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Posts posted by nashmoney

  1. 14 minutes ago, dragonfly said:

    I guess I'm not understanding the resistance to a major convention that would be much less disruptive than a grand Prix or the NFL draft. Back in '92 Houston hosted the R convention and I don't remember a smidgeon of resistance among the populace. I was living about 2 miles from the city center, and noticed no escalation in traffic, inconvenience, or chaos. For comparison, Houston metro population was at that time about 3.5M, half what it is now. It was less busy with the RNC convention than when 2 Super bowls came here, and it seems like many in Nashville want a  Super Bowl bad enough to tear down a perfectly good stadium to get it. As for getting it, I don't.

    Security and cost issues in a short period of time they had to plan 

    Cooper spokesman TJ Ducklo responded that the mayor’s office understands the “feelings of disappointment” but that Cooper could not get past questions about security. 

    “Mayor Cooper has raised concerns about the cost and security risks of hosting either party’s convention since this topic was first raised, and those concerns unfortunately were not fully addressed,” Ducklo said in a statement.


    House Majority Leader William Lamberth, a Portland Republican, also weighed in with disappointment. 

    “Nashville’s leadership has failed again. Appreciate the few council members who saw beyond partisan lines and voted for what was right. The people of TN will remember this vote for a long time and so will I,” Lamberth said in a Twitter post.

    "Several forms of retribution have been floated, including pulling $500 million in bond notes for construction of a domed Titans stadium, a measure Sexton and many Republicans supported, stopping state participation on a Cooper-backed East Bank road project where major development is scheduled and even trying to cut the 40-member council in half."


    This article is from August 2022. Interesting Lamberth mentioned cutting funding for east Bank road development. 


    • Like 1
  2. Here we go again.... Smh. I guess they are following in the footsteps of Ron DeSantis. 

    All because of the RNC convention that Nashville did not want to host.

    Tennessee legislature hopes to pull the funding district for Nashville's convention center

    Quote from the article. 

    A spokesperson for Lt. Governor McNally said in part, "If Nashville wants to prioritize political posturing over prosperity for its people, that's their prerogative. But the state does not have to participate. If Metro has no interest in properly promoting convention tourism, they no longer require the special tax authority granted to them for that purpose," the statement reads. 


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  3. An article detailing the new art installation in the New grand lobby. Sounds pretty cool! Can't wait to see it in person. 

    From the article:

    "The new terminal art in Nashville International Airport’s grand lobby was created by Studio Gentilhomme, a digital art firm from Montreal, and features two panoramic screens, each 70ft wide at 24K combined resolution. The screens will display everything from local beauty spots to sports highlights and more. The idea is to show Nashville off at its largest door to the world."

    Scenes that will be displayed include but are not limited to:

    Guitar manufacturing

    A display explaining how whiskey is made.

    Nashville at night, going through the city’s skyline

    Broadway Street, Nashville’s town center thoroughfare

    Sports in Nashville that celebrates the city’s American football, soccer, hockey, baseball, and other sporting teams

    Nature scenes showing the nearby Great Smoky Mountains and many bodies of water


    Nashville International Airport Unveils New Art Installation


    • Like 4
  4. 1 hour ago, henburg said:

    The fascinating thing about this project for me personally is that I drive by it nearly every morning and night and yet I have literally never seen one person working on it. There is slow progress that is visible on the exterior now but I have never seen anybody actually working on the building or even hanging out on the site. It's like their contractor was the tooth fairy or something, it baffles me.

    Same lol. I worked in the bridgestone building for 3 years and never saw a soul. It's like they worked on it for 30 mins a day at midnight and that was it. 

    The owner must have deep pockets and very good patience. Property taxes, building materials, and labor have all gone up considerably since they first started on this 10 years ago. 

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, smeagolsfree said:

    Yes, 6 lanes already. Nothing new to see here. So why the state is making a big deal of it is sort of pointless over 6 lanes. It is more to the point of a slap in the face of what the state is planning with the loop around Downtown. A few new enhancements but does nothing to improve the routes into and out of the core. It just more of our Governor and the State legislators trying to stick it to Nashville. Again, the rural parts of the state are more important than the goose that is laying their golden egg and paying their salaries. You can put all the money you want into Podunk County TN you want too, but when the same pathetic state government closes their hospitals, and they don't complain that loudly and only want four lane roads in return then somethings wrong. Industry will not come to a place where the average education is less than a high school diploma, there is no health care, the state representative can't spell his name with the help of a dictionary. Where are the people in those counties moving???? they are going to where the jobs are, (cities) and they are staying in that county unless they are old and have nowhere else to go. From the last census 29 rural counties lost population and another 4 were flat. That is full a third of the counties in the state. Why would anyone throw good money after bad. If anything, some of these counties need to be consolidated into larger ones. At some point the state will end up having to bail some of these counties out because they will not have the tax base to pay for their upkeep. New roads and services will not help. 

    At some point it will be time to pay the piper and they will have found they have not only shot themselves in the foot once but emptied their entire AR15 magazine into their leg.

    I wonder if the politicians even know where the growth and declines are in the state. I was searching for population and demographic information and came across this site which seems to be fairly accurate using census data.

    It amazes me how there hasn't been any real infrastructure improvements and investments in alternate modes of transportation by the state in the last 40+ years. Yes we have had some widening and repavements here and there, but those things were already 10 years past due. I guess that's the pay as you go method. 



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  6. 4 hours ago, smeagolsfree said:

    Looks like you were in Page AZ. How bad was Lake Powell down?

    Looks as if you went to Antelope Canyon too. That is always a great trip no matter which side you go to. Sedona is a really neat place to visit as well. Hope you made it to Monument Valley, but that is a bit out of the way but well worth the trip.

    Great photos and wants to make me visit again......Actually move there! I love that area.

    Yes I stayed overnight in Page. Lake Powell was pretty low. I don't think it's at critical level yet, but could be by July 2023 they were saying.

    This was one of my top roadtrips. Lower Antelope Canyon was amazing. Weather was perfect in Dec, not too cold or too hot. 

    I definitely plan on doing another roadtrip starting in Salt Lake and visiting the parks in Utah. 

    Another good road trip I've done. Pacific coast highway. Flew into San Jose and drove the coast down to San Diego. Stayed in Monterey, LA, and San Diego. Beautiful going thru Big Sur. 

    • Like 3
  7. Wait...is this a state office building? I'm confused. Where are the balconies? I've never understood urban living without some kind of balcony or Juliette window. Just an enclosed cold gray concrete and glass box you're living in. 

    Looks depressing, because most time floor to ceiling windows do not open. They could have at least put more than one person in that render lol. 


    • Like 1
  8. Interesting read about the work being done in Chattanooga regarding 75/24 split. Are there any other states that are pay as you go like TDOT? 

    "Bradley said the reason for the separation of projects is that TDOT is a pay-as-you-go road builder and the overall project was too big to fund, so it was broken into manageable pieces." 

    "Over the past half-century, state and local officials on several occasions sought a fix for ongoing traffic problems at the interchange and its arteries, according to Chattanooga Times Free Press archives."


    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, nashville born said:

    In recent times, I've avoided this string because the lack of progress on this topic is utterly disappointing.  I have such visions of success for Nashville.  Mass transit and efficient traffic seem irreversibly banned from joining those visions.

    I agree! I find it hard to belive the downtown loop has not been updated (other than Bridge repair and paving) since it's inception. 40+ years later and here we are. One of the fastest growing cities in the nation for several years and nothing on interstate road improvements. 

    I guess landscaped exit and on ramps are out of the picture. FL and GA and even NC tend to do a good job with them in the core. Ours are only in expensive areas like Cool Springs and Brentwood. 

    It makes me think.... Do our politicians never drive on our roads or drive in rush hour in our major cities. They must take private jets or helicopters everywhere. 

    • Like 2
  10. 28 minutes ago, markhollin said:

    Skyview Apartments ion 9.44 acres at 307 Susannah Court in Sylvan Park will be overhauled.  The existing 89 units (built in 1979) will be razed, and a total of 187 new units in 3 & 4 story structures will be built. Skyview Apartments LP/Trent Development Group is in charge; Smith Gee Studio is the architect; Ragan Smith Associates will oversee engineering. The team will go before the Metro Planning Commission on Dec. 8 to seek a specific plan rezoning.

    More behind the Nashville Post paywall here:


    And at NBJ here:


    Skyview, Oct 27, 2022, render 1.png

    Skyview, Oct 27, 2022, render 2.png

    Skyview, Oct 27, 2022, diagram.png

    This screen shot from Smeagolsfree's excellent development map shows the site highlighted in teal at the center of the frame:


    These are currently affordable housing/ section 8 apartments. Wonder if the new developer will include some kind of affordable units below market rate. This flew under the the radar unlike the complex off of Dickerson Rd. 



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  11. Let's not forget about the FL statehouse... And the maximum security prison that sits behind it lol. And why would they put those ugly awnings on the capital windows. My guess to help with blocking the sun and keeping the building cooler. 

    Seriously, when I first saw the building, I was wondering why would they put a prison that huge in the middle of downtown Tallahassee. 

    FYI... The tall building behind the capital is not a prison, but a state office building. 


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  12. 1 hour ago, Nashvillain said:

    ^ Yes, please. Can we have this everywhere?

    I agree! I just hope they can maintain the landscaping planted in these areas. Metro has done a horrible job of planting nice medians and letting them become overgrown trash pits. The 28th Ave connector near One City and the Stix roundabout are a couple that come to mind. 

    Is it public works that's responsible for the upkeep? 

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