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Everything posted by wrldcoupe4

  1. From an airport perspective, does Richmond really compete with Norfolk and vice versa?
  2. It will never get filled to the same if it comes down.
  3. Think this is accurate Honestly. They would make more money giving the site away for a dollar.
  4. Don’t they let them swing, particularly on high wind days? It’s breezy here.
  5. They are starting to clear trees at the corner of Thompson and Grove for the new multifamily project there.
  6. Kickers would draw double with a proper facility…
  7. Summer 2024 https://masterplan.vcu.edu/implementation/planning-phase-projects/costar-center-for-arts-and-innovation/
  8. To be fair, there wasn't to be any office space phase I of the project, so office demand has basically zero impact on the project commencing. As a refresher, Phase I was to consist of the stadium, about 1,200 residential units (rent and purchase), a 180 key hotel, and retail space (plus parking for all of the above). Future phases would include office. Hotel demand is strong, so not really an issue there. Retail space will fill at that location. Residential demand isn't like it was a year or two ago, but also shouldn't be an issue at this project.
  9. 1650 Willow Lawn Drive is for sale. It's about a block from the Willow Lawn Pulse stations. Scrape and do a park & ride with ground floor commercial space or something above.
  10. The original project was for sale condos (and office and hotel and etc etc eventually)? The for sale residential condo market was wiped out the last recession and never really rebounded well in Richmond it seems. Maybe the market was never really ready to absorb that many for sale units? maybe they never intended to build it and proposed the big project to jack up the value of the land to sell it on? Maybe no one bit and they decided to do something smaller? Maybe just priorities changed? I’m not sure how active they’ve been in the past decade based on their website (which isn’t necessarily an accurate depiction) everything else they did in Richmond was pretty modest, too. https://www.goodsteindevelopment.com/properties/
  11. Dominion has sold a lot of its gas transmission business the last few years. Haven’t heard anything about its electric utilities though. https://news.dominionenergy.com/2023-09-05-Dominion-Energy-Advances-Business-Review-Announces-Agreements-to-Sell-Gas-Distribution-Companies-to-Enbridge but I can’t imagine a buyer of Dominion would care much about the land around their building. If they were to actually ever be acquired I would envision a smaller footprint in Richmond. Why would a buyer ever want the land?
  12. Agree it would be a huge mistake. Not opposed to an occasional closing but nothing permanent.
  13. https://www.vcuhealth.org/community-memorial-hospital/patients-and-visitors/maps-and-directions
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