual construction action
  11. tbh I find that spot weird for this.. feels disconnected from the CV area.
  12. Various days in the last 3 weeks March 3, feb 19, feb 17 I think they took out the trailer
  13. yes! The site has 3 4-story buildings, and I think the one in the photo is the last building they're working on.. cant wait for the extra traffic
  14. hey guys I don't know where to ask this but there are some apartments being built by Sand Lake and Winegard Rd and I cant find any information about them... where am I able to look up info on it? they have a now leasing sign but nothing else this is all I know Latiude 28.452460 Longitude -81.384925
  15. because some of it is funded by the military, in which succeeded in breeding the type of men we saw crawling up the walls of the capital https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military-entertainment_complex
  16. Isn’t this literally Five Below’s model lol People on nextdoor are missing Publix on that Skyview Plaza like crazy. Hopefully this is a good replacement
  17. Looks like it!!! What’s an Orlando building without popsicle sticks somewhere
  18. No way this is real pleaseeee my emotions are going all over the place with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYFUxdvyz2w
  19. “$1,200 a month for a studio” LMAO I can literally rent or buy a house and pay that amount as rent/mortgage. And it’s not even a regular studio, it’s a college dorm style living. That’s what’s killing me $1200 for what will probably be gypsum board floors and walls is literally ridiculous. Some of my friends and cousins have had to leave their apartments because they got laid off and can’t pay $900 rents even with unemployment money and stored savings. Therefore, is there even a market for this right now? I'm just so over the whole “overpaying for mediocre housing” that has become so prevalent in Florida lately
  20. 7 days of sale left at the JCPenney. Most of the store is empty
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