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Everything posted by CenterHill

  1. Thanks for that. I see now in the picture that there was a quarry. Curious, though, because Rose Park sits up on a hill today. Either the hill used to be a mountain or the quarry was completely backfilled.
  2. And would the large area of yellowed grass/snow just north of the reservoir be what is now Rose Park? I'm also curious about what looks like Church St with a long viaduct extending west over the gulch. Church St either used to be elevated much higher than today or there was a massive infill on the west side after the interstate came through.
  3. Frothy Monkey on 5th opened yesterday. Can I get an Amen?!
  4. Great article, Getahn. Interesting distinction on the type of hotels that would work in the Gulch. He's probably right that a Thompson or W would thrive in the Gulch and not be reliant on convention traffic.
  5. But both schools are growing, which is part of the "it city" dynamic that doesn't make many headlines. Lipscomb has expanded, too, with millions spent on land acquisition, new academic buildings, School of Pharmacy and residential buildings in the last 5-10 years. Since Belmont's break with the Baptists and attainment of university status, they have exploded with an expansion of academic offerings (music business, new law school) and campus amenities. But the architecture on the two campuses is night and day. Lipscomb has gone with a conservative functional scheme. Belmont has embraced the early 20th century grand academic design and has pulled off some stunning buildings. When parents bring their kids to tour, Belmont is hoping to blow them away. Doing a good job.
  6. Awesome. Belmont just keeps bringing it. Quite a collection of domes they're getting over there.
  7. Workers were on top of (in) the flying saucer today and got the blinking lights going again. I'm picturing an extension cord.
  8. our arcade Walgreens just shriveled up into a fetal position...
  9. Thanks. That's an impressive list in a relatively small geographic area. Incredible how much is happening, or about to happen! When you think about how little of that was conceived 2-3 years ago (heck, how much was on the drawing board even 1 year ago), it highlights my point about the unused space around James Robertson Pkwy. All of that activity, which doesn't even include the North Gulch, will almost certainly spill over and begin to fill in empty lots and underutilized buildings. Bring it on!
  10. Good article, WW, highlighting the Germantown/Salemtown buzz. Help me with the project count for the 9 proposed multi-residential-unit buildings in Germantown. Last paragraph suggests that the Germantown count does not include projects in Salemtown (of which there are several under construction or proposed), First TN Park (Sounds/Embrey) and 909. Under construction includes Werthan Flats, Co-Housing, Lexus and Square at 4th. Last week's 6th & Taylor announcement would be one of the 3 adaptive reuse projects. For proposed multi-unit, I know of these. Clearly I'm missing some Broadstone Gramercy RD Herbert Morgan Park Place expansion (mixed use) HG Hill (maybe, although nothing currently proposed)
  11. Demand for rental units is peaking. In a hot market, you're going to have a mix of high end developers delivering quality product and carpet bagger "developers" throwing up cheap crap trying to flip it quickly. The renters will be there for both types. So, how do we limit the latter? I'd really like to know what you guys think because we're getting a lot of the crapola.
  12. I thought that was one of the intersections proposed to be realigned in SoBro. Must not be or Matthews wouldn't have located there.
  13. I'm guessing the same architect who designed the Babylonian ziggurat at Hillsboro/Overhill?
  14. To use a term of architectural critique, that's butt-ugly. Article is behind paywall - is this the one going in at 19th/Belcourt?
  15. True, but check that aerial again in 5 years when the effects from HCA/NW Mutual, the ballpark, Embrey, 909 and all the Germantown projects start being felt.
  16. The amphiteater seating capacity could have been larger if the stage had been sited further north (left in rendering). It could have had a large open lawn and held several thousand more for larger shows. The architects went for a more intimate and comfortable viewer experience by moving the stage to the center of the lawn with sloped and terraced seating. Right now the hillside is being reshaped to create "the bowl" feature in the rendering. I realize this is the ballpark thread, but the topic shifted to outdoor venues.
  17. BMI is surrounded by a couple of acres of parking lots fronting the roundabout and Division. Would have made an ideal location for a Virgin hotel, don't you think?
  18. We saw a site plan for the Broadstone apartments a while back. Wonder if it's still the same plan.
  19. Very dense. Hard to see how 21 townhomes will fit on those two lots. I predict they will sell fast.
  20. Hope they're using plenty of rebar to withstand the blasting and 2 story hole that's about to start a couple feet away.
  21. yep....and in a great location! 6500 capacity. Richard Branson trying to buy it...
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